CPAP anything new for backpacking/camping

I picked up the Renogy 72000 mAh battery and a DC/DC plug for an Airsense 10 based on the feedback in this thread. I've run it 3 nights now around 22 hours.

It shows 1 green spot next to the power button since it was charged and that hasn't changed.

It shows 3/4 blue spots and started 4/4.

Agree with the comments above on the LED's washing into the other spots. The 2nd button with the red LED's is mentioned in the crappy instructions but it doesn't tell you what the voltage ratings for each setting are. Also I noticed the blue LED spots are described backwards (or you're supposed to look from the flashlight side?).

I'm thinking it must be a knock off, but the hardware seems to hold a charge OK...for now.
PS: my feedback is with the humidifier turned off and the unit in airplane mode.
I got one more 10 hour night (right?) last night and this morning the Renogy cleared showed the green power button washing into the right position, and clearly showed one blue light washing into 2 positions right and left.

So I put it back on charge. I was only expecting it to run 2 nights, and I'm happy it ran for 4.

I guess I'm over the interface issues with the buttons for my purposes but wish they had that right before they released it. Reminds me of the old "made in china" cliche that everyone used to say 30 years ago.
Bump for info for a buddy.

Any new gear that is lighter or better? Longer lasting power source?
Bump for info for a buddy.

Any new gear that is lighter or better? Longer lasting power source?
Since my 10/23/23 post...which was when I was lugging an Airsense 10 on cub scout outings...I picked up a Resmed Mini. I had to pay for it out of pocket. Its really small. Same size hose, different power cord that's lighter, and the unit is probably as big as your fist. It doesn't have a water chamber but just has these little packets that look like ranch dip from Domino's PIzza that go into a pocket in the hose.

I used it in Montana and it worked fine. It's a little noisy and my airway was dry the first day I used it.

I think it would last longer on that battery bank than the Airsense 10 but I haven't tested it yet.
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Full disclosure: I am a dentist. If I had sleep apnea I would be getting a snore device made at a dentists office. I do not see how people can tolerate a CPAP over what a intra-oral sleep device can provide. Somebody near you may even specialize in these types of devices if you do some research. Google: Silent nite to get an idea of what one of them can look like
I went with a snore device from my dentist originally, and that worked for about a year -- until my jaw started popping and, occasionally, locking briefly. I was told to discontinue using it. At that point I got a CPAP machine, which works great for me (going on eight years now). For camping, I bought a ResMed Air Mini device, which is a really tiny CPAP machine, and a Medistrom Pilot24 Lite battery pack for it. The Pilot24 Lite will run the Air Mini for about three nights on a full charge. I also use it in serial with my Airsense 10's power supply to keep it charged; when it's time to go camping I just unplug it and bring it along. The whole rig weighs 33oz (just over 2lbs) and I've used it on nights down to +20F. The AirMini's operating temp range is supposedly down to +40F but I've had it lower several times and it seems to do fine. I would advise that you keep the battery and machine outside your sleeping bag, though, or the condensation will drown you. :) It works well for me. Not the cheapest option, but I like to be mobile and I love my CPAP machine too.