Diesel Shortage - Anyone Worried?

I live in PA. Biden campaigned on NOT shutting down the Keystone pipeline. He stood in front of Union pipe fitters and promised not to shut down the pipeline. This was probably one of the reasons he managed to take PA in the election. First week in office he shutdown the pipeline. Apparently it's much better for the environment to burn diesel using trucks and ships to move oil instead of just running it through a pipeline. It was also great for our economy here. Maybe all the workers can get $15/hr jobs at Amazon.
Other sources do say about 11bpd which still puts us at #1 and still debunks that "fact" he stated.
Everything he said there are facts.

"When Trump was President, we were energy independent"........fact.
"and were the largest oil producer in the world"......fact.

If we are producing so much oil then why did we just drain our strategic oil reserves?
That was all about "optics"......."perceptions"......before midterms. I'm pretty sure everyone understands that, because Biden could care less what people are paying for gas and fuel......outside of an election. And that is absolutely a fact.
Everything he said there are facts.

"When Trump was President, we were energy independent"........fact.
"and were the largest oil producer in the world"......fact.

You forgot to read is second sentence where he said "Since dementia Joe took over, that changed..." That has not changed. So you are right, his first sentence is a fact, but that fact still remains today and has not changed. That was my point.
We are all just peons, and those in power give a rats ass about us. You pay $5.50 for gas they don't care, diesel goes up and effects supply chain, they don't care, cost of heat your house goes up they don't care, cost of feeding your family goes up they don't care. Just elect me and everything will be just fine. All a bunch of lies. They want common Americans to be dependent of the govt. so they can control our lives.
You forgot to read is second sentence where he said "Since dementia Joe took over, that changed..."
Oh, you didn't quote that part. I was just reading your quote. But what did change negatively with the change in administrations was our energy policies and admin perceptions of petroleum.
Oh, you didn't quote that part. I was just reading your quote. But what did change negatively with the change in administrations was our energy policies and admin perceptions of petroleum.
Absolutely. I believe that the negative sentiment towards oil production can and probably has inflated prices. I also believe that this very thing is a good reason why speculators should not be allowed to buy and sell oil to make money. Oil prices should be controlled by supply and demand of those physically buying and selling it, not some suit on Wall St. trying to make money off speculation.
That's how all commodities are bought and sold. Even our utility companies try to lock in futures contracts when the prices are low.......and then still jack our prices up when the prices go up after they've bought.
That was all about "optics"......."perceptions"......before midterms. I'm pretty sure everyone understands that, because Biden could care less what people are paying for gas and fuel......outside of an election. And that is absolutely a fact.
You think the urban east coast billionaire Trump is worried about the price of diesel?
I really find it interesting that no one else mentions this
Even this is not the entire story though. I believe Obama signed the bill into law cuz it would not have survived his veto. Ending the export ban had bipartisan support.
Even this is not the entire story though. I believe Obama signed the bill into law cuz it would not have survived his veto. Ending the export ban had bipartisan support.
A politician doing politician things doesn't mean you give the credit to his successor.
The reason the US exports a lot of oil has to do with the grade of the oil. The grades which have fewer energy producing uses, such as heavy crude are the ones we export. the lighter grade oil which has more uses for energy production are the ones in more demand here in the USA.
I live in PA. Biden campaigned on NOT shutting down the Keystone pipeline. He stood in front of Union pipe fitters and promised not to shut down the pipeline. This was probably one of the reasons he managed to take PA in the election. First week in office he shutdown the pipeline. Apparently it's much better for the environment to burn diesel using trucks and ships to move oil instead of just running it through a pipeline. It was also great for our economy here. Maybe all the workers can get $15/hr jobs at Amazon.
Wow. A politician that didn't keep his promises.

So crazy and unheard of.
The reason the US exports a lot of oil has to do with the grade of the oil. The grades which have fewer energy producing uses, such as heavy crude are the ones we export. the lighter grade oil which has more uses for energy production are the ones in more demand here in the USA.

Its the opposite from my experience.

All of the refineries on the Gulf Coast where designed run on high sulfur crude from Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil and Canada. They can run the light grades like Eagle Ford and WTI along with Arab Light but only if its blended with a sour grade of crude or something like M100 which is a high sulfur content fuel oil from Russia.

Since the domestic supply of light crude out weights demand we export it to Europe or China.