Dirt bike vs quad vs sxs? Which one

bone collector 13

Classified Approved
Jul 11, 2022
Eastern Washington
Obviously if money and space were not the issue sxs would be an easy choice for me. Anyone have different experiences? Leaning towards a quad or even a dirt bike for this season simply because I have a couple thousand acres of private I hunt that’s all uphill with only 1 road in the bottom. Thinking a dirt bike would be better suited for the narrow steep mountain handling vs something like a sxs or even a quad when trying to ride between trees and rocks up a ridge
I’ve rode all 3. One wrong move and the bike goes down with you and the rifle, no bueno. Smaller ATV’s have a short wheel base and can crow hop and dump you at surprisingly slow speeds. Not fun at all. I have no experience with large ATV’s. If you have an actual road on the property stability won’t be as much of an issue.

The older I get the more I like the seat belts and roll cage on a UTV. For game retrieval, ATV or UTV wins. I currently have an old ATV, a Honda 300 4x4. It works great. I just bought a Honda Pioneer 520 UTV 2 years ago, it is by far my favorite and the quietest.
I ride dirtbikes for fun, and have hunted off quads. I would only run a bike if I was getting in deep for the day, or overnight to hike off of. No experience with a SxS.
All three modes of transportation have pros and cons. I have had a quad but now have a SXS. One thing you didn’t mention was hauling pcs of an animal out or traveling in snow. I have no experience doing that on a dual sport but I would think that might have the potential to be a pucker factor depending on terrain.