Jump rope for cardio, conditioning, and full body strength to be a better hunter

If you want to see what can be done with jump rope check out Olympic wrestler Buddy Lee on youtube.
My kids laugh when I told them I kept a jump rope journal of every jump the summer going into 7th grade. Just an old 1/2” hunk of rope with knots on the end. It helped get me from being the non athletic last pick at kickball kid, into 5 HS sports and away from a couple friends starting the weed.
54 now and have a couple ropes that mostly gather dust. Rouge speed rope works great for a few double unders.
That's awesome. I have no doubt it made you athletic. It's an activity that's relatively high intensity and requires sustained coordination.
Awesome post, thanks for sharing! With gyms closed I also had lost some fitness. Now my fiancée and I hold each other accountable to home workouts (burpees, squats/lunges, and kettlebells mostly) three times per week and running on off days. Gonna have to look into getting some jump rope into the mix as well.
Awesome post, thanks for sharing! With gyms closed I also had lost some fitness. Now my fiancée and I hold each other accountable to home workouts (burpees, squats/lunges, and kettlebells mostly) three times per week and running on off days. Gonna have to look into getting some jump rope into the mix as well.

I added some sessions with a weighted rope to my routine, it was brutal at first, but a great add. I started with a 1/2 pound rope, it was humbling.
I've heard that jumprope is incredible for cardio - very efficient. Intrigued by the weighted ropes
Based on this thread I going to start a jump rope routine. Kick my butt after 2 separate 5 minute jumps. Kind of sad on my part. Thanks for the inspiration.
I have the crossrope set and I only use the 1/2lb white rope. Once you get use to one, it’s really hard to do it well with a different weight. Also I agree that the 2lb one is like swinging an anaconda. Freaking ridiculous hard but it’s supposed to be more for muscle building than weight loss. I generally JR with the 1/2lb for 15 minutes taking breathers as needed. I do this before a normal lifting workout to get my heart rate up. It’s a good medium weight rope and it’s not too bulky. doing crosses and double unders are very doable.

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I like the jump rope. Recently I’ve begun starting and ending my strength training with a jump rope session of short sprints.

I take a few double hops to get the rope moving and then go into alternate high stepping for 24 steps - breathe in, 2,3,4, breathe out, 6,7,8. Repeat that three times as fast as possible, knees as high as possible, then rest a minute.

I keep this up for about 15 minutes. I’ve never counted how many I get done in that time.

I agree about Buddy Lee if you want to learn advanced techniques.
A year and a half later and I still stand behind everything I said. My minimum daily workout is

10 minutes warm up. Jump rope, light stretching, massaging, hydrating.
12 minute HIIT JR/abs workout w/ 1/2 lb rope (linked)
100 pushups, reps to near failure

Occasional weight training or extra calisthenics on days I feel like it. Never figured I'd be a broad shoulder, square pec, 6 pack abs sorta dude, but that's what happened. Consistency really is key, and with a fairly clean diet, anyone will see results. I'll occasionally miss days, but I don't really beat myself up over it if I do. I find if I just overcome the biggest hurdle of picking up the rope and doing a few reps, I can get through the rest and bang it out in a 40 minute tv episode.

JR/Abs workout video here
The Crossrope app used to be better IMO, they had lots of workouts of up to 40 minutes that were jump rope specific workouts, it would just let you know when to change ropes and was basically a timer but I really liked it when I wasn’t feeling very motivated, I’d just pick a workout and do it.

Seems like they changed it so there are no more rope specific workouts, everything has air squats and burpees and shit in it which is fine but if I’m jumping rope, it’s just for some extra conditioning, not my entire routine so I just want to jump rope.

Additionally, Crossrope made it so to access most of the app you have to pay and it’s not really cheap (not terrible but still) at 60 bucks a year?

The original cross rope sucked, the ropes were stiff and the design wasn’t great, when they came out with the ropes that could handle outdoor use back in ~ 2013/14, that was groundbreaking (for me) I’d go to parks and run hills, do pull-ups and jump rope on tennis and basketball courts, it was great.

Now I think I have like 3 sets of their handles and several ropes, like at least 7 different weights of ropes. I still use it but I use a different timer app or will do a quick 10 mins after other workouts. I wish they didn’t change their color scheme to that gayish baby blue and teal.
Still going after it and liking the routine so far. Feeling better even with the short time. Decided to get some better ropes. This thread has now cost me $200. Hopefully I can post again a year down the road as the OP did stating that I'm still doing the JR routine.
Still going after it and liking the routine so far. Feeling better even with the short time. Decided to get some better ropes. This thread has now cost me $200. Hopefully I can post again a year down the road as the OP did stating that I'm still doing the JR routine.
Hell yeah buddy! Keep it up. I believe in you!
Very interesting. I drew a Utah sheep tag for one of the most rugged units in the lower 48. I’m 51 and am starting an intense workout routine. I’m adding jump roping to my workout. Thanks