Idaho politicians at it again!


I wish the best for you all. I have hunted Missouri for 33 years and the MDC is largely envied by most who are familiar with it. They have protection from the legislature and governor and regularly run in the black verse every other branch of the state. However, this protection has created some pitfalls. You will always have individuals that manipulate the system when there are no checks and balances. In a perfect world, moral and ethical integrity should always trump greed and personal gain but it is so hard to find those individuals who possess the right traits. Keep fighting the good fight!
Signed and also called last week. I was polite and they listened intently. Calling really does make an impact, and we need one here!
Bumping this back up, this is a big deal guys. Even if you agree with some of the things they are pushing for...this is NOT the way to go about it. This is corruption, this is what happens when our politicians get elected with essentially no competition.

If you haven't already, please sign the petition, contact the governor, contact your something, if they steamroll us with this, what's next!?
That was kind of my point you have a good mix of both.

I've never seen an issue with LO tags. If anything it gives residents higher draw odds. But to each their own.

You are missing the big picture big time. This is all about taking opportunities away from the common man and catering to the big money types. If you support that, go join SFW. Those are the ones pushing this. They want idaho to give them tags that they can sell back to the public and launder most of the money for their own bullshit. Idaho will go to the dogs if the politicians get their way. The NR hunters are the ones keeping the IDFG department afloat. Alienate them and they're screwed.
The bottom line is, Fish and Game surveyed sportsmen, sportsmen didn't want these changes. Several Commisioners spoke up for the Sportsmen when the Politicians tried to strong arm those commissioners have been shown the door so they can insert some "yes men" in their place.

This is Government Corruption, no other way around it. The Commision was put in place in the 1930s to keep politics out of Fish and our Governor and a few of his Cronies are bulldogging their way past it.

Even if you want Land Owner tags, Auction Tags or Preference points, this is a corrupt way to get it. Period.
And for the record, I'm not really against Auction Tags if they are administered by a legit Party (RMEF, WSF etc.) but this push is being backed by SFW which is corrupt to the core.