Grizzlies in the bighorns

Especially Deb Haaland. Bha approved.

She appears to woefully incapable of doing her job (of course we all know she is just acting)
Is she in charge of the department? LOL ..OH.....she worked WITH the people in her department. They don't work for her? Hmmmm.....the deputy must have done it and she can't speak on that? OMG...

Now I don't follow politics closely enough, and I realize there is corruption on both argument there. BUT...DAMN....this was painful to watch. CLUELESS
From what I have seen of the Big Horns and being a novice as to Grizzly Bear habitat sure looked to me like it would be a suitable area for them. Perhaps the fish and game folks don’t want them bears a competing with the big foots population.

Considering their historic range is as far south as Mexico and as east as Iowa, yeah I think it could all be considered 'suitable'. It's the conflict with humans that would be problematic.
I’m not defending Haaland’s performance, but grizzly bears are such a tiny aspect of the Department of Interior. Its political posturing at best. If the Senator really wanted to talk to someone who should know and who has the direct capacity to enact results, he would have been deposing Martha Williams.
I’m not defending Haaland’s performance, but grizzly bears are such a tiny aspect of the Department of Interior. Its political posturing at best. If the Senator really wanted to talk to someone who should know and who has the direct capacity to enact results, he would have been deposing Martha Williams.
Except she has been asked these questions multiple times. She is either incredibly stupid or acting incredibly stupid (it's probably the latter).

There is a reason eco ngo's and people like Deb Haaland don't want Grizzlies removed from the ESA.
Thanks, I’m quite aware of that.

Also pretty certain you missed my point.
I didn't miss your point. Fact is she's been asked multiple times about Grizzlies, yet she still knows nothing about the recovery goals or plans. She wasn't prepared for the hearing, obviously.

I'm sure you're also quite aware of that though
Is she in charge of the department? LOL ..OH.....she worked WITH the people in her department. They don't work for her? Hmmmm.....the deputy must have done it and she can't speak on that? OMG...

Now I don't follow politics closely enough, and I realize there is corruption on both argument there. BUT...DAMN....this was painful to watch. CLUELESS

Lol. Just stumbled upon this, thought it was too good not to share in light of haaland's "performance" shared above.