Mammoths ....... in Yellowstone?

Its interesting to note that after the Clovis hunters disappeared (along with the Mammoths, Dire Wolves, giant Camels, Sloths, and mega bison), the native Americans started showing up about 1,000 or so years later and used many of the exact same hunting camps as the Clovis. Fire rings in the exact same locations with some feet of dirt and a black mat layer (likely ash from an impact that killed the mega fauna). I was listening to an archeological podcast and they were trying to figure out why and how this happened. I was thinking, "clearly, these archaeologists have never been hunting. What made a good location for a hunting camp for the Clovis, also made a good hunting camp 1,000 years later: proximity to water, natural shelter from the wind, good hunting close by but not too close, sun in the morning, shade in the afternoon....." -seemed rather obvious to me.
Yes! Lol

We take it for granted that others should know as much about animals and hunting - my current wife that didn’t grow up in a hunting family is always amazed at the breadth and depth of all the things hunters know. “How do you guys know all this?” :-)
have a mammoth's tooth in my office. I found it on a spoil island in Tampa Bay 40years ago. That was the 1980s...when they were still concerned about the next Ice Age they were warning about in the 70s. Climate change is nothing new. It's what makes it a planet not just a big rock. Problem is too many people...
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My FIL and I skinned, caped, and butchered a couple bison with the aid of one guy at the locker just sharpening knives as they got dull. I cannot fathom how folks did this at scale with stone blades and without electric tools.
The Meateater guys actually did this in conjunction with some archeologists on the North Bridger Bison ranch a year or so ago. Here’s the paper written on it:

and probably more entertaining, here’s the video:
The Meateater guys actually did this in conjunction with some archeologists on the North Bridger Bison ranch a year or so ago. Here’s the paper written on it:

and probably more entertaining, here’s the video:
I wonder as too the butchering process, the video is informative and using Stone Age tools in a modern approach. It definitely shows this task was not a one man show then or now.
I've always dreamed of seeing a mammoth. Hopefully, scientists will be able to clone them. I've heard that an elephant can give birth to a mammoth with the help of scientists.