Ethics in hunting, the story of my once in a lifetime Buck....

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If they cannot accurately answer, at the end of the quiz, who really took the BOAL, and whether or not he would be tastier in a taco, sandwich, or hot dog, then they are perma-banned from the classifieds.
I just want to see the answer key so I can have some closure on the answers myself! 🧐 😂
The WKR would taste best as a hotdog, being tough and stringy from too much time spent under a pack and relatively unpalatable from eating too many dank Mountain Houses.
...the bar in Souris, .... Not room for 2 there.
That October night , there were 4 of us from GA and 2 locals. We kept trying to buy them Bud Lights which they kindly said no thanks, and they kept trying to buy us Old Milwaukees which we kindly said no thanks. Then, we all got into buying rounds of the various flavored schnapps. It was a downhill train wreck from there. 😆

Bittersweet memory. One of the other 3 of us was a really close friend, hunting, & fishing buddy that passed away in 2017 in a drowning accident at age 59.
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Well these showed up. If anyone wants one, PM your details.


They are shipped from the Great White North, so who knows how long it'll take to get to Yankee Land. Wish the green wasn't butchered, certainly wasn't that colour in the original test. Oh well, adds character. Who doesn't love puke-green.

Edit to add: These are free to whoever wants one. Just paying it forward to all the Roksliders who've helped me along the way.
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Not free, but…

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