Colorado releases first 5 wolves

Based on 14 years of data and trends on Washington’s wolf population and a population model developed at the University of Washington (UW), WDFW staff recommend reclassifying wolves from state endangered to sensitive.

But we'll disregard the $$million$$ of tax dollars spent on that because
uninformed and misinformed opinions trump science and common sense.
And we allow hunting from the air!
As in seeing them from a plane then landing to hunt them? Or actually shoot them from the air? I know a guy that used to shoot coyotes from the air. Killed more coyotes in one day than most people see in a year. It would be blast to hunt wolves from the air. As long as you land and get the hides. I would hate to just leave them lay
As in seeing them from a plane then landing to hunt them? Or actually shoot them from the air? I know a guy that used to shoot coyotes from the air. Killed more coyotes in one day than most people see in a year. It would be blast to hunt wolves from the air. As long as you land and get the hides. I would hate to just leave them lay

It’s not a free for all from an airplane anymore. It’s highly regulated and targeted these days

General hunting for wolves is similar to other animals; you can’t hunt the same day you fly.
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