Idahoans do not like out-of-state hunters

Knock on wood, but in 3 trips to CO and 2 to WY I haven’t met an asshole yet. Even when killed the elk in my avatar and had to put his rack on top of my camper we made multiple stops in a large town to get gas, ice, food etc on the way out and each and every single local was as friendly as could be. Certainly never had a bad experience in the woods. But then again, most of the people I meet where I hunt are out of staters. I attribute it to the guys who could hunt hard but are residents do enough scouting to not have to venture into the hell holes, and the ones who don’t scout and won’t get off the roads don’t stand a chance to interact with me anyway.
People aren't becoming bigger assholes ...

Once you're an asshole, you're an asshole.

There's just more assholes, and fewer consequences.

So we were up in moscow for my nephews graduation last spring

I have ca plates on my truck, this turd college bro comes up and starts hassling me about how I better not move there and mess the place up more than it already is, I was in a good mood and just laughed it off.

As he’s walking back to his mall crawler jeep rubicon one of his cohorts says “dude you’re not even from here.” Gave me a good chuckle and reminded me that assholes move and some quickly become territorial

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As he’s walking back to his mall crawler jeep rubicon one of his cohorts says “dude you’re not even from here.” Gave me a good chuckle and reminded me that assholes move and some quickly become territorial

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Researcher #1: Professor, how do you explain this asshole phenomenon?

Researcher #2 : Is it like Weebles ...They wobble but don't fall down?

Professor: No, no, gentlemen! It's simply that assholes move and never chill out.

[Sorry, but your post gave me a flashback and sent me down a weird road ... LOL]
I’ve traveled a fair bit to hunt and fish, including Idaho. We hunted the Frank Church for several years and the residents were on horseback going miles beyond anything we hunted. They were always cordial when passing on the trail but there was one guide in there that puffed up on my buddy a bit. Turned out to be a fairly nice guy. Only taste of resident friction I had was in WY. Glassing antelope sitting out on a ridge with no two tracks within a quarter mile and here comes a Wyoming truck right beside us. Parked and glassed over our heads for about 5 minutes and drove away. Plenty of a-hole encounters with folks that had nothing to do with being nonresident or hunters but I think that’s life.
People are just starting to hate each other in general, and yea when they find out your from some where else, it’s just a “ bigger” reason to hate. Kinda like bow hunters vs black powder hunters here. Any, and I mean any reason to “ hate” each other is becoming more prominent ( normal) . We are losing ( lost) respect for one another.
People are just starting to hate each other in general, and yea when they find out your from some where else, it’s just a “ bigger” reason to hate. Kinda like bow hunters vs black powder hunters here. Any, and I mean any reason to “ hate” each other is becoming more prominent ( normal) . We are losing ( lost) respect for one another.
The family and I own a small 1400 acre farm in Colorado
and the locals really hate seeing our Texas plates up there in the 3rd season
on our alfalfa fields , the local community of Hesperus is suspicious anyway because we are not LDS and own the water to our land for irrigation and the bishop and family really don’t like outsiders hunting in his valley
so I completely understand some of the issues people have posted about
people covet others success
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People are just starting to hate each other in general, and yea when they find out your from some where else, it’s just a “ bigger” reason to hate. Kinda like bow hunters vs black powder hunters here. Any, and I mean any reason to “ hate” each other is becoming more prominent ( normal) . We are losing ( lost) respect for one another.

I believe this is a result of the “critical” studies that have pervaded education and have now bled into general society.
Nope. It aint crt. Guaranteed. Its just good old fashioned selfishnes.

50 year old dudes from Idaho weren’t taught “crt”. It’s just the same selfishness that has been with us since the beginning.

"People are just starting to hate each other in general..."

My comment was in regard to this specifically - not just us 50 year old Idaho dudes.

and yes, it is CRT -but not just the R - if you don't get that part, you need to. It's much bigger than the R - which is why I didn't mention the R specifically...

critical theory isn't only about race
I am not saying OP is making things up but when I read it this came to mind.

If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.​

Granted, I don't know anything about the OP either and whether he's in the right or the wrong, but this was also the first thing I thought of. I love this little anecdote and have shared it A BUNCH myself. Truer words...
If you think about it the Indians felt the same way when we moved in on their hunting grounds. The same way they greeted other tribes. The hard feelings approach didn't work out so well.
Like others have said give respect and typically receive respect. I have only had one guy I figure was just bitter with the world give me grief as a NR because I beat him to his spot 3 days in a row. He pulled up to let me know about it after I hiked out for the day. I just laughed it off and moved on. Plenty of places to hunt and no reason to have a bad day by someone else’s attitude. I typically meet really good people that like to talk about the days hunt
I've been multiple times and haven't had anything more than a couple of dirty looks.

People just aren't kind or good any longer in general. Sad but true.