Government Checks

Thats great! A lot of people living in high cost ares on the coast belittle people that live in fly over country. A good deal of the population refuse to move for work or lower cost of living areas.
I know I'm sure trying to get my family finances set up so I can move out of this crazy high cost, high traffic area to a place where when I look outside, I just see trees.
Hey bro

I think everyone that pays into system should get money back. I won't be getting a check because I worked too hard my entire life and make too much now but I aint complaining because at this point more people need it than me and I hope it helps our country and hopefully will trickle down to small business owners. Ive always tried to keep at least 3 months of living expense even when I made min wage ( Now I have a year) but I never went out to eat, no vacations , most years no hunting and drove a beater. If this is a continual payment system and they raise taxes then ill be pissed.

I am concerned about our debt and current culture though. The economy is to undergo a major correction and the people just skating by in life are going to get a big wake up call. No more eating out 5 to 6 days a week, when you have no savings and no more $7 every day day at Starbucks for a 35 cent cup of coffee, going on multiple vacations a year when you have zero savings, and no retirement savings, no more buying a new car or truck that costs as much as your annual earnings. Millions of adults working part time and living at home with their parents and living off of their parents. Having 3 to 5 credit cards maxed out while earning a $100, 000 a year and no money towards retirement. No more Selfish behavior like Partying on spring break during quarantines in virus hot zones.

Soon -people will have to actually compete for jobs and if they don't produce will be fired.

Ant and the grasshopper once again

Be some interesting times six months from now. Be lots of screaming and crying and crazy hysterics on social media platforms. Should be entertaining. Ill continue helping out people that actually need it like the old and physically impaired like I do now.
Once this is over people will forget all about it and go right back to how they were living. It's not going to change anything other than what we will tolerate from the government.
I am right there w the voices here saying, "Now it is more important to do best for most, not just me."

Here is some simple math that our leaders can manage: Take the total chunk of stimulus $. Issue it to each state by proportion of its portion of total US population. State legislatures should decide how to distribute that state's portion of stimulus $ better that the US gov't can. IMO.
The biggest issue I have with the whole thing is the long term effects on the economy and the value of the american dollar. The trillions the government is using as stimulus will inflate the economic bubble worse than it already is. Wont have to worry about toilet paper when we are wiping our asses with worthless dollar bills.
If anything this bailout is increasing the dollars value....anyone looked at what our dollar is trading at lately?
Thats great! A lot of people living in high cost ares on the coast belittle people that live in fly over country. A good deal of the population refuse to move for work or lower cost of living areas. And I lived on both coasts in big cities with high cost of living. My goal was to not have to live there the rest of my life and made it happen.

I have been around enough to know I am happy to be where I am in times like this. I guess winter keeps a lot of people away which isn’t a bad thing. Haha
I am right there w the voices here saying, "Now it is more important to do best for most, not just me."

Here is some simple math that our leaders can manage: Take the total chunk of stimulus $. Issue it to each state by proportion of its portion of total US population. State legislatures should decide how to distribute that state's portion of stimulus $ better that the US gov't can. IMO.
Ok so my state legislature next meets in Jan. 2021
You are right, they would never make a special meeting for this petty thing.....
Oh they would and have called a special session. it would be the time it took to do it that is the problem. The people that will need this money will need it SOON. The plan the Fed. gov. has come up with - like all gov. plans isn't perfect, but it will get the job done and a heck of a lot faster than involving FIFTY state legislatures!
I remember grandma washing plastic cups, ziplocks, never wasting a thing. Ever. If we all lived more like that this wouldn’t be near as big a deal, I’m guilty of many things as well. Time to learn to dial it in, shoot that old 30-06 that is good enough, use that pack that hurts a bit, and hunt in less than instagramable outfits.

One good thing is if gas is $1.50 in the fall, I won’t need much to go on a hunt.
Who doesn't wash and reuse ziploc bags? I've been known to repair the freezer bags. I know poor personally and would like to never meet again.[/QUOTE]
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If anything this bailout is increasing the dollars value....anyone looked at what our dollar is trading at lately?

You think the Fed flooding the market with cash has anything to do with that? Starting next week,every day for the next month the Fed will be pumping a TRILLION dollars a day into the market and nationalizing mega corporations.
We are now under full control of the Federal reserve. America today is not the same America we had two weeks ago.
You think the Fed flooding the market with cash has anything to do with that? Starting next week,every day for the next month the Fed will be pumping a TRILLION dollars a day into the market and nationalizing mega corporations.
We are now under full control of the Federal reserve. America today is not the same America we had two weeks ago.

Show me a better place to be right now in life or business? Whats a better market? I am all ears
Here is a real sad fact for ya. How many want to bet me that Walmart is not already reducing the size of the TP isle to make more room for the extra flat screen TVs they are putting out in anticipation of the checks folks are going to be getting.
Here is a real sad fact for ya. How many want to bet me that Walmart is not already reducing the size of the TP isle to make more room for the extra flat screen TVs they are putting out in anticipation of the checks folks are going to be getting.

It doesn't really matter what people spend the checks on. The point is that they do spend it and NOT save it. It's meant to stimulate the economy. Quite a few people don't need the checks. Everyone one of use here has a different financial situation and whether its a TV, gun, new gear, etc. It wont matter. As long as it's getting spent.