Seeing the same in Utah as well. My wife and I purchased our first home in May and paid way more than we should have for a 113 year old historical home, but we are in the market now and hopefully shouldn't ever lose value. What bothers me more than them moving here is the fact that they bring their ideologies and their politics with them. Destroy a state, create a welfare system, tax the **** out of yourselves by voting in the Democrats, then jump ship when it goes south. Then, move to a neighboring state and bring the destruction with you. Makes sense, right?
I keep joking with my family that I'm going to run for county council in our hometown and place caps and restrictions with how close you can be tied to California or other deep blue areas of the country and still be allowed to move to Wasatch county, but I'm kindof afraid it's too late! I'd probably already be too polarizing of a political figure to run anyways, but still.
Anyone wanna buy a 113 year old stone house in Wasatch County???