Grizzlies in the bighorns

Didn't do that. It was ice and boogie home. Really all I've done is drive through, buy ice and gas, and steal WiFi. And avoid the all the g bears.
Add it to your list for next time...After a week of hunting, eating protien bars, and freeze dried its hits the spot.
From the article “The Bighorn Mountain Range is not suitable habitat and the department is not interested in allowing grizzly bears to occupy this area,”....what does that mean? The Cloud Peak wilderness area is nearly 200,000 of prime griz habitat (so they're lying?)...and will the department violate the ESA and kill them against federal law?
No. But I certainly don't want to spread "fake news" or offend anyone. Not my intention.

Oh, I didn't think you were. I thought the article's author is perhaps guilty of a little sensationalism, but in journalism these days that's what sells I suppose. No harm no foul, and I didn't mean any offense, apologies if it came off that way.
From the article “The Bighorn Mountain Range is not suitable habitat and the department is not interested in allowing grizzly bears to occupy this area,”....what does that mean? The Cloud Peak wilderness area is nearly 200,000 of prime griz habitat (so they're lying?)...and will the department violate the ESA and kill them against federal law?
It means the area is unsuitable due to the amount of human/bear conflict that would take place.

I read it as the bighorn are unsuitable because.... "suitable habitat exists as designated by the USFWS and informed by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Study Team. "

It would seem the feds think the bighorns are unsuitable habitat
From what I have seen of the Big Horns and being a novice as to Grizzly Bear habitat sure looked to me like it would be a suitable area for them. Perhaps the fish and game folks don’t want them bears a competing with the big foots population.
Oh, I didn't think you were. I thought the article's author is perhaps guilty of a little sensationalism, but in journalism these days that's what sells I suppose. No harm no foul, and I didn't mean any offense, apologies if it came off that way.
Group hug :ROFLMAO:
If they are around tensleep then definitely in the bighorns! That’s some rugged/remote country.
THIS! we hunted the bighorns in 2018, and I wouldn't doubt one bit that there are a few in there making home to it. We werent allowed to go into the wilderness area (non residents), but there is plenty of country for them to make a "home"
Now now. I was told by Randy Newberg and the experts on hunttalk that this administration was good for public land hunters. Exactly the type of leadership hunters needed. Adults back in charge.
Especially Deb Haaland. Bha approved.

She appears to woefully incapable of doing her job (of course we all know she is just acting)