I was specifically asking about the claimed 99.997%+ survival rate, and the individual who posted that replied that he was counting every American in the denominator. This assumes that, if an individual has not yet caught the disease, they have survived it,The published numbers from my county, only those by those who tested positive by our health care system; hospital, doctor's office, and public health. The deaths from covid in my county are at 28 today. There are a total of 2341 recorded cases, that does not include those that tested positive via a home test and not through a previously mentioned avenue. The math: 28/2341=0.011961 or 1%, again not accounting for cases that were not reported through or health care system. Link to our county's covid dashboard for reference is: https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/51ff040d-f850-4a41-ade1-f9cbf1bd8bc4/page/zPEZB
The national stats can be found in the link below. Based on the same methodology you cited, as of yesterday they reflect a Case Fatality Rate of 2.04% (812,205/39,742,867). Regardless, both 1.2% and 2.04% are orders of magnitude greater than the 0.003% that was claimed.