Elk hunt interrupted


May 16, 2017
Southern ID
This last weekend my friend and I packed in about 5 miles and hunted from a spike camp for elk. The first day we were in elk all day. The next day we hiked over a big ridge above camp to hunt a good looking basin, as we got to the top and started glassing I hear the distinct sound of a motorcycle. I look over at the next ridge and 2 guys are ripping up the trail that closed 3 weeks ago to motorized. One of the reasons we chose this area was because of the motorized restrictions, and potentially less pressure. I am not against using motorized vehicles to access country at all- I own a few myself and use them often but this seemed to really spook the elk. The next few days the area just seemed dead as the trail that the guys were on runs along the top of a ridge for several miles and I would imagine spooked every animal within miles. Anybody else run into this sort of problem?
There are a couple motorcycle only trails in that SE Idaho that you may not know about. My buddy has spent significant time with the warden to identify and the signs get torn down as fast as they put them back up.

If they were fat tire bikes...it could have been my buddies

Edit; personally, I don't like hunting off quads and bikes so I get what you are saying.
The elk are still there when the trails are open. I've seen a guy ride by on a quad and then an elk step out right after.
Illegal atv/motorcycle / UTV use in Idaho is a huge problem facing hunters and federal management agencies. The funding will never be available to properly enforce the existing laws, but sometimes it seems like you can hand a gift wrapped, open and shut case complete with photos and license plate numbers over to the authorities and they still do nothing about it. I have yet to come up with a solution, but it's past time for hunters and outdoors people to start making more noise about this issue at the state and federal levels until it gets the attention it deserves.
I think a major issue in Idaho is the network of various rules, and having different rules on the same trails for different times of the year. Washington is pretty much nothing to emulate in most ways, but there seems to be much better adherence to the rules in NE WA compared to northern ID.

It is clear in WA. There are large contiguous areas where no motorized vehicles are allowed for the entire year, or separately specific areas (well signed) only open to handicap drivers, and people actually observe the rules because law enforcement is (including US Marshalls) out during hunting season focusing on these areas and giving serious fines.
I had no problem finding the motorless area. It's pretty clear I think. There are several sites online that clearly indicate the closures starting August 30th, as well as a sign at the trailhead stating the closure or a big green gate closed and locked.

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The last few years I have run into MANY.....and I mean MANY motorcyclists during the archery hunting season. They aren't hunters, they have these bikes that have large saddle bags like they're traveling. But they ride up and down these roads and trails ALL DAY LONG. Dozens of them. It definitely affects the bugling, as it shuts them right down during the daylight.