Co revised statue 33-1-101

Nov 3, 2024
I saw this on another forum but, this seems to be slipping by us.
The statue currently says:
“(4) The state shall utilize hunting, trapping, and fishing as the primary methods of effecting necessary wildlife harvests.”

And is proposed to change to:
(4) The state shall utilize MAY AUTHORIZE hunting, trapping, and fishing as the primary methods of effecting necessary wildlife harvestsIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BEST AVAILABLE WILDLIFE AND ECOLOGICAL SCIENCE TO BENEFIT WILDLIFE, WHOLE ECOSYSTEM HEALTH, AND ALL COLORADANS”

Although this is up to interpretation, it seems that the passing of this may weaken the guarantee for hunting, fishing and trapping to be used for wildlife management, and allow for more prioritized usage of other methods. I plan on calling some of my representatives about this. Here is the link to the full thing:
This change in language might give anti groups more control and leverage on this and although may not impact us immediately, it probably will lead to some long term changes.
I saw this on another forum but, this seems to be slipping by us.
The statue currently says:
“(4) The state shall utilize hunting, trapping, and fishing as the primary methods of effecting necessary wildlife harvests.”

And is proposed to change to:
(4) The state shall utilize MAY AUTHORIZE hunting, trapping, and fishing as the primary methods of effecting necessary wildlife harvestsIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BEST AVAILABLE WILDLIFE AND ECOLOGICAL SCIENCE TO BENEFIT WILDLIFE, WHOLE ECOSYSTEM HEALTH, AND ALL COLORADANS”

Although this is up to interpretation, it seems that the passing of this may weaken the guarantee for hunting, fishing and trapping to be used for wildlife management, and allow for more prioritized usage of other methods. I plan on calling some of my representatives about this. Here is the link to the full thing:
I think the reason for the change is because wolf introduction which is management by apex predators isn’t included in the original text. The word “shall” excludes management by predators.