I am watching Livingston MT and south to Emigrant very closely. It is insane. I have my fingers crossed that all these folks moving to the area will realize a year later that winters suck, the wind sucks and work is hard to find. Driving through Bozeman is incredible. Neighborhoods appear to be going up overnight. Montana is beautiful. But I think it takes a special soul to handle that way of life. Keep praying for that cold weather to hit with a vengeance followed by 30 feet of snow. If you can handle it then you have earned your right to stay. I just can't imagine though that everybody moving from more temperate zones will adjust to the weather conditions.
Not that I should talk crap. I live in Massachusetts. We purchased a small townhouse in Livingston in August so we would have a place to live next August when we move. But we have been visiting the area for quite some time and know what we want as far as quality of life is concerned. We plan to fully embrace, and then some, the way of life out there. The life and politics that is here in Massachusetts stays in Massachusetts. I can't wait to be with like minded folks that share the same love and respect of the outdoors, and the principals this wonderful country was built on. Like my mom tells me, I was born a 100 years too late (and I'm 54).