We have wolves in Wyoming and we have a wolf season in Wyoming. I like having both. I hope we will always have Grizzlies and I hope we’ll have a Grizzly season someday.
I didn’t kill an elk this year. I killed an elk in 2021 and 2022 but came up short this year. I was into elk four times this past season and never got a shot. This has never been unusual. I usually fill out two, sometimes three years in a row and then have a dry year. It goes that way. I’m not convinced wolves had anything to do with me not filling out this year.
Wyoming’s wolf areas, protected, trophy, and predator, make sense to me. If Colorado was determined to do this, seems to me like RMNP should have been used as the release point and permanently protected area, areas bordering the park to become trophy areas, and areas further out to become predator areas. But I’m no expert and Colorado is not Wyoming. Maybe that template wouldn’t work there.
Besides, politically I default to states rights to the greatest extent possible, so it’s really none of my business what Colorado does.
My thoughts and 5.00 will get you foofoo coffee in Boulder.