Fleeing Californians and Property Values

For the person selling their house for an inflated price it’s great. For the regular person trying to stay in the workforce in that area, not so great. When a rural community has home prices that don’t allow nurses, tradesmen, teachers and cops to own homes, it is really bad for that community.

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Same exact thing happens here in California. Plenty of people commute an hour or more to work in an area there is no way they could afford to live in. Myself and wife included.
We have similar things happening here in southern MO, just not quite to the same extent as places like Idaho. It's not just Californians moving in here, though, seems like it's just people getting out of urban areas.

I think it will be good for my remodeling business, as local housing doesn't always measure up to their standard. It will definitely come at a cost to local culture, though.
Well, you can thank your neighbors for that. They are the ones pricing people out of homes in the area. They set the price, not the buyer.
The price is largely set by the people who sold similar homes in the area before your neighbor did. Its the market. Yes, the seller has to agree to a price, but that doesn't get set in a vacuum.
Same crap happening here. My wife and I struggled to buy our first house, a top dollar fixer upper. We are on the upper end of the wage scale for the area. It’s all people from southern wi and Illinois.

It’s just a kick in the balls to working class families right now
While some people leave CA due to taxes/politics, I think that is overstated as a reason - at least in my experience. Most folks who leave the Bay Area, whether they stay in CA or leave the state, move to harvest equity from their homes to help fund their retirement. They can buy 2x the house for 1/2 the price and still have 6 figures left over. I wouldn't expect those folks would leave their politics behind.
I believe you are right. I've been watching Boise/Merridian turn blue - all because of transplants running for office and winning. The people of Boise don't realize that they are on course to become an open shlthole just like San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle in the next 40 years.
In a way, CA is like a metastasized cancer. And I don't blame native Idahoans for resenting them.
It's ironic that this thread was started by a guy in Colorado that wants to use a Boise home as an investment. The people from California that will be injecting their money into the local economy are getting hammered in every other post but nobody has an issue with this guy riding their coat tails and doing nothing for Ithe local economy.
Property Values are going up all over the US. Building costs have gone through the roof. It's not the California people relocating.
The building cost increases have indeed been impressive. I guess low interest rates are keeping people building?

I feel like another real estate and building downturn is in the works.................
I believe you are right. I've been watching Boise/Merridian turn blue - all because of transplants running for office and winning. The people of Boise don't realize that they are on course to become an open shlthole just like San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle in the next 40 years.
In a way, CA is like a metastasized cancer. And I don't blame native Idahoans for resenting them.
To be fair, CA didn't just turn blue in the last ~20 years on its own, it did so predominantly because so many folks moved here from back east (or south) and brought their politics with them. CA was ~12% latino in 1970 and is now 40%+.

Liberaliam moved here and now it is moving elsewhere. CA was just a stop along the way.
The 1k per month stipend offered to us Cali folks from the DNC to move into places like Idaho and others goes a long ways towards paying the bills. Just kidding, I live in California and, for the most part, don't like people here either. The friends and co-workers I know who have moved out, mostly to Idaho, are not the ones California can afford to lose.
It's ironic that this thread was started by a guy in Colorado that wants to use a Boise home as an investment. The people from California that will be injecting their money into the local economy are getting hammered in every other post but nobody has an issue with this guy riding their coat tails and doing nothing for Ithe local economy.

I didn't start the thread.. lol and I have clearly stated why I have reservations doing so..
Few of the people moving to Boise are getting jobs and working in Boise, they are either independant business owners/consultants doing businessoutside of where they live, telecommuting or early retirees. This is where it gets scary for places like Boise in the future, people that run real estate up while the local job base remains flat.
Seeing all the people working from home these days not needing to be in a office environment I wonder how long it will be until employers outsource lower wage employees from other countries?
That's a pretty common urban to rural conversion all across this country in reality.
I live in rural CA and the prices have skyrocketed here too. People fleeing the big cities can afford to overpay and dont care. Its all relative to them. Im priced out of buying and moving right now as rural CA and out of state cost around the same. Id still leave in a heartbeat to get away from the idiocracy here. Not all of us are liberals... we are outnumbered though even if you add up the populations of all the states of WY MT ID... Only way to avoid the CA wave is to collectively not sell out to them. Good luck.
I didn't start the thread.. lol and I have clearly stated why I have reservations doing so..
Thats what I get for being lazy and not looking back It doesn't change the fact that the Californians are gettinfg all the hate but the whole premise of the post is piggy backing on the Californians (If in fact that is who is driving prices up) and using an area for an absentee owner investment property. This is far worse for working class families trying to get into a local real estate market than people that will actually live there, put money into the local economy and help to create higher paying jobs.
Only thing worse than california is a whole bunch of californians moving near you hoping to create a new california.
Its already started. Banks have shut down funding for a lot of projects before they even get to 30% . They only major construction that seems to moving forward are ones that are funded by taxpayers and heavily influenced by union lobbying. 10x over budget and 5x longer to build.
The building cost increases have indeed been impressive. I guess low interest rates are keeping people building?

I feel like another real estate and building downturn is in the works.................
Yeah! Our house in Missoula, MT in 2016 appraised out at $228k

The appraisal i had done to refi valued it at $405k
We did do some improvements like new kitchen with granite but that’s still nuts! We are on a half acre in the best school district in town with a shop. A fairly rare find these days

I’ve been having realtors cold call me wondering if we’d sell. We were going to and upgrade but we can’t replace what we got in our new price bracket. And the thought of making offers over asking price scares me

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when the realtors call, have you ever told them you would sell for around $505K?
I am watching Livingston MT and south to Emigrant very closely. It is insane. I have my fingers crossed that all these folks moving to the area will realize a year later that winters suck, the wind sucks and work is hard to find. Driving through Bozeman is incredible. Neighborhoods appear to be going up overnight. Montana is beautiful. But I think it takes a special soul to handle that way of life. Keep praying for that cold weather to hit with a vengeance followed by 30 feet of snow. If you can handle it then you have earned your right to stay. I just can't imagine though that everybody moving from more temperate zones will adjust to the weather conditions.

Not that I should talk crap. I live in Massachusetts. We purchased a small townhouse in Livingston in August so we would have a place to live next August when we move. But we have been visiting the area for quite some time and know what we want as far as quality of life is concerned. We plan to fully embrace, and then some, the way of life out there. The life and politics that is here in Massachusetts stays in Massachusetts. I can't wait to be with like minded folks that share the same love and respect of the outdoors, and the principals this wonderful country was built on. Like my mom tells me, I was born a 100 years too late (and I'm 54).


That area has been steadily increasing for 40 years, small subdivisions where cows were grazing for tens of years. The mover-inners have been weathering bad winters and horrid wind for that long, too, and everyone who shows up hopes those who follow move out. Not trying to be a turd, but work is very easy to find around here and more special winter-surviving souls arrive every single day. People from Minnesota, Michigan U.P., upstate NY laugh at our winters. Yeah, it can get -20/30 but it's dry and sunny quite a bit of the time and rarely lasts more than a few days. Not near as bad as the humid, bone chilling cloudy cold elsewhere. Our bad winters are highly over rated compared to the millions who live in the upper mid west.

Congrats on your purchase in Livingston, great town.