they'd love to ban predator hunting and wildlife management

I adgree with shrek. Llambs being led to slaughter. Because people are miss informed. They now no better. They only thing these people no is the concrete junkle they live in...
Better question is why Ryan Benson with Big Game Forever is the only ones following this. Good job Ryan.
Knowing what is going on is one thing....doing something about it is another.

How do we fight back?
#1 thing to do is vote . #2 call and email your representative and voice your opinion. They track who votes and how many messages they receive. Signing the petitions is great but an individual email and phone calls have a bigger impact Imo. Don't do business with people and companies that oppose your positions. Arm yourself heavily for the future...
All Federal land? What is Alaska just some kinda little cousin not worthy of consideration? Dang we got the lions share of open wild land with healthy non-introduced wolves.
I wouldn't take my family to such a rally. It sounds like a political event.

Good luck stopping trapping and hunting in Alaska!
How do we fight back? Shrek is on point, but you also need to be involved with groups/organizations that can leverage your time and $. It takes both as very few of us have time to individually track all these issues and there are many (and I mean many) groups aiming at eliminating hunting and guns. If you think that you will be unaffected, you live in a bigger dream world than you can possibly think. Arm yourself with good information from good sources and be able to speak intelligently to others and especially to your political representatives whom you should get to know. Yes this takes time, but if we don't take the time and think that someone else will "watch your back" then be ready to suffer the consequences of inaction. Good groups: SCI, Big Game Forever, NRA to start with. Whatever you do, don't act like a "jerk hunter" that the media and the antis love to paint us, but rather like a responsible, caring person who cares about the environment and the wildlife that inhabits it and that hunters are an important part of this picture. Also, just because you hunt with a bow exclusively doesn't mean that guns are something that can be forfeited as they aren't necessary in your small cave that you operate in. Last, but not least, think before you act or say something that you will later regret.
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What can we as hunters do to fight back?

How do we rally to stop them?

Good question.....and Kudos to Rob Denning for bringing this to the forefront...

Sportsmen everywhere need to wake up and realize there is serious pressure being applied against us in many different forms across the US- it isn't just a few whackos.

I've posted many updates on the fights going on across the US- primarily from SCI which in my opinion is the leading sportsmens advocate out there today- just go to their website and see the court battles they are in. Behind the scenes, [where they really shine] they are meeting with governors, senators and such and explaining how important sportsmen are to this country.
Really !? Why would people whose feet never leave the pavement and have no idea where their food comes from think that a pretty little fox is any different than their maltese named fifi ? Or that a bobcat is any different than their cat tigger ? It's evil people leading ignorant people , and there are a LOT of ignorant people in cities to vote for evil.

They tried that logic on us this weekend when we took our kids to the zoo. They tried to convince my daughter that a wolf is the same as a german shepard. Then they proceeded to ask her if she'd be sad if someone shot a german shepard.
If one can not attend what group is most actively fighting this issue? Should we throw some dollars at BGF or SCI to help on this one?
I wouldn't put much thought, belief or feeling into anything BGF is involved in. Pretty much a bunch of crooks themselves.
They tried that logic on us this weekend when we took our kids to the zoo. They tried to convince my daughter that a wolf is the same as a german shepard. Then they proceeded to ask her if she'd be sad if someone shot a german shepard.

That a big problem, that many don't realize. Cartoon movies portray animals as humanistic and our children relate to animals as if they're people instead of food, and resources. Don't let the liberal left indoctrinate our children.
I wouldn't put much thought, belief or feeling into anything BGF is involved in. Pretty much a bunch of crooks themselves.

That is a pretty bold statement in my mind. I would be interested in the supporting information and not just the normal internet BS that is floating about SFW and Don Peay. I'm not derailing this topic with crap like this. If you don't want to support BGF, fine, but many others find them to be an organization well worth supporting. BTW, send me a PM and I will give you an email address that we can discuss this if you want.

Sorry, but if you are going to buy this, I have a lot of swamp land in Florida next to Shrek for sale. I don't see this as an objective news article, but rather someone with an agenda against BGF. If you buy into the article, you are really supporting the pro-wolf cause. Understand the article, the people in the department believed that the money was adequately accounted for and a good investment. They should be the people that count.
If one can not attend what group is most actively fighting this issue? Should we throw some dollars at BGF or SCI to help on this one?

I can tell you SCI is on the front lines of these issues....and in court fighting them....on a weekly basis.

This link is a national update, the state chapter updates are more current.

There is a lot they do behind the scenes too which is really their strength. Our chapter is about 1/2 DIY guys with a % of high power world hunting types- and yes, some high fence guys. Heres the key, the powerful big money guys in SCI are as passionate about hunting rights as us DIY guys and they have the resources, political connections and just plain $$ to defend hunting- good guys to have on our side, for sure. One of our chapter guys has donated many hours of his and his law firms time to hunting issues. Nobody in our chapter takes any $$ for their efforts....all gratis. Best pure hunting org out there IMHO.
I'm not looking to get into a BGF or wolf argument here, but the release that Robby posted bugged me a bit. The fact that they got the NPS involvement wrong (unless somebody has another link that shows otherwise) irritates me. A letter that talks about federal gov't involvement with a bunch of antihunting groups grabs you way differently than just a meeting of antihunting wackos. I don't know if the misrepresentation was intentional on behalf of BGF or not, but it's poor form regardless to get information like that wrong.

Those asking what you can do to combat antis: Always tell the truth. Don't stretch a thing. Don't play to emotions. That's what the other side does. Always take the high road.
Those asking what you can do to combat antis: Always tell the truth. Don't stretch a thing. Don't play to emotions. That's what the other side does. Always take the high road.

That is just exactly what BGF does.

When BGF was rallying the troops and taking credit for not allowing wuffs in Baca Wildlife Preserve it was nearly too warped to even comprehend.