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- Sep 16, 2021
I questioned the claim that it had been proven that masks don't work. I pointed out that the press release you linked doesn't examine the effectiveness on reducing transmission, it's focused just on the amount of aerosols trapped. I think provided you with a study that specifically examines the overall effect of masking on transmissibility.You made a bold claim that mask work, my response was yes if done properly and cited a link from a university but I guess since it wasn't the actual study and just a news release it doesn't count?
If you cough or sneeze and your mask still allows 90% of droplets into the air then its not effective and to your analogy I wouldn't use a car that had seatbelts or airbags that had only a 10% chance of working.
Its a lie to tell people that if they wear any face covering that it will stop the spread like some magical dream catcher.
To me that's dangerous misinformation because you are giving a false sense of security to people who really think they are safe when in reality they will still spread the virus.
The concern over people feeling protected by masks and acting unsafely was part of the impetus for the early plea for people to stop buying every N95 mask they could find. That fear has been assuaged by the national refusal to remain distanced, avoid unnecessary exposure, avoid large crowds and gatherings, or practice any other protective steps.
At this point telling people masks don't work is the higher harm because it's validating the common behavior of refusing to wear a mask. Nobody has ever said it's 100% effective on its own or a magic dreamcatcher that protects people.