"Well you just go back"

We were glad to help out Htachie Dawg. It was a nice practice pack out for the grueling 15 hr, two cow pack out I did Saturday. Now, I think I am in shape for the mountains

Props to you Kevin. Squeezing out the time to bring the cavalry speaks volumes to me about yourself, your guys and your company.
I have a few photos to add . Note , when I have a mission , I tend to forget photo ops ( but I'm trying )

Jef , yes he's a pack animal and a great guy

Jeff the OP

My pack ... Sorry it's all I got and I never got a photo of Lucas . Admittedly I need to do a better job capturing photos
Great read! Thanks for taking the time to write it up and share. As a western hunter that lives in the East and is very passionate about my limited number of days to hunt each fall, I can related to everything you wrote about..... from being results driven to forcing myself to slow down and enjoy the adventure as well as the lessons learned. My western hunting passion keeps me motivated to work out and try to stay fit, which gets harder and harder later in life. Congratulations, you have accomplished a significant feat and have a lot to be proud of!
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Great write up! Glad you got er done. Super cool of those fellas to help you out like that.
Congratulations ! I suspect that you will be back. Kind of hard to get excited about eastern whitetail after you have hunted elk in the west. I'm planning two states and five tags for next year if I can pull it together.
You got that right. I almost have to force myself in the whitetail woods anymore and I used to eat, sleep and breath whitetail. They just don't pack the punch of the elk mountains.
Thanks for the additional pics Kevin and good to hear from you. I knew it was just a matter of time before your family started bringing home the meat. Send me a pic or two if you get a chance. Say hello to Ms Angie for me as well as Jef and Lucas if you get a chance. I still can't believe I got one. I have to go out in the garage and rub the antlers about every other day.....at least. You folks were a big part of a good memory. Thanks again.
First pack out

Second pack out

Owen near his cow

Side note: Owen is really getting it done. He isn't even 16 yet and will need two hands soon to count his wilderness elk. It was a really really early start that day

Prepping for last pack out , we had some help that came in and it was not hard one we got to a trail.

Overall it was a really really long day helping two youth . The second youth is really good kid that has a medical condition that necessitated the help coming in and an extra trip out / back in and also back up to the first spot to retrieve his pack
Thanks for the pictures Kevin. Owen is a fine looking boy and it sounds as if he is already becoming quite an outdoorsman. Looks like great family/friend time there...the best.

I want to say thanks to everyone for all the kind comments and the sharing of experiences and feelings. I like to show a picture of my elk as much as anybody (maybe more than most) but what is best about these forums is getting to share and re-live the hunt with people that do the same thing. Other than my wife there are about two people around home here that get what one of these hunts is and what it means to go and do. They are really the only guys I can share the experience with. Everyone else smiles and nods their heads but they have no idea.

You folks get it and it does me good to "talk" with the like minded. As some of you stated you could relate to everything I experienced, I also can relate to what you shared. It adds to the whole experience and goes all the way back to those first people dressed in skins gathered around a fire somewhere in our collective past.....but there I go again on a sentimental tangent.

Thanks for sharing my hunt and for what it's worth you folks may be right. I have not stopped training. Not sure why yet, but I have not stopped......something still lurking just under the surface that is hard to let go.
I think the season only "ends" if you let it. Most of these guys trying, shoot, scout and talk about hunting all year. Last season may be over for some and regardless if it was successful or not with harvesting an animal, you learn something every time you go out and this builds on your experiences. Unless you utilize this to prepare for the next season, that's when it's over, but only because you let it.