Do you hunt or plan on hunting out of state?

Do you hunt out of state or are you planning to hunt out of state?

  • Yes

    Votes: 171 87.7%
  • No

    Votes: 24 12.3%

  • Total voters
Or maybe I am thinking of the family that I use to hunt with that can’t afford to hunt out of state and all they have is Utah. Seems pretty shitty for me to take tags from them so I can go hunt another state…odd concept.

Personally, I don’t want to hunt out of state. I apply because I have to if I want to hunt.

I am a pretty blunt person so I will call this for how I see it. You said it would increase opportunity for all but it seems like you want to increase your opportunity and disguise it as your thinking of others. Not buying it.
I am not trying to disguise anything. I flat out admit I want as much out of state opportunity as possible. At the same time others would get it as well. At the same time you want more resident tags so you can get more tags in your home state. We both want more tags, if you say otherwise, I'm not buying it.
Well boys this has turned into a circus, we will see you around on other threads. Good luck to all of you in the draws, including non resident draws!
I am not trying to disguise anything. I flat out admit I want as much out of state opportunity as possible. At the same time others would get it as well. At the same time you want more resident tags so you can get more tags in your home state. We both want more tags, if you say otherwise, I'm not buying it.
The only way to get more opportunities for all is to give out more tags. Changing allocations does not give people more opportunities.
Maybe the disconnect is I'm not seeing how many residents really want to hunt that can't get a tag.
I used to draw AZ archery elk about 50% so I'd hunt every other year on average. I'm 9 years out from my last tag at home and the one prior to that was I think 8. So yeah, if I want to continue to hunt elk I'm forced to seek out of state opportunities. We could hunt the Kiabab over the counter every year. Look what the outfitters bringing in non-res did there. The whole reason for the 90/10 we did decades ago was so we could continue to hunt at home. Now there's just way too many people res or non-res competing for tags.
I hunt in state and out of state when I draw tags but only about 50% of my hunting friends ever hunt out of state and when they do it is infrequently.
On my other thread, "why the non-resident hate, let's fix it." Many hunters want to decrease non-resident hunting even more than it is. My argument was to increase it everywhere and give everyone more opportunity instead of just hoarding your own state licenses. However, someone brought up a good point. Maybe lots of other people don't even care to hunt out a state which I personally don't get, maybe they don't have the money which is understandable. But I want to do a poll to see how many of us either hunt out of state or plan on hunting out a state.
I think I'm going to skip my annual out of state hunts this year. Seems to be too much NR hate on the internet, and threads being started about hate, too. All I read about is "hate, hate, hate". Thinking about changing my username and avatar to "He Hate Me". My feelings are now deeply hurt. This has really changed my mind about the whole experience. #Stayinghome. #HeHateMe.

You can vote in Utah, start increasing NR license allocations there since you are a stakeholder and have a say through your state's voting process and representative republic. Lead the way, pave the path, #MUTGA
Utah use to give out a higher percentage of non-resident tags but we needed 200 tags for conservation so they use some from the non resident pool.

Don't worry you can still draw them in a random draw at the expo and you can even believe that the extra money does so much more for conservation.

Win win right?

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Utah use to give out a higher percentage of non-resident tags but we needed 200 tags for conservation so they use some from the non resident pool.

Don't worry you can still draw them in a random draw at the expo and you can even believe that the extra money does so much more for conservation.

Win win right?

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What percentage is the 200 of the overall LE quota?

Do you know if each expo tag is designated as being from R/NR allocation beforehand, or is it based on the residency of who actually draws it?

I did a quick glance through the winners today, and it seemed like a much higher proportion of UT winners than in the past. @KickinNDishin and I were talking about what has caused that expo to grow a little every year and we both think the attraction to win something is the primary drive for attendees, then more vendors followed, then attendees, then vendors, etc.

I wish CO would do a mega license raffle like is done at the expo. Even though I forego entering, I'd spend the max for the same in CO.
What percentage is the 200 of the overall LE quota?

Do you know if each expo tag is designated as being from R/NR allocation beforehand, or is it based on the residency of who actually draws it?

I did a quick glance through the winners today, and it seemed like a much higher proportion of UT winners than in the past. @KickinNDishin and I were talking about what has caused that expo to grow a little every year and we both think the attraction to win something is the primary drive for attendees, then more vendors followed, then attendees, then vendors, etc.

I wish CO would do a mega license raffle like is done at the expo. Even though I forego entering, I'd spend the max for the same in CO.
Only reason I go is to get four more chances at a sheep tag. I about didn’t even pay to go into the expo this year.
Is it just me or does it seem like most of the moronic takes on here come from Utah guys… (sorry to the couple cool Utah guys)
Nah, lots of moronic statements in here. Utah is not the State I would pick out for the most morons. Like dealing with the idiots on the roadways. Let them pass, ignore them, ignore the comments and if you really have to comment, write a big long paragraph and clean all that anger and fire out. Purge that inner hostility. Get it all out of your system. Then read what your wrote, after you read it, then hit delete and never post it.

"Truth shall always be known, but seldom spoken!"
What percentage is the 200 of the overall LE quota?

Do you know if each expo tag is designated as being from R/NR allocation beforehand, or is it based on the residency of who actually draws it?

I did a quick glance through the winners today, and it seemed like a much higher proportion of UT winners than in the past. @KickinNDishin and I were talking about what has caused that expo to grow a little every year and we both think the attraction to win something is the primary drive for attendees, then more vendors followed, then attendees, then vendors, etc.

I wish CO would do a mega license raffle like is done at the expo. Even though I forego entering, I'd spend the max for the same in CO.

That's how SFW sold the expo tags to residents- take from non- resident quota and not only does it not impact resident odds but now residents have a chance to draw them too.

Buying into this system has lasting impacts for sure but its for conservation so all good in the end.

Head on over to Aurora the first weekend in April and enjoy Colorado's first expo

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Vast majority of my time is spent hunting whitetails in home state of Michigan. I also have hunted out west, Alaska or Ontario every year for the last 20 years or so for one or two weeks. Very thankful for the non-resident opportunities I have had. Critters like mountain lions, elk, moose don't exist in huntable numbers in my home state. I see those hunts coming to an end in a few years. I hope the younger generations have as many opportunities as I did but fear the falling game populations and rising human population won't allow it. Hope I'm wrong.
I’d love to hunt out of state. I struggle with the cost and confused on how to obtain the licenses in the different state. Each state has its own system. I need to pick a state and figure it out. I think I got Wyoming figured out.