I gots the Covid.

Jan 16, 2020
Any chance you could pm me the link to your online doc?
Sorry couldn’t figure out how to PM after looking everywhere on how to do it… https://careconvene.com/
She downloaded a patient app and had a text message appointment and she picked up prescription at local pharmacy a couple hours later. I think the fee was like $50 and meds were $90 with insurance


Sep 29, 2012
Yeah, man it was strange. I was having flashbacks to my herniated disk but the pain was different…. It was centered in the same place but almost felt more like muscle pain than that deep nerve pain. I was scanning by brain to think of any way I could have messed it up but, couldn’t think of anything…. Then poof woke up after high fever and completely gone. New Covid symptoms but zero back pain. I can’t explain but, I’ve read quite a few real-life accounts of people that said Covid started for them with different sorts of back pain, headaches etc.
From what I have read back pain is one of a few telltale symptoms on Omicron. That along with a scratchy throat, runny nose, headache, fatigue and the night sweats you experienced.


Apr 8, 2018
From what I have read back pain is one of a few telltale symptoms on Omicron. That along with a scratchy throat, runny nose, headache, fatigue and the night sweats you experienced.
Fwiw, although there’s no way to know if she had Omicron, my daughter had sore throat, headache, chills, body aches, congestion, fever and cough. No back pain.


Sep 29, 2012
Fwiw, although there’s no way to know if she had Omicron, my daughter had sore throat, headache, chills, body aches, congestion, fever and cough. No back pain.
My daughter has it now (received positive test yesterday, no indication of which variant). No back pain or night sweats, just head congestion, scratchy sore throat, and fatigue. She slept 12 hours last night but was just out back running around with the dogs so it isn't too bad.
Jun 17, 2016
My patients are presenting with classic cold-like symptoms. Few report smell/taste changes.
I would guess 1/3 report myalgias (body aches) but I wouldn't say back pain stands out as a predominant complaint. I'm working what I would call a COVID-19 clinic at this point. 80-90% of presenting patients have COVID-19 related complaints.

Right now my positive results on PCR is ~ 60%. It's like wild fire with Santa Ana winds. It's definitely more contagious but seems more benign thus far.


Dec 8, 2018
Just got the Covid myself. Started with a pretty persistent low back pain for a day and a half. Then a headache started about 1/2 way through the low back pain ( I never get headaches unless self induced from too many adult beverages)…knew something was up. Then next morning just got that feeling when a cold hits you hard and you just feel all around crappier and sluggish as the day progresses.

Got home from work and got the full body chills. Drank as much water as possible, took zinc, vitamin d, vitamin c, elderly berry, defense plus (which are all normal cold season supplement I take during cold season and some all year).

Went to sleep sweated the hell out of the sheets spiked a 104 plus fever. Woke up yesterday morning with a worse headache but, fever broke around 4am. Weird thing was the backache disappeared overnight. I’ve had a herniated disc and am not much of a puss with back pain but this was different just a constant dull to medium both sides and middle low back pain. Took some acetaminophen for the headache. That helped (I take pain killers very rarely, usually try to fix the problem rather than medicate).

So, yesterday morning I’m pretty sure I have the Covid or influenza, didn’t seem like influenza though. My wife grabbed me a couple tests and they were positive. Had her call a do the online Dr. deal and got prescriptions for the following:
Ivermectin, Benzonatate(Tessalon), Dexamethason, and a Z-Pak (Azithromycin). And my wife picked up some over the counter NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) is a stable form of the non-essential amino acid cysteine) that Dr. recommended.

My wife picked that stuff up about 11am yesterday, I took it, and I was actually feeling better by bedtime. No fever last night and woke up a 6am took the trash out and shoveled the 6 inches of snow our front. Drove to work to pick up my laptop and paperwork and am typing this up now.

I’m unvaccinated by choice and chose to take the Ivermectin “booster” and other meds. So far so good, I honestly feel like I could go to work today. Which I won’t do until I take a negative test… I’m amazed at the turnaround time in one day for myself. I’m no doctor but, do a lot of my own independent research on natural foods/supplements and alternative medicines. I could care less if you chose to get the jab(s) or are anti-jab but, you’ll have hell to pay if you ever try to force me into a medical decision for me or my family! Just giving a real life up to date story and how it’s going for me. I’ll update later this week.
smart proactive man
Jan 16, 2020
My patients are presenting with classic cold-like symptoms. Few report smell/taste changes.
I would guess 1/3 report myalgias (body aches) but I wouldn't say back pain stands out as a predominant complaint. I'm working what I would call a COVID-19 clinic at this point. 80-90% of presenting patients have COVID-19 related complaints.

Right now my positive results on PCR is ~ 60%. It's like wild fire with Santa Ana winds. It's definitely more contagious but seems more benign thus far.
Yeah, I had no smell or taste loss. Don’t know if the meds I got were what helped kick it or that and the supplements or just a decent immune system but, I’m feeling about 80% no more headache, sweats, back pain, etc. After approx. 48 hours. Have a productive cough every couple hours or so with some gross ass phlegm but no major lung issues or anything yet. Knock on wood….
Jun 17, 2016
Yeah, I had no smell or taste loss. Don’t know if the meds I got were what helped kick it or that and the supplements or just a decent immune system but, I’m feeling about 80% no more headache, sweats, back pain, etc. After approx. 48 hours. Have a productive cough every couple hours or so with some gross ass phlegm but no major lung issues or anything yet. Knock on wood….
FWIW: probably same outcome with or w/o meds. Virus is more mild. It doesn't attach as well to the lungs as the previous strains. Most are experiencing mild cold-like symptoms. Most will feel well in 7-10 days. Some less than 7 days some more than 10 days.

Most patient that I call with results, 2-5 days after symptom onset, are already feeling significantly better. Using OTC cough/cold as needed for symptom relief.

Glad you're feeling better!
Last edited:


Oct 22, 2019
For those of you who got Covid in the last few weeks and over the Holidays... Were your symptoms relatively mild?

I got sick on Tuesday the 28th and tested positive on the 29th. I had stuffed up nose, cough with flem, lower back pain, 30 hours of limited taste and no smell, headache, and felt extra tired. I felt better the last two days and have been up and around doing stuff, just a very slight stuffed up nose and cough now. Everything else is gone in just about a week. Tested Negative today with a nose swab test.

My mother (63 with rheumatoid arthritis) my father (65 with minor heart issues) my wife (33 fit as a fiddle) and my brother (33 heavy smoker, ptsd from military) all had similar symptoms and near identical time line for feeling/getting better and negative test. My 2 year old was sick with stuffed up nose and cough for about 5 days. My 4 year old had headache, runny nose, cough, fever, and vomit for 2 days. Both are back to running around like wild little men.

Is this new variant I was told about not as harsh? Or is this really the "scary" disease we've been told to avoid like Ebola?
Jun 17, 2016
For those of you who got Covid in the last few weeks and over the Holidays... Were your symptoms relatively mild?

I got sick on Tuesday the 28th and tested positive on the 29th. I had stuffed up nose, cough with flem, lower back pain, 30 hours of limited taste and no smell, headache, and felt extra tired. I felt better the last two days and have been up and around doing stuff, just a very slight stuffed up nose and cough now. Everything else is gone in just about a week. Tested Negative today with a nose swab test.

My mother (63 with rheumatoid arthritis) my father (65 with minor heart issues) my wife (33 fit as a fiddle) and my brother (33 heavy smoker, ptsd from military) all had similar symptoms and near identical time line for feeling/getting better and negative test. My 2 year old was sick with stuffed up nose and cough for about 5 days. My 4 year old had headache, runny nose, cough, fever, and vomit for 2 days. Both are back to running around like wild little men.

Is this new variant I was told about not as harsh? Or is this really the "scary" disease we've been told to avoid like Ebola?
I have worked COVID-19 since 3/2020. Mostly all I see on my shifts. Yes, most of my patients present with MILD cold symptoms. This strain seems much less virulent thus far. IME this is supportive of information we had from S. Africa. They reported less severe but much more contagious. This is what we are seeing in the states.


Dec 12, 2015
For those of you who got Covid in the last few weeks and over the Holidays... Were your symptoms relatively mild?

I got sick on Tuesday the 28th and tested positive on the 29th. I had stuffed up nose, cough with flem, lower back pain, 30 hours of limited taste and no smell, headache, and felt extra tired. I felt better the last two days and have been up and around doing stuff, just a very slight stuffed up nose and cough now. Everything else is gone in just about a week. Tested Negative today with a nose swab test.

My mother (63 with rheumatoid arthritis) my father (65 with minor heart issues) my wife (33 fit as a fiddle) and my brother (33 heavy smoker, ptsd from military) all had similar symptoms and near identical time line for feeling/getting better and negative test. My 2 year old was sick with stuffed up nose and cough for about 5 days. My 4 year old had headache, runny nose, cough, fever, and vomit for 2 days. Both are back to running around like wild little men.

Is this new variant I was told about not as harsh? Or is this really the "scary" disease we've been told to avoid like Ebola?
Noticed symptoms on xmas day. Fever,chills,headaches and body aches, and pain behind my eyeballs. Just really tired and not much of an appetite. Symptoms lasted most of last week,never developed a cough or sore throat. Unvaxxed.


Feb 28, 2021
Glad to hear that the Omicron is mostly less dangerous (so it seems). We all had Covid back in Nov 2020 before the vaccines were available. Everyone in our family had the strangest mid-back pain/soreness. I was good after taking all the meds (better within 12-24 hours). Wife got better, then got pneumonia and that knocked her down for about a week. Our 18 year old son was down for 3-4 days, but nothing serious.

Omicron could be the break we all need with Covid in that the symptoms and death rate are much lower. That combined with vax'ed people and more treatment therapies available, we get this stuff to be more like a typical cold or flu. Then it just comes down to keeping the politicians and powers that be from trying to leverage it for personal gain. Its mazing how if you don't watch live TV or the news, and stay off mainstream online media, you hardly notice anything Covid related.


Oct 22, 2019
Noticed symptoms on xmas day. Fever,chills,headaches and body aches, and pain behind my eyeballs. Just really tired and not much of an appetite. Symptoms lasted most of last week,never developed a cough or sore throat. Unvaxxed.
Yes that is exactly where the headache was for myself, my wife, and my mom. Just a piercing one behind the eyes.
Jan 16, 2020
Just curious has anyone tried ivermectin wormer ?
I started the Ivermectin that I was prescribed yesterday 21 mg’s a day for my weight almost symptom free 36 hours after. Not a Dr. but I think it helped. I’ll never know for sure though since I took it…. 😂
Jan 16, 2020
Dr. was cool and prescribed to my wife too. She took it as a prophylactic and has been around me a lot and is not showing any symptoms yet. I’ll let you know if anything changes… I know there’s a lot of opinions here but, I’m of the opinion that if it works for my family and I it’s good enough for me. She and I also take Vitamin C, Zinc, vitamin D, elderberry, defense plus (grapefruit seed extract and echinacea), and NOC.

Call me the witch doctor but, this Covid sh!t is the first time I’ve been sick and got a prescription in almost 5 years with two kids that go to school and bring plenty of stuff home to fend off and I never miss I night kissing them and putting them to bed when I’m home. Except for the last few night….


Dec 28, 2021
I was just curious had some friends and family go go with the wormer and the mega vitamin dose and seemed to come out of it pretty qiuck. fyi Im talking about horse and pig wormer . No doc. here just know what helped these people .
Jan 16, 2020
I’d be damn careful with the livestock version…. The risk of overdose is kind of scary. Peace of mind for me was worth the $50 appointment and $35 dollar human ivermectin. Not saying it won’t work but the overdose side effects are pretty sh!tty…