Dirt bike vs quad vs sxs? Which one

bone collector 13

Classified Approved
Jul 11, 2022
Eastern Washington
Obviously if money and space were not the issue sxs would be an easy choice for me. Anyone have different experiences? Leaning towards a quad or even a dirt bike for this season simply because I have a couple thousand acres of private I hunt that’s all uphill with only 1 road in the bottom. Thinking a dirt bike would be better suited for the narrow steep mountain handling vs something like a sxs or even a quad when trying to ride between trees and rocks up a ridge
I’ve rode all 3. One wrong move and the bike goes down with you and the rifle, no bueno. Smaller ATV’s have a short wheel base and can crow hop and dump you at surprisingly slow speeds. Not fun at all. I have no experience with large ATV’s. If you have an actual road on the property stability won’t be as much of an issue.

The older I get the more I like the seat belts and roll cage on a UTV. For game retrieval, ATV or UTV wins. I currently have an old ATV, a Honda 300 4x4. It works great. I just bought a Honda Pioneer 520 UTV 2 years ago, it is by far my favorite and the quietest.
I ride dirtbikes for fun, and have hunted off quads. I would only run a bike if I was getting in deep for the day, or overnight to hike off of. No experience with a SxS.
All three modes of transportation have pros and cons. I have had a quad but now have a SXS. One thing you didn’t mention was hauling pcs of an animal out or traveling in snow. I have no experience doing that on a dual sport but I would think that might have the potential to be a pucker factor depending on terrain.
get an emoto. Super quiet. I got a talaria sting r mx4 and then just upgraded to the Altis. Super quiet and do great


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Dirt bikes take the most skill to operate safely. Especially if you are dealing with mud, snow, and ice.

I would only take one if I was hunting off a motorized single track section
Quad or SxS. Dirt bikes are fun but you are hunting.

Now if you can do an E-bike, I'd get something more of a dirt bike for more power and range.
They all have pros and cons. They are all able to get you hurt in seconds.

What is your skill level and what sort of terrain are you hunting/riding?

I ride dirt bikes. I hunt with them. If I had the money I'd have a quad as well for certain situations or certain areas I hunt.
If you can ride a dirt bike and I don’t mean just put around on one. It is by far the fastest/easiest way to access rough country. For hunting an electric one would be awesome, but I have zero experience with them. If not experienced it’s a great way to get hurt and would not suggest.

SxS isn’t needed unless you are hauling multiple people and gear. You can get a decked out used atv and trailer for the price of a decent used SxS. ATV will also be more dependable/cheaper to repair in the long run if you get the right one. If you have on other people tagging along. - just save up for a sxs.
Is your hunting property laid out in a way that you could use an ATV for transport and long hauls and then hike into the rough terrain? If you buy a smaller framed ATV you will be surprised at how maneuverable they are in the woods.
These posts are right, pros and cons with each option. Taking a heavy pack out with a bike and that extra weight making me top heavy doesn't sound like fun. But it's also been years since I have ridden consistently.

I have often wondered why folks spend $20k+ on a sxs when you can get an old jeep for $3-5k. Go 80mph on the freeway, enclosed cab, heating, a/c and you lose very little off road capability.
I put a tarp in the back and have hauled many game animals with no blood on the upholstery.

4 wheeler doesn't have a lot of space to pack things (not dissimilar to the motorcycle)
But has far more stability.
Put a winch on the front and you have possibly the best option for your described situation.
Secret answer #4: a jeep. Can be had much cheaper than a side by side (dad bought a 97 TJ with air lockers, a 4 inch lift, and a winch for $5k), has heat and AC, and the right one can be very road worthy.
Whats the budget?

quads seem to chase you down when something goes sideways.
SxS's are cool. Everybody I know who has one, is always fixing them though.
I am all about the dirtbikes. But think they would be a PITA to hunt from.

I'd be tempted to find a $5k-ish tacoma, toss $2k worth of gears and lockers at it. Nother couple grand in suspension and tires.

Be into a damn capable rig with both heater and a/c, that can also go down the freeway for $10k.

It is amazing how capable a pickup is, when you dont care about it....
My main use for a sxs is ice fishing so a cab with heat and now ac for summer use is a must for me and so much better than a 4 wheeler for my use. You can drive them on the road here so i use it a bunch for running around town that being a town with 2 stop lights. It sure is nice in the winter backing out of the heated garage driving out to the lake and being fishing with the comfort of a cab and heat. The guys on 4 wheelers when its -20 look miserable .
I used to haul my 4 seat sxs to hunt, then realized I can get my Gladiator anywhere I drove it, with more comfort.
I do have an atv for the 50" stuff

I have bikes and want to get into hunting off them but hate having my rifle across my back on day hunts, I wish I had a smaller foldable rifle I could fit inside my bag.
Having walked, bicycled, ridden on horses, dirt bikes, ATVs, SXSs and pickups into my hunting areas, each one has its' pluses and minuses. Each of those means of transportation also has its' exhilarating moments too. The only long-term scars/injuries that I have come from the dirt bikes and ATVs. I've been using my SXS a lot more recently as I'm not hunting in extremely hilly spots as much right now. When I'm in a hilly area, I tend to use my 4-wheeler.
Basically, I would let it come down to the terrain, distance, type of roads and mostly my familiarity/comfort level with the vehicle that I'm using.