I don’t like monetizing hunting, but imo Rinella is actually far less offensive in that regard than others. Rinella got to where he is by making good entertainment. His stuff is undeniably good. He was the first articulate, well educated tv hunter who came along at the right time and illustrated us in a manner that didn’t make us seem like trailer park bubbas. I appreciate that.
Imo, the real offenders are the Newbergs of the world, taking money to promote tags, and blasting the endless how to’s on YT. Imo, they have a bigger negative impact than Rinellas style of entertainment. How to apply here, how to hunt otc, how to draw this tag. That’s the crap I despise. That’s what clogs trailheads, accelerates point creep and directly kills draw odds. No one has to learn the hard way anymore. Newberg and the boys broke down the learning curve. And here we are.