JRE w/ Cam and Steve

That's a reasonable goal and one I'm fully in favor of achieving. I gladly donate money to RMEF, WSF, and other conservation groups that have a constructive, positive message and agenda.

I generally take exception to having to automatically support someone who hunts and has a big platform. Oftentimes they're causing as much harm as they are good. Joe Rogan as an example falls firmly into that category for me. (I typically like his show and listen a fair amount)
Joe Rogan falls into the category of causing as much harm as good for the hunting community? I’m not seeing that from my end. I’d say he’s opened more eyes to the good of hunting than just about anyone. Put it this way, would you rather he and his platform be anti-hunting? It doesn’t mean you have to agree with all he says but I’m really glad he hunts.
I'm not sure why when it comes to hunting we all automatically have to support each other. It doesn't compute for me. Some of the biggest egotistical a-holes I know are hunters and they certainly aren't doing us any favors. Plenty of hunters are poachers, law breakers, sociopaths, and fame seekers. It's like we're all walking around with "Hunter Club Member" cards in our pocket and the moment someone whips out the membership card they're automatically off limits and a "brother" or something.

Me: "That guy sucks as a human."
Friend: "Well he IS a hunter too don't ya know. Look at his Instagram, BIG BULLS!"
Me: "Oh crap, why didn't you say so sooner! Let's invite him to Thanksgiving and maybe see if he'd like to hang out with my wife when I'm not home."

You can make all the asshole parodies you want. They speak more about you than the topic.

No matter what you think of their personalities, mannerisms, methods, ideologies or ways they make a living. None of these three individuals have done anything but promoted hunting and portrayed it in a mostly favorable light. There are plenty of low class slob hunters out there same as any other demographic. And yes there are hunters, influences, personalities, etc that deserve criticism and to be ostracized, but blanket condemnation is just stupid and intellectually laziness.
You can make all the asshole parodies you want. They speak more about you than the topic.

No matter what you think of their personalities, mannerisms, methods, ideologies or ways they make a living. None of these three individuals have done anything but promoted hunting and portrayed it in a mostly favorable light. There are plenty of low class slob hunters out there same as any other demographic. And yes there are hunters, influences, personalities, etc that deserve criticism and to be ostracized, but blanket condemnation is just stupid and intellectually laziness.

Of the three I’d say Steve has done the best at showing hunting in a positive light for non-hunters. I understand some good had come of it. And perhaps I’m lumping these 3 in with the rest of em.

BUT, the resource that is wildlife is finite and as of late the pressure put on it as at an all time high. The difference from 10 years ago is night and day. Opportunity WILL continue to decrease and it is a direct result of over promotion of the resource. I’ll be fine since I have reliable whitetail access, a decent enough points stash, and enough money to buy a hunt here and there. But that isn’t true for a lot of people and the opportunities for the next generation will be less.

The idea that “I hunt and you should too!” is flawed. The pie simply isn’t big enough.
Sadly, that ain’t happening. Even here on Rokslide what is it about 50/50? Half feel the need to support the big picture of hunting and half will only support something if it benefits them with an opportunity/tag in hand. That’s been well documented throughout past threads.

I think we are allowed to have private conversations within the hunting fraternity and different conversations publicly. We should be allowed to internally debate the ethics etc of what we do and how we do it without affecting the public 100% approval of all things hunting.

We often let our private conversations bleed out, which has a detrimental affect.

We should want to make ourselves better, not have someone else’s idea of “better” imposed on us. We seem to think that the former is the same as the latter - it isn’t.

In the old days (just post-WWII) the East African Professional Hunters Association debated stuff like this and set a standard still in place today across East Africa. They were gentlemen all, and were very effective at creating and maintaining policy, to the point its members were granted honorary game warden status.
Opportunity WILL continue to decrease and it is a direct result of over promotion of the resource
While people are complaining about this, they’re losing focus of the more important battle. Some people don’t want you to hunt anything at all. Even though it may hurt to have more hunters in the field, it is for the greater good. Remember when CO wasn’t full of anti hunters? Remember when they weren’t voting on eliminating cat hunting and naming wolves? The majority usually wins. Hopefully you see my point.
While people are complaining about this, they’re losing focus of the more important battle. Some people don’t want you to hunt anything at all. Even though it may hurt to have more hunters in the field, it is for the greater good. Remember when CO wasn’t full of anti hunters? Remember when they weren’t voting on eliminating cat hunting and naming wolves? The majority usually wins. Hopefully you see my point.

Your point is 100% valid. I have no doubt about the anti-hunt contingent.

That being said, between 2015-2018 I drew a quality LQ tag in WY with 5 points and two General tags. I’m very fortunate. Just a few years later that same LQ unit is 11 points and a General is what, 5-6? In no time flat the landscape changed.

I’m hoping to pull a pretty quality CO elk tag with 12 points. A few years ago that tag took half as many points.

A hunt I apply for in AZ, not even a good one, odds decreased in half in 2 years.

These aren’t once in a lifetime hunts. Pretty mid tier stuff. A guy starting out is screwed.

Those drastic changes in pressure and opportunity are more detrimental to hunting as a whole than antis. That’s just my personal opinion. My view and yours can both be true.
While people are complaining about this, they’re losing focus of the more important battle. Some people don’t want you to hunt anything at all. Even though it may hurt to have more hunters in the field, it is for the greater good. Remember when CO wasn’t full of anti hunters? Remember when they weren’t voting on eliminating cat hunting and naming wolves? The majority usually wins. Hopefully you see my point.
We will never be the majority. Heck, we won’t ever be 10%

Like it or not, our portrayal of hunting is more important than the raw number of hunters when it comes to the ballot box.
Of the three I’d say Steve has done the best at showing hunting in a positive light for non-hunters. I understand some good had come of it. And perhaps I’m lumping these 3 in with the rest of em.

BUT, the resource that is wildlife is finite and as of late the pressure put on it as at an all time high. The difference from 10 years ago is night and day. Opportunity WILL continue to decrease and it is a direct result of over promotion of the resource. I’ll be fine since I have reliable whitetail access, a decent enough points stash, and enough money to buy a hunt here and there. But that isn’t true for a lot of people and the opportunities for the next generation will be less.

The idea that “I hunt and you should too!” is flawed. The pie simply isn’t big enough.
I think hunting opportunities will only increase in coming years. Every generation goes outside less and likes to be uncomfortable less. Joe Rogan talking about how awesome it is, won't make that big of a dent in the millions of couch potatoes we have. Just wait until the stupid Apple goggles get really cheap. Nobody under 30 will leave their house anymore.
While people are complaining about this, they’re losing focus of the more important battle. Some people don’t want you to hunt anything at all. Even though it may hurt to have more hunters in the field, it is for the greater good. Remember when CO wasn’t full of anti hunters? Remember when they weren’t voting on eliminating cat hunting and naming wolves? The majority usually wins. Hopefully you see my point.

I think that if hunters are to "survive", we need to be critical of the turds show hosts, influencers and general hunters. The Matt Busbice, Josh Bowmars and Tim Wells of this world are encouraging hunters to do dumb sh*t and they are 100% encouraging anti-hunters to hate us more.

Blowing up wildboars, spearing bears, spearing goats out of stock tanks, etc, and filming it is making us all look bad. Case and point, Josh Bowmar single handedly closed spear hunting in Alberta after posting ONE video of him hunting with legal means at the time.

I think hunters should 100% better police their ranks and put an end to what the hunting industry has become, which is commercial hunting. We have hunting celebrities like Matt Busbice encouraging people to do the dumbest stunts while hunting. It's almost like all the wanna be influencers are one upping each other to see how much people they can "shock".
I think that if hunters are to "survive", we need to be critical of the turds show hosts, influencers and general hunters. The Matt Busbice, Josh Bowmars and Tim Wells of this world are encouraging hunters to do dumb sh*t and they are 100% encouraging anti-hunters to hate us more.

Blowing up wildboars, spearing bears, spearing goats out of stock tanks, etc, and filming it is making us all look bad. Case and point, Josh Bowmar single handedly closed spear hunting in Alberta after posting ONE video of him hunting with legal means at the time.

I think hunters should 100% better police their ranks and put an end to what the hunting industry has become, which is commercial hunting. We have hunting celebrities like Matt Busbice encouraging people to do the dumbest stunts while hunting. It's almost like all the wanna be influencers are one upping each other to see how much people they can "shock".
I don’t disagree.
Yea, he admitted to having a Garmin Xero on his bow for a day in Utah. Then he was told that they were illegal and he couldnt use it.

Joe said something to the effect of going out for the day then getting told he couldnt have that sight and Hanes said something to the effect of, you were just practicing that day. I need to start classifying all my days of hunting and not killing something as "practice."
He's never flipped open a reg book in his life. Perks of being a guided brown belt lol
I certainly don’t agree with these three on everything, but at the fundamentals I think they are doing good things. Cam was on the leading edge of the back country hunting movement. Steve and Joe bridge to the left leaning folks that most issues are centered on and can only help. There are folks hell bent on stopping hunting and they are unified in states like my home state of CO as well as CA and WA. Any issues I have with these three are trivial compared to the real enemy.
I think that if hunters are to "survive", we need to be critical of the turds show hosts, influencers and general hunters. The Matt Busbice, Josh Bowmars and Tim Wells of this world are encouraging hunters to do dumb sh*t and they are 100% encouraging anti-hunters to hate us more.

Blowing up wildboars, spearing bears, spearing goats out of stock tanks, etc, and filming it is making us all look bad. Case and point, Josh Bowmar single handedly closed spear hunting in Alberta after posting ONE video of him hunting with legal means at the time.

I think hunters should 100% better police their ranks and put an end to what the hunting industry has become, which is commercial hunting. We have hunting celebrities like Matt Busbice encouraging people to do the dumbest stunts while hunting. It's almost like all the wanna be influencers are one upping each other to see how much people they can "shock".
100% agree.
There’s a massive difference between Keith Warren YouTube fudd-fantasy videos and Meateater where it’s 90% adventure/struggle and ends with the processing and a meal. I know which version I’d rather have represent the public face of hunting.
I certainly don’t agree with these three on everything, but at the fundamentals I think they are doing good things. Cam was on the leading edge of the back country hunting movement. Steve and Joe bridge to the left leaning folks that most issues are centered on and can only help. There are folks hell bent on stopping hunting and they are unified in states like my home state of CO as well as CA and WA. Any issues I have with these three are trivial compared to the real enemy.

Not to nitpick (I agree with you) but they are in EVERY state, even the good ol boy ones like ID and so on.

We really need to rethink the "come and take it" and "live and let live" mottos.
Not looking to stir up a hornet’s nest. I do believe that we need to have this conversation. Being afraid to talk about something because it may ruffle some feathers, is cowardly in my opinion.

My point is that I’m starting to see some of these “influencers” actually influencing in a positive (to me) way. Unlike their previous influencing of spot burning and the like.
You do realize much like Rogan, Rinella, and Hanes who like to ego-stroke, the same can be said for RokSlide where it is a common group supporting similar ideologies. While it is a great place to acquire info, other sources are necessary because I often identify similar biases being conveyed
You do realize much like Rogan, Rinella, and Hanes who like to ego-stroke, the same can be said for RokSlide where it is a common group supporting similar ideologies. While it is a great place to acquire info, other sources are necessary because I often identify similar biases being conveyed
Valid point and one that I didn’t think about because besides listening to random podcasts, Rokslide is the closest thing to social media that I am a part of. I imagine there are others like me.
They both agreed that Washington are Oregon are the hardest elk hunting in the country. For a newbie like me, it was a bit discouraging...
Yep. If we spent as much time unifying as we do bickering as a group, then maybe we’d start winning this battle. The truth is that we are legitimately in a battle against a group that hates our way of life. And if we don’t get it together, we’ll likely be the last generation that gets to live this way of life.
Best thing I've read on here in months. I'm ready, the only hunter I have issues with are those who think they are entitled to everything and those that break the rules. Aside from that, any legal take of animals is fair game.
Let's start the movement. I'll even provide the spot for it although you may be standing in an open field.

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No denying Rogan's reach, my buddy owns a jiu jitsu gym and he calls Rogan "Oprah for middle aged men" they listen to Rogan's podcast to see what he's pumping or talking about. Then figure out how to make money with classes and memberships in their gym cause all these guys want to be Oprah