"the Meat Co-Op"

I split meat in my younger years and found myself short on meat and way too long on "friends".

I got horses, limited my "friends" to my hunting partners. ( A very small number.) I have a lot more hunting days. This isn't a sport to me but a meat gathering endeaver just like putting up my hay and getting my winter's wood.
I struggle to get through all the meat I obtain by myself. I sure as heck don't need any of somebody elses. A bit different around here than out west with limited tags though. If a guy wanted he could kill 12 deer a year here.
At my deer camp we do an equal split of all meat. Setting any fairness aside it prevents any potential squabbles or hard feelings. I try and get my own during archery season so I am already set.
There was a thread a couple years back about what was a person's expectations if they hauled meat for someone else. Lots of discussion and a lot of different ways. I mentioned my buddy and I who spend a fair amount of time hunting together, agreed that we would split any elk (if both of us are packing it out) 50:50 and have been doing so for several years.

Well fast forward a few years and now there are sometime three guys (and once this year—four guys) and we came to the same agreement. My buddy this year dubbed it the "meat co-op" :)

I have to say, It's been working out pretty darn well. I for one am completely at peace with never packing out a whole elk again (but obviously would if I had to) :ROFLMAO:

A couple of the guys in the "co-op" drew cow tags which greatly increases the odds of harvesting an elk. I didn't harvest an elk this year, but got to help pack out meat (one packout was 6 miles one way) and thus have elk meat in the freezer.

While we don't hunt together all the time, probably just the opposite, we are all willing to be "on standby" if at all possible. Knowing there is a better than fair chance that you don't have to pack an entire elk out, is pretty darn comforting.

Anyways, I'm hoping we can keep this rolling for many more years to come!

Elk or Moose hunts 6 Miles in, Trigger Finger stays straight unless Horses available. Cheers
My camps are fairly big. 4-7 tags both deer and elk.
We have a zero spilt mentality. It is the person who shot the critters meat. Elk pack outs are done by others if they have time. I wouldn’t expect anyone to give up any time out of a 5 day season to pack. Deer usually come out just fine with max 2 trips.
With that said, no one at my camp has ever packed an elk by themselves. People find time to grab a quarter. Guess that why we’re all still friends going on 30 years.
I hunted with a new buddy this year. Spent close to 10 days of my time trying to find him a good buck worthy of 23 preference points. He connected and after he butchered it he called me and asked if I was home to bring half my deer by.
Told him “no thanks” “that’s your deer”. I just enjoyed helping.
There was a thread a couple years back about what was a person's expectations if they hauled meat for someone else. Lots of discussion and a lot of different ways. I mentioned my buddy and I who spend a fair amount of time hunting together, agreed that we would split any elk (if both of us are packing it out) 50:50 and have been doing so for several years.

Well fast forward a few years and now there are sometime three guys (and once this year—four guys) and we came to the same agreement. My buddy this year dubbed it the "meat co-op" :)

I have to say, It's been working out pretty darn well. I for one am completely at peace with never packing out a whole elk again (but obviously would if I had to) :ROFLMAO:

A couple of the guys in the "co-op" drew cow tags which greatly increases the odds of harvesting an elk. I didn't harvest an elk this year, but got to help pack out meat (one packout was 6 miles one way) and thus have elk meat in the freezer.

While we don't hunt together all the time, probably just the opposite, we are all willing to be "on standby" if at all possible. Knowing there is a better than fair chance that you don't have to pack an entire elk out, is pretty darn comforting.

Anyways, I'm hoping we can keep this rolling for many more years to come!

sounds like a fantastic way to hunt and not have to quit hunting because it's too far.

If I guy helped me pack out an animal, it's half his for sure (except the antlers, not the antlers!)
sounds like a fantastic way to hunt and not have to quit hunting because it's too far.

If I guy helped me pack out an animal, it's half his for sure (except the antlers, not the antlers!)

yeah not the antlers :ROFLMAO:

It's really worked out for us; I'm sure it's not for everyone, but we sure like it :)
Interesting thread. Can all you altruistic guys that just like to help send me your contact info for next year in case I need any help packing out my meat? (There's a lot of meat packing jokes here but I'll refrain.)
Interesting thread. Can all you altruistic guys that just like to help send me your contact info for next year in case I need any help packing out my meat? (There's a lot of meat packing jokes here but I'll refrain.)
Want to go camping?
I usually solo camp so I'll pass. BUTT, there seems to be quite a few guys on the thread that really like to pack meat so you have some options.