Lessons Learned by a Rookie Sheep Hunter

Thanks - I'll give it a go next time. That's the beauty of this site, always learning something. I was not hunting in a very good caribou area and ended up out doing the 2 caribou hunters in camp. Definitely a gift from above
Thermacell ? or at least the Coleman bug wicks that are spiraled and can break off as needed
Enjoyed reading the posts. Very nice insight and helpful as I am preparing to hunt with Gana River in August.
Enjoyed reading the posts. Very nice insight and helpful as I am preparing to hunt with Gana River in August.

Sweet! You are in for a trip of a lifetime. Feel free to PM me with any questions. Heading back to Gana the first week of September for Moose/Caribou.

Good luck.

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Horses don't suck if you know how to handle and ride them. You are supposed to be the one in charge of what the horse does or does not do. The horse isn't going to think for you. I suggest getting acquainted with horses if you are going to ride them on a hunt...it's time and money well spent.
I have been on 3 horseback sheep hunts. I’m not scared of horses but they are dangerous animals no matter your experience level. On all 3 hunts the guides/outfitters/wranglers were all experienced horsemen. And on all 3 hunts there were many rodeos where someone could have been badly hurt or even killed.
Horses are fantastic, but either you control them or they control you. Have seen more than enough horse wrecks but I have never considered a horse a dangerous animal, they are to be respected and considered stupid at the same time.