Killed a Bighorn Sheep solo at 13k. Fitness programs available no charge


Jun 1, 2013
Hi, Tommy. I am interesting in improving myself and would appreciate you sharing your fitness program. It's January, so plenty of time for me to review the information and give it a try. I'm planning an elk hunt for September and am always open to trying something different.

@TommyTheCat5150 - I am still interested and would appreciate you sharing your knowledge. Feel free to send me a PM if you’d like.



Oct 10, 2019
I like high rewards.

I am unsure of what a walking sprint is?
Do I do what you described ahead of my normal exercise or in place of?
My speed walk / walking sprint is actually impressive. I’d challenge a lot of people to a race- my speed walk sprint to their jog. I’m happy to share my secret recipe


Feb 21, 2016
Texas & Alaska
Walk every morning before eating for 30 min to 60 min. The key is understanding how walking can be used to stretch and lengthen your stride, hamstrings, hip flexors and quads. You'll also be strengthening your ankles, calves and all the ligaments that connects the ground to your pelvis. Start at a moderate pace but incorporate walking sprints in every 2 min or so. This being done on an empty stomach will boost your metabolic rate and give you a high reward, low risk exercise. Eventually get a weighted vest or use a pack that's 20-30lbs. This will help with weight

Are "troll jobs" what you keyboard clowns give to each other cuz your wives won't bang you anymore with your C-pap masks?

This was cute for a while…
Son, take a breath, step back, and realize you moved into a house where others have been living long before you got here.

We all have experiences. Some more than others. Listen more than you speak. Take your licks and move on. Many of us have put a foot in mouth. I did. You can look back through my posts and find it.

You got called out. Put up or shut up.


I thought this picture of me eating my Iowa deer tag was appropriate here. BTW, I don’t hide behind my keyboard.



Jun 24, 2022
SE Flo-Ree-Duh

Good for you. I don't really care to be honest. I fought MMA for a decade with tremendous coaches and spent hundreds of hours with top level trainers. Im trying to be positive on this forum with a post(offered free) and met with haters within an hour. I hunted my bighorn for 16 days in a row. Carried 38lbs daily and climbed to 13500ft daily. No injuries, no twisted ankles, no knee pain no shoulder pain. Yall are haters and you know it. Im a new guy to the forums and just learned that there are plenty of bottom feeders here just like on the mountain.
How old are you son ? Your accomplishments are to be commended , but you have a lot to learn . Raised by your mom ? No dad ?
We all have major accomplishments and we are proud too . Mine are many , while maybe being pedestrian compared to the group you've addressed so poorly , I am just as proud of them as you are yours .
Now stick around and learn , don't get mad , it's all in good fun trust me .

Unless you're just trolling , then KUDOS ! Great job !

PM me for more advice , free of charge .