The older I get, the more I……

Will be 60 in two months. The older I get the more intentional I am in making positive contributions to just about everything I am involved in as an antidote to the nastiness that is growing out there. Attacking everyone you disagree with is a stressful way to live. It helps to have two teenaged boys to set an example for
The older I get the easier it is to write a check for someone else to do a house or car repair.
Dead-on balls accurate @Snowwolfe and could not have said it better myself.

I'm not quite to the point where I won't change fluids like engine and transmission oil, but anything more than that is going to my mechanic.

To wit: Earlier this month I needed to replace the power window motor/regulator in my wife's Highlander. Not remotely difficult (maybe 3-4 hours time since I had not done it before) but I just did not have it in me. Took it to my mechanic and in about 1.5 hours, it was done and done right and I handed him a check for $120 and thought that's the best $120 bucks I've ever spent. :LOL:
