Ethics in hunting, the story of my once in a lifetime Buck....

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Jan 30, 2021
Lucky for you guys I had to work all week and missed this gem. Now I've got a few questions having been around a couple of these incidents myself, just not with any well known rocksliders.

1. Is the warden's name Joe Pickett? If so, the crime will be solved and people will likely die in the process? Has fish & game made any mention of "things getting western?"
2. Have you considered selling this story to CJ Box? You could make enough money to go on a guided hunt and shoot a similar sized buck with an ear tag on it an no chance of Carol Baskin stealing your buck.
3. This sh*t happens when people watch too much TV and ScrewTube hunting. Everyone backs out and fuc*ing goes back to camp to eat mountain house and drink mountain ops. What happened to a good old fashioned night hunt for a dead deer? If there's grizzlies everywhere, Ok I'll do the mountain house and chill option. Otherwise live a little and hunt in the dark like a real predator. Cool shit happens at night. Pretty sure I made a kid once at night.

4. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them maybe you can hire the A-Team
**Edit - I had 1 more question - So when the warden did this necropsy (learned that from Joe Pickett) did they check the anus? And if so, did they use 1 finger or 2?

Back to the memes.
Joe Pickett would definitely be the man for the job:ROFLMAO:


May 10, 2018
Lucky for you guys I had to work all week and missed this gem. Now I've got a few questions having been around a couple of these incidents myself, just not with any well known rocksliders.

1. Is the warden's name Joe Pickett? If so, the crime will be solved and people will likely die in the process? Has fish & game made any mention of "things getting western?"
2. Have you considered selling this story to CJ Box? You could make enough money to go on a guided hunt and shoot a similar sized buck with an ear tag on it an no chance of Carol Baskin stealing your buck.
3. This sh*t happens when people watch too much TV and ScrewTube hunting. Everyone backs out and fuc*ing goes back to camp to eat mountain house and drink mountain ops. What happened to a good old fashioned night hunt for a dead deer? If there's grizzlies everywhere, Ok I'll do the mountain house and chill option. Otherwise live a little and hunt in the dark like a real predator. Cool shit happens at night. Pretty sure I made a kid once at night.

4. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them maybe you can hire the A-Team
**Edit - I had 1 more question - So when the warden did this necropsy (learned that from Joe Pickett) did they check the anus? And if so, did they use 1 finger or 2?

Back to the memes.
Wouldn’t that be neat if Wyoming’s governor loaned Joe Pickett to Idaho’s governor to get to the bottom of the missing buck of a lifetime? If that occurred, some well known Roksliders had better be covering their ears if they suspect Nate is around.

Hey, @406life, you wouldn’t happen to have a Special Forces background and carry a 454 Casull, would you?

As an aside, a few years ago, when I was preparing for a moose hunt in Wyoming, I talked to the warden for my area. During our conversation, I asked him if the life of a Wyoming game warden was as exciting as C.J. Box depicted it. He replied that he didn’t shoot as many people. 😀


Jan 24, 2015
Meat doesn't spoil on deer that aren't dead yet.... it was also most likely cool at night in august in the high country...
I’ve left one animal shot overnight. Shot 5 minutes before end of shoot time in mid September. I returned in the dark, and with temps down to 30 I lose about 20 pounds of meat around the hind quarter ball sockets. This was on a bull. In august, shot an hour before end of shoot time, you’re going to be lucky to recover anything more than the front shoulders and straps.


Jan 24, 2015
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As of today it has been 164 days since I shot my buck of a lifetime. It was the culmination of a lot of hard work, good friends, and some luck. I couldn’t wait to tell this story to my Grandfather, who introduced me to hunting.

The next morning, I walked up the gut wrenching reality that deer had been harvested by another. Since then it has been a roller coaster of emotions, unfortunately most of them were bad. Only now do I feel some acceptance and comfort to finally tell my story outside my circle of trust.

Selfishly, my hope is that by telling my part of this Bucks story, it will result in my recovery of the deer.

Realistically, my hope is that this story will create a meaningful and impactful conversation amongst the hunting community about the importance of adhering to hunter ethics in the field. The preservation of ethical and legal hunting practices, the promotion of those who abide by them, and the demotion of those who don’t is key to preserving the future of our sport.

In the field we are competitors, we all want to harvest an animal of a lifetime. However, we cannot let that selfish need be our end goal. We need to collectively promote and adhere to a higher standard of ethical and moral behavior in our fight for the preservation of public land and the wild animals that live on it.

Any chance you can run a sub 10 minute mile?


Feb 25, 2012
Hmmmm possibly being investigated because all the required meat was not taken aka as a “wanton waste” violation as someone else mentioned.

It is also possible the person who took it finished it off the previous evening when it went over the ridge wounded during legal shooting hours, legally tagged it but didn’t take all the meat so IDFG is investigating.

Since OP said he was there at first light the next morning maybe someone was watching it come over the ridge and it fell over dead at some point and they went and took the cape and antlers and some of the meat without tagging it during the cover of darkness.

OP called IDGF once they found the buck the next morning without all the meat being salvaged and that triggered an initial investigation the for wanton waste violation for starters.

To summarize from the information provided thus far, I can come up with some possible scenarios as to why this is being investigated;

1. Another hunter finished off the wounded buck during legal shooting hours and legally tagged it but is being investigated for wanton waste.
2. Another hunter saw or came across the dead buck during or after legal shooting hours and illegally tagged it. You cannot legally tag or possess an animal killed by another hunter. This hunter will additionally be cited for wanton waste,
3. Another hunter saw the wounded buck and finished it off after legal hours and then tagged it and will be cited for hunting out of season and wanton waste.
4. Someone without a tag found the wounded or dead buck, finished it (if still wounded), took the antlers and cape, some meat, and left the rest to rot. Since the buck obviously didn’t die from natural causes even, it was illegal to salvage the meat, cape, or horns of the buck.

Since IDGF confirmed OP‘s arrow matched the DNA and confirmed it was a killing shot, if they can find who took the buck and prove it was taken under scenario #2 & #4, then perhaps the antlers could be rightfully returned to the OP...

This post #230 got a like from none other than the illustrious & mysterious OP jlois!

Perhaps one of the potential scenarios presented therein is close to the actual story and OP will be letting us all know the real story soon!



Dec 9, 2018
Northern Arizona
Just to bring you guys up to speed, this story is being verbatim told on the Idaho Muleys sight on Facebook from the guys real Facebook profiles. They are digging and hoping somebody has seen pics of the deer. They don't have a suspect currently and are making a Hail Mary attempt at getting a lead. Hence the reason for little information...

The other interesting point is that the moderator of that sight claims he was on that hunt as well and was after an even better buck (had a tag) and met up with the OP the night he came back to camp from hitting the buck. He would be the first suspect to write off.
The OP now sounds like the dude that can’t handle a break up with a girl. Keeps calling her, shows up at her work, drives by her house at midnight to see who’s parked in the driveway.

164 days of agony over a freakin deer.


Jul 21, 2016
I’ve left one animal shot overnight. Shot 5 minutes before end of shoot time in mid September. I returned in the dark, and with temps down to 30 I lose about 20 pounds of meat around the hind quarter ball sockets. This was on a bull. In august, shot an hour before end of shoot time, you’re going to be lucky to recover anything more than the front shoulders and straps.
An elk is much different than a deer. I've seen plenty of animals left overnight in 30-50 degree weather without meat spoilage
May 13, 2015
The deer wasn't dead when he left it
Ah, you have a crystal ball, or you are the "well known Rokslider", which is it?

Based on the story (I actually read it), the only person that knows if the animal died after going over the hill, is the "well known Rokslider".


Jan 24, 2021
So did this guy jlhois ever show back up or is the now the longer running thread about nothing?

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I think the last time we seen him was when he liked post number #230 but who knows. His account as of right now says he was last active yesterday at 5:12 P.M.
Aug 22, 2019
This post #230 got a like from none other than the illustrious & mysterious OP jlois!

Perhaps one of the potential scenarios presented therein is close to the actual story and OP will be letting us all know the real story soon!

And also a like from @twsnow18, who has claimed to be jlhois's buddy but is apparently not the "well known rokslider", because his last post before he started posting on this thread was April 2020.
We were just barely getting started with covid then!

@twsnow18 also loved the post that I quoted. Maybe the point is that post #230 is close to the real narrative. Or maybe twsnow18 is showing affiliation because he would like some personalized memes.


Jun 12, 2019
I'll say it again....Huge waste of resources.

To the OP...get out and hunt more and it may not be a "Once in a lifetime buck". If you still have your grandfather around I would imagine you aren't too long in the tooth. It is like guys relish in the fact they F'd up on a big deer and live that dream for the rest of their lives. Yeah it sucks get over it and go hunting.
Jan 27, 2022
An elk is much different than a deer. I've seen plenty of animals left overnight in 30-50 degree weather without meat spoilage
A gut-shot one is a bit different. If it didn’t die until the middle of the night, maybe, but if it died early, you are going to have some spoilage.

That being said, this thread is worth it just for the memes.
Nov 6, 2017
Considering Mr. Josh here is followed by Ryan, Robby, Crossley, and the Rokslide account on Instagram, I am sure more details will be forthcoming at some point and there must be some legitimacy to his claims. Are there a lot of holes in the story? You betcha, but...we're 21 pages of memes deep and it hasn't been locked yet.

Better order that Costco pallet of popcorn boys...


Mar 13, 2019
All I know is at the end of August last year, at 6500 to 7000 feet here, it only got down to mid 50's at night. And it didn't get down to that until after midnight. An animal that dies with the hair still on trapping in all that body heat will start to sour pretty quick. If you get the skin off and hang it it will be fine but laying on the ground gassing up on a gut shot deer is not going to be fit for dog food. He just wants the rack to brag about.
For me, a set of antlers with the meat spoiled is just a participation trophy
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