Colorado Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish Citizens Initiative.

Was looking at the average cost to get an issue on the ballot, with all associated fees, etc. It looks like North of $100k-$1 million +. So once things progress further, will be looking into how funding for these is managed, probably through the creation of an organization specifically to push the ballot measure, and manage funds, signature collection, etc. in a secure and transparent manner. A lot of research to do. Anyone with experience in grassroots, nonprofit organizational management and fundraising please chime in with your thoughts. Approaching businesses with a substantial investment in Colorado such as Cabelas, etc. for fundraising assistance seems like a possibility to me.
I do know that moneybombs are a great way to raise funds and the shorter timeframe makes people more likely to donate. It also sends a political message that people raised $100,000 in 24 hours or whatever the timeframe.
Thanks for bringing this up. As a nonresident that has hunted Colorado once and plans on doing so more in the future I’ve thought Colorado needed this given the recent issues…

Count me in! It’s time we try to get ahead of antis and stop playing catch up
We need to also grass roots it. Bass Pro, Scheels, Cabelas, Sportsman's, every small sporting goods, archery, outfitting, and gun shop would benefit from this. They need to be informed and educate their customers.

If provided the information, I would gladly visit shops to explain what is happening and what we need to do about it. And, I am not bashful. And I am tactful.
The Gofundme account for the Wyoming Corner Crossing Legal Defense has raised $116k and people are still donating. We raised a couple thousand here on Rokslide in just a couple of days to buy a kid a pair of Swaros so $100k is not unrealistic at all. The Wyoming Corner Crossing issue gained awareness/publicity through several media outlets, hunting personalities like Meateaters and Randy Newberg, and hunting forums. A similar path would likely be necessary in addition to gaining support from many of the organizations mentioned already.
Given the current rapidly deteriorating political climate in Colorado, and the composition of the legislature here, it seems like it is time to bring this issue to the forefront. There have been a lot of discussions lately lamenting hunters' inability to come together to protect the way of life we live and breathe. Colorado is one of the states with no constitutionally protected right to hunt and fish. I think many of us are starting to see the writing on the wall, as the urban majority makes decision after decision which negatively impacts the Colorado I grew up in, and still love with all my heart, in spite of its recent failings. It is time to come together and start taking steps to protect our hunting heritage, before it is taken away, one piece of legislation at a time. I think this may be the only way to have a fighting chance to protect this heritage, before it is too late. I feel, like I think many here do, that if we do not act immediately, we will not have the chance again.

I am starting this thread to begin brainstorming, organizing, and developing a plan to get the necessary signatures, and legal backbone, for a 2024 citizens' initiative to amend the Colorado constitution to include the right to hunt and fish. I do not have experience with this process, other than peripherally, so I am asking those members who may have the expertise to help get this process started to step up and help get the ball rolling. I will be reaching out, and I hope many others do as well, to RMEF, BHA, HOWL, RMGO and any other supportive organizations to seek assistance with the development of an initiative aimed at the 2024 election to achieve this goal. While I may not have the expertise to put it together, I can certainly get out and knock on doors, educate co-workers and family, and pound the pavement to get the signatures needed to get this on the ballot. Hopefully many of us will put our efforts toward supporting the development of this.

I would like to keep this thread productive, and non-partisan, so please refrain from posting if it's just to gripe about wolves, politics, or other issues not directly related to getting this initiative on the ballot. Thank you!

Potentially supportive organizations:

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Colorado Bowhunters Association
Sportsman's Alliance
Ducks Unlimited
Pheasants Forever
Mule Deer Foundation
Muley Fanatic Foundation
Wild Sheep Foundation
Trout Unlimited
Colorado Outfitters Association

Potentially supportive individuals/ companies:

Meateater/ Rinella Brothers
Randy Newberg

Potentially supportive legislators:

State Senator Perry Will covers Delta, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, Hinsdale, Montrose, Pitkin counties and is a retired game warden.
I'm in. Tell me how I can help. Pretty sure many of those groups would support such an effort, even if their 501(c)(3) exemption puts some sideboards on how involved they can get in political processes.

We did this in Montana in 2010 (?). Send me a PM and I'll tell you what I know from the Montana effort. Obviously MT has a much different electorate than CO.

I met with some Oregon folks last month who want to do the same thing. Each state has different requirements regarding Constitutional changes. I suspect you've already investigated that for CO.

If I lived in CO, OR, or WA, I'd be looking at getting this accomplished. It doesn't solve every issue, but it gives citizens a much higher legal standing when efforts come forth to diminish an activity that would then be considered a Constitutional right.
An important point to keep in mind is that in best case scenario, the amendment will have language that makes hunting and fishing by residents the primary tool in game management... This helps to avoid situations like what Washington state is experiencing. I can't remember for sure, but I think this language may have been in the Utah constitutional amendment that was passed ite at election cycle.
I was looking thru the paper printed regs (page7) the other day and saw some organizations that maybe a guy should talk with, SCI was the one that stood out, they might have a better understanding of how to move forward with this.

I saw Cabela's, Bass Pro and Scheels mentioned in another response, I wonder if corporate would even want to get involved. They might support letting a person set up and get the signatures but I don't know if corporate would get to much more involved beyond that.
I was looking thru the paper printed regs (page7) the other day and saw some organizations that maybe a guy should talk with, SCI was the one that stood out, they might have a better understanding of how to move forward with this.

I saw Cabela's, Bass Pro and Scheels mentioned in another response, I wonder if corporate would even want to get involved. They might support letting a person set up and get the signatures but I don't know if corporate would get to much more involved beyond that.
Would be good to know where Bass pro stands, should be a no brainer for them. Not really controversial when your business focuses on selling things for hunting and fishing. Sportsman’s warehouse and scheels would be good spots to get signatures as well
I'm in. Tell me how I can help. Pretty sure many of those groups would support such an effort, even if their 501(c)(3) exemption puts some sideboards on how involved they can get in political processes.

We did this in Montana in 2010 (?). Send me a PM and I'll tell you what I know from the Montana effort. Obviously MT has a much different electorate than CO.

I met with some Oregon folks last month who want to do the same thing. Each state has different requirements regarding Constitutional changes. I suspect you've already investigated that for CO.

If I lived in CO, OR, or WA, I'd be looking at getting this accomplished. It doesn't solve every issue, but it gives citizens a much higher legal standing when efforts come forth to diminish an activity that would then be considered a Constitutional right.
Thank you Randy! I'll send you a PM in the next day or two. I would love to pick your brain on this.

This is going on in Montana right now. Everyone please help Montana and I’m sure they would help us.
Love him or hate him, Jon Caldera at the Independence Institute in Golden knows how to get initiatives on the ballot. I may have contact info for one of the employees there; I'll see if I can't at least get a foot in the door to talk with someone about how to go about this, and (maybe???) get some help??!! DM me if you want.
Im in. Dont gotta tell me twice. We need preformatted letters to our congress people also.
Please keep the progress of this initiative updated on this thread. This could be very helpful for others trying to do something similar in their respective states. We could sure use something similar in New Mexico.
The number of positive responses is encouraging. Now if everyone of us will lean on our friends and relatives who hunt, for support, we can get some momentum behind this agenda.
I have started a dedicated email to collect information offline that anyone may have to offer in support of this effort.

[email protected] (dedicated email to collect and organize information related to this effort)

I will be posting up a tentative schedule and timeline soon, that we will need to meet to get this done along with key dates, and milestones.

I will also put up some areas of focus that we will need to address in order to meet this timeline, and if anyone is interested in volunteering to help with these areas of focus, please don't hesitate to send an email with any specifics you don't want to share on the open forum.

Thank you everyone! I will do my best to keep this rolling, but I'm hoping to make this a crowdsourced effort, so don't be afraid to give this thread a bump!
For those wondering about Basspro/cabelas getting political and supporting this I just got an email from them urging me to contact my congressman and tell them to vote down 23-168, (allowing victims of gun crimes to sue manufacturers/retailers) so I think they would back the right to hunt/fish play
Johnny Morris owner of Bass Pro and Cabelas has a history of being generous in his support of sportsmen's organizations. Larry Potterfield of Midway USA has been a big NRA supporter and has really expanded his retail operation into hunting / fishing in recent years. Both of these guys might be interested in providing some financial support.