FN510 vs Sig XTen


Mar 31, 2017
Going back and forth between these two. I like the trigger better on the 510. I like the grip and feel of the xten better, but I hate where the slide release lever is. I'm tempted to cut it off, as I'm sure my support hand will accidentally lock the slide back.

I want the gun for woods defense - shooting hot wide flat nose hardcast, 200 or 220 grain.

The more I read online about them, the more I don't want either of them. Many people talk of feeding issues with the sig with hot and heavy hardcast. Also seeing lots about bulged cases on the FN with hot loads. I intend to reload for the gun and don't want once and done brass.

Any feedback from you guys who are probably using them for the same thing as I intend to?

Have had both and got rid of the SIG. It's won't reliably feed heavy rounds. Lots of others have had the same. Magazine dimensions are just too tight for heavy (over 200 grain) rounds when you have a full mag.

FN510 is a wonderful gun and has been rock solid or me, as has the Glock 20 gen 5. Never noticed case bulge, but I don't reload for 10mm so not sure.

Wife has the mini XDm and used to have a full size as well. Of the 6+ 10mms I've shot, the FN is my favorite.

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Have had both and got rid of the SIG. It's won't reliably feed heavy rounds. Lots of others have had the same. Magazine dimensions are just too tight for heavy (over 200 grain) rounds when you have a full mag.

FN510 is a wonderful gun and has been rock solid or me, as has the Glock 20 gen 5. Never noticed case bulge, but I don't reload for 10mm so not sure.

Wife has the mini XDm and used to have a full size as well. Of the 6+ 10mms I've shot, the FN is my favorite.

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Well, if the sig won't feed what I want it to eat, I guess it's an easy decision.
I wished it would... I like the pistol otherwise especially the comp version.

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What bear ammo have you been shooting out of the FN? If you still have it and don't mind, could you take a look at the brass and see if it's bulged at all?

Before I was content on taking my 9mm for a woods gun I was really eyeing the Springfields, know a couple people with them, and not a single complaint. I love FN, and looked at them, but I'm still waiting to see if they'll get the bugs worked out in those. I'd take the FN over anything. But the reliability of them is the only reason I didn't decide to do it. Choice would be Springfield, Glock, FN. (Hate glocks, so it's depressing that they're ahead of FN.)
What bear ammo have you been shooting out of the FN? If you still have it and don't mind, could you take a look at the brass and see if it's bulged at all?

Buffalo bore 220 hardcast or Underwood 200 hardcast. I'll look around but I'm not sure I have any.

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Before I was content on taking my 9mm for a woods gun I was really eyeing the Springfields, know a couple people with them, and not a single complaint. I love FN, and looked at them, but I'm still waiting to see if they'll get the bugs worked out in those. I'd take the FN over anything. But the reliability of them is the only reason I didn't decide to do it. Choice would be Springfield, Glock, FN. (Hate glocks, so it's depressing that they're ahead of FN.)
What are you seeing/hearing with FN? Curious as a lot of the vids I have seen and my experience has been very positive. Prolly 500 rounds through mine with a few hundred hardcast.

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What are you seeing/hearing with FN? Curious as a lot of the vids I have seen and my experience has been very positive. Prolly 500 rounds through mine with a few hundred hardcast.

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What bugs specifically were you seeing in the FN? Did you mean sig by chance?
I'm a dumb dumb, looking back and trying to find what I was talking about. I meant Sig. No clue why I had it in my mind it was FN. (Never trust anyone online. )
Recently got an Xten Comp. Feeds underwood 220g HC no problem. I’m guessing the issues were with initial production or the full size non-comp version
I was the biggest FN fanboy out there, had every model from the 510 to the new micro compact reflex. Ultimately, I saw the light and have moved on from FNs. Their standing is built off their historical reputation, historical being the key word.. They haven’t innovated or improved, or quite frankly changed anything, in years. So many other manufactures are now putting better products out at lower price points.

I don’t have any specific suggestions for a 10mm. That said, there is enough data and bullet testing out there now showing that the average pistol shooter would be safer with a 9mm and the right ammo than with a 10mm as a grizz defense.

I’d find a 5 - 5.5” barrelled 9mm that fits your hand well and focus your research on ammo/bullets. My recommendation would be a CZ SP-01 in 9mm… You’ll be putting far more bullets on target, faster, in high stress situations than you would with a FN 510. I’ve owned both and say that with absolute certainty.. Your hit rate will be much higher, and that’s what matters most when you have a bear charging at you..

I shot quite a bit and would consider myself an average (at worst) pistol shooter. That said, I don’t feel completely comfortable with any of my 10mm guns in bear country. I take my 9mm or 5.7 every single time.
Esp if you already have a 9mm, some underwood extreme penetrators should be good. I think one video said the +p almost had similar 25+ in of penetration in gel tests.

The Sig Xten Comp was better than expected, recoil is between a G19 9mm and G23 40cal imo. Also w 10mm you can always use lower velocity rounds.