I gots the Covid.

And yet it is suspect as hell since we all agree every case (the count of all cases) isn’t accurately known
The US has a pretty poor surveillance system, and I know for a fact some places are covering it up. Florida was intentionally understating numbers, and then fired the state employee that proved it. A coroner out near Independence, MO admitted to leaving COVID official paperwork at the request of multiple families as well.

It's not suspect, it's just a fact of the way our government works. DOJ crime stats are also incomplete because. The federal government mostly relies on states to voluntarily report, there's not an automated system and effectively no way to make states report it.

Ironically, the reason the UK and South Africa have been the first to identify variants of concern is because they have a more functional health system, and they've been doing a lot of surveillance of other diseases like hoof and mouth and HIV.
This is helpful - thank you. I don't know if I've seen, or perhaps I have and have forgotten, mortality expressed in terms of chance of dying. I must admit that I worry much more about my 23 year old daughter driving than I do of her getting Covid. (But I suspect the 1:800 may be lower, and perhaps the 1:8000 might be higher, due to her age?)

In my post I was merely trying to point out that the two "sides" were "only" ~1.1% apart. (Whether 1.1% is small or large is another topic.) Despite the intensity of the back and forth, they weren't that far apart.

I love the decapitation comparison btw.

What part of the Lowcountry?
I'm on James Island. You?
Ironically, the reason the UK and South Africa have been the first to identify variants of concern is because they have a more functional health system, and they've been doing a lot of surveillance of other diseases like hoof and mouth and HIV.

I guess that the percentage of country's population that is vaccinated does not correlate to how functional health systems are. According to the NY Times, S. Africa is just under 25% vaccinated.
I get it. I chose to get vaccinated. I understand the statistics. I’m Swedish. Scandinavians tend to be Vitamin D deficient. I’m taking Vitamin D, C, K, Zinc and NAC. Not because I think that supplements are an all-encompassing panacea, but it might help, can’t hurt and the cost is about $0.28 per day.

And I’m taking “grandma’s” approach. Eat well, exercise, trying to get a good amount of sleep and wash my hands.

Maybe it’ll help. I’m just trying to be prudent.

Like I said, I’ve looked at the statistics. I understand them.

What I don’t understand is the capricious nature of this crap.

My anecdotal experience has me doing what I can and shrugging somewhat fatalistically. I’ll be prudent, but not paranoid. Live my life and figure that whatever happens, it may not matter what steps I’ve taken.

What are you talking about as early treatment? Monoclonal antibodies? Heavier doses of Vitamin D?
I'm fully Vax'ed too and support it as well.

Early treatment is the Monoclonal antibodies as one option. Prescription (human form) Ivermectin is also very effective WHEN TAKEN EARLY. Ivermectin works by stopping (or hindering) viral replication. It basically stops or greatly slows down the virus from replicating and thus your natural immune system can do its job. If you try to use it after the virus has taken over your body, it doesn't work as effectively and thus many of the bogus studies about it. Zinc and quercetin work similarly to stop viral replication, just not as good as Ivermectin (again, the human prescription form). You can get the Ivermectin from certain Doctors and pharmacies in your geography because Walgreens and CVS won't give it out. The medical community squashing the use of human prescription Ivermectin is beyond scary. Just goes to show there's so much money in this Covid, its ridiculous. But Ivermectin most certainly is extremely helpful if you take it early after diagnosis.

Another thing that can be done that isn't going to hurt you, is to do sinus flushes with salt and colloidal silver. Most of the time, Covid starts in the sinuses and it eventually drops into the chest and into your body. But it starts out in the sinuses. If doing sinus flushes, you can squash it before it spreads. This is why testing for it is nasal swabs. When I had Covid last year (before getting vaccinated), I did the sinus flushes and I swear all day long that helped out a ton.

Again, live good, eat right, take vitamins, exercise, etc and use the natural supplements are all helpful.. As noted, I'm a big proponent for the human Ivermectin for stopping/hindering viral replication. The antibodies are another good treatment.

And again, I fully support the Vax's. All treatments and vaccines combined make it pretty much a non-issue.
The death rate is misleading. As a percentage of total Covid deaths those 49 and under are only 6% of those numbers. The younger that you are the smaller those death rates grow. In fact, the total number of deaths ages 0-49 is around 51,000 which is about 2,000 more than the total number of suicides in a given year. Remember, those Covid deaths are almost over a two year span, but for the sake of argument we will use those numbers anyway. If you are 0-49 statistically speaking your are just as likely to die of suicide as you are of from Covid. Or, if you look at the total number of deaths from accidents in a year, which according the CDC is 173,040, the average person aged 0-49 is three times more likely to die from an accident than from Covid. Also take into consideration that the Covid numbers are now over a range of 22 going on 23 months. That would make the annual Covid death numbers even smaller in the comparisons above. That is the data. Make sure the elderly are vaccinated and move on with life.

CDC Mortality Rates
US Covid Deaths by Age
Sweden tried the human wave approach and it didn't work for COVID either.
Didn't work? We're only ~21 months into this thing. Give it time. Man, some folks are really short-timed on all this Covid stuff.......vaccines were declared as "perfectly safe" even before they came out, and then were only a few months old when they started shooting them into arms on a mass scale. Give them some time too.......to declare them as perfectly safe. It could be real interesting 10 years from now when Covid is treated like a common cold, and all the vaccines given are declared as the real health crisis for folks. Who knows.......we could see that, and that guess is just as valid as saying the vaccines are perfectly safe.
Florida was intentionally understating numbers, and then fired the state employee that proved it.

This is false, employee was fired for stealing our medical records. And there was never any “proof”. This was debunked right after story was released. MSM ran with her lies because they hate our Governor.

Saw NY just added 11k to there dead count. MSM loved that NY Gov didn’t they, SMH.
I live in GA but I’ve got some family who are on the peninsula. I was just visiting them last week on the Santee Delta. Sat 5 times in deer stands, and did a still hunt, and left without having seen a single deer. But I can’t wait to get back.
Glad you got to get out into the woods. I shot two within 12 hours in late October. One at sunset and one at sunrise.
The elephant in the room no one wants to address.
People have been trying to address that for a minute. There was the proposal to revoke the patents for the vaccines to allow other countries to manufacture them, but the business lobby opposed it, and the US has prioritized keeping vaccines here at home instead of sending more overseas where they're needed.
People have been trying to address that for a minute. There was the proposal to revoke the patents for the vaccines to allow other countries to manufacture them, but the business lobby opposed it, and the US has prioritized keeping vaccines here at home instead of sending more overseas where they're needed.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need
Many countries now have a vaccine, and india has now started producing their own and have promised to
give it to poor countries free..I don't expect the side effects that the pfizer has been causing..
Still no smell after 6 no
Sorry man. I've been without smell since 9/20 and without taste (flavor) since 2/21 - except for a phantom smell and taste. For those who haven't experienced either, it might sound trivial. I know it sucks.
Sorry man. I've been without smell since 9/20 and without taste (flavor) since 2/21 - except for a phantom smell and taste. For those who haven't experienced either, it might sound trivial. I know it sucks.
Yeah it’s really weird. Randomly smell things… makes you miss the little things you take advantage of for sure! Was smoking a stuffed back strap the day I lost taste, that made me ANGRY!
Haha, I love how people know who to trust and then spout that sort of complete BS, indicating that they trust people who are full of $#!+.

I've asked a couple of COVID anti- vaxers where they got that statistic and none has been willing to post up a source.
The published numbers from my county, only those by those who tested positive by our health care system; hospital, doctor's office, and public health. The deaths from covid in my county are at 28 today. There are a total of 2341 recorded cases, that does not include those that tested positive via a home test and not through a previously mentioned avenue. The math: 28/2341=0.011961 or 1%, again not accounting for cases that were not reported through or health care system. Link to our county's covid dashboard for reference is: https://datastudio.google.com/u/0/reporting/51ff040d-f850-4a41-ade1-f9cbf1bd8bc4/page/zPEZB
Haha, I love how people know who to trust and then spout that sort of complete BS, indicating that they trust people who are full of $#!+.

I've asked a couple of COVID anti- vaxers where they got that statistic and none has been willing to post up a source.

Just curious where you stand on mandates? And by that I mean even in cases where any entity (private/government) requires any person who falls in the approved aged group to get vaxxed.