Colorado releases first 5 wolves

It's a fair enough stance but what are they expected to do? If they took a stand and resigned I'm sure there's a line of applicants a mile long that would be happy to replace them and uncage some wolves on TV.

Unlike the police thing where a given officer could just choose to ignore the maskless kid, it's not like these CPW agents can just choose to look the other way and ignore the wolves. They're doing what the voters told them to do and it's unfortunately unavoidable.
Simple, they could quit and do something else. Not sure why people today, like you, believe we no longer have free will to do as we wish…..or as we don’t wish.

If i’m asked by my employer to do something that doesn’t align with my morals/beliefs i’m out of there. This country would be far better off if people stood strong in their beliefs instead of being a peon for a paycheck.
Little late maybe and didn't read all the posts but word is some of the first 5 released have already killed some dogs, the day after release. Media is being quiet about it. Bullshit
Little late maybe and didn't read all the posts but word is some of the first 5 released have already killed some dogs, the day after release. Media is being quiet about it. Bullshit

I know some of the non Polis released wolves (those that migrated from WY) have killed dogs and livestock (2101 or 2103, I recall are their id's). These Articles can be found via search. At least 1 Rancher asked for depredation and was denied.

There's rumors that a couple of the Polis introduced wolves OR23xx series, have exited the state. There is also a rumor of a car striking a wolf. I can't find news Articles for either and don't expect CPW or any state agency to willingly disclose this info on a timely manner, even if it were true.
Also was told by a grand cty local who heard from a non-grand cty sheriff dept that some of the wolves are now west of Hayden! Maybe they are high-tailing back home? Dogs...the spaniels in my avatar are probably worth more than any prized breeding bull. They are upland hunting machines. Hey CPW - since I don't have a right to hunt and, only a "privilege" you say, what am I able to do with my .410 next Sept grouse season if one of your wolves coming calling since I have no "rights" to do anything? Haze them?
I know some of the non Polis released wolves (those that migrated from WY) have killed dogs and livestock (2101 or 2103, I recall are their id's). These Articles can be found via search. At least 1 Rancher asked for depredation and was denied.

One of those dogs was my parents dog, a working border collie, CPW did pay them but the neighbors dog was just a pet so no reimbursement
This thing is such an f-ing joke. All politics can't help but embarass themselves, but the side that pushes big government involvement, change here and change there is the one that opens itself up to the biggest blunders. Randy's Newberg's last of 4 podcasts on this overall anti-hunting issue describes well what is going on this coming year. The lion hunting and trophy hunting ban initiative are definitely NOT a joke. Everyone on Rokslide could forego one dinner night out and send whatever they are able to Dan Gates' organization He is the real deal. We can show support at the state capital, email our local rep and CPW commissioner, but sending money for a campaign is sorry to say the most effective use of our time IMO.
One item I disagree with a decent amount of hunters is on wolves having a place in a ecosystem like Colorado's. I have lived here since the 80's and seen a lot of change. I argue that most of Colorado is urban. The amount of people that recreate in Moffat county year round for instance makes the most rec-utilized/populated county in WYO, MT, ID or even eastern Wash look like pristine wilderness. Even they are not near as wild as the Yukon, BC or NWT where I have also hunted. Accelerating wolves re-intro and talk of the same for grizz is a disservice to a species that simply need space. Now, talking about it and doing something about it are two different things. We can't stop CPW from implementing the wolf plan. We can stop the lion and trophy hunting initiatives if we do our damn job. We can't SSS the animals no matter how much we want to. You will get caught and you will never hunt again. Don't do it. I think we can activate/unite/all those political BS buzzwords once the problem manifests itself. These animals will be a plague in so many ways in an urban state like ours, and it will be our duty to make the right kind of noise to aggressively manage them once they do.

My rational for the above...I am a sheep nut but also an upland dog and hunting fanatic. Look up the story about Cisco, the working border Collie that killed in SW Jackson county 100 yards from the family's from door last year and tell me that wolves and people don't mix. If people are the problem, then let the I-25 corridor be the first to move out. I bet there is some great riparian habitat we can save. Bring the native sauger back to the South Platte. Not going to happen anymore than our great ag producers are going to stand for losing their herd and canine family members...children playing in the back 40? Polis's husband wants to reduce our dependency on meat. Get the meat out he says. Did we elect Polis' husband for anything? We know dogs were killed by wolves last week, and I am sure we will here about cattle and sheep soon. Wolves will be proven not to be a fit for an urban state.

I do respect other predators and enjoy hearing a wolf's howl to remind me of our love for wild spaces. I didn't care for the Grizz that bluff charged me this year but f-ing digged the rush it gave me. Bottomline is I will conduct what I believe is sound predator management and kill year-round (if legal) using any means every lion, coyote, wolf, wolverine, grizz, and black bear I see if I am legally able and licensed to do so. The science of every state and province says that the high populations of ALL of these animals are negatively affecting the ungulate populations what we as the ultimate apex predator count on for food, commerce, recreation, culture, story-telling, family bonding, etc. We are part of the damn ecosystem! Any study that says anything to the contrary is blind to the facts has an agenda for something else.

A war is coming to this state. I guarantee it. I would like to win it.
Would had to see these while in the back country. I heard a story by John Dudley when they killed an elk and were basically surrounded by wolves during archery season and they had to shoot their way out....
No legal solution exists

That’s the reality.

You have a few palatable options depending on how things go from here.

1 - they return home on their own
2 - they stay in the mountains
3 - they meet Bob Barker's ghost and get spayed or neutered and die of old age without reproducing.
What's the legality of the above-mentioned Bob Barker treatment? Say someone traps/tranquilizes a wild dog and removes its bits and pieces....hypothetically speaking of course. Wild dog would still be alive for the bleeding hearts to gush over.

Not that this capture/snip method would be very easy/effective.
From experience..... been hunting Wis. since 1962.... plenty of whitetail,,bobcat and bear,State and county land aplenty...About 20 years ago... 7 miles from my place they planted a pack of wolves...All of my group have seen them flourish.........
In 2 years opening day we saw a difference in whitetail population...In 10 years only 1-2 guys in our group would see 1 deer..... Tree huggers got worried....wolves had nothing to eat.... rabbits,,grouse,,coon...turkey.....gone.....
So in DNR`s infinite wisdom they planted elk,,in the same spot they planted wolves about 7 years before..... Now.... what do you think wolves eat....
From experience..... been hunting Wis. since 1962.... plenty of whitetail,,bobcat and bear,State and county land aplenty...About 20 years ago... 7 miles from my place they planted a pack of wolves...All of my group have seen them flourish.........
In 2 years opening day we saw a difference in whitetail population...In 10 years only 1-2 guys in our group would see 1 deer..... Tree huggers got worried....wolves had nothing to eat.... rabbits,,grouse,,coon...turkey.....gone.....
So in DNR`s infinite wisdom they planted elk,,in the same spot they planted wolves about 7 years before..... Now.... what do you think wolves eat....
A quick google search of Wisconsin wolf reintroduction shows that the DNR there never reintroduced wolves. They say wolves expanded naturally from Minnesota once they were federally protected.