CO Gun Law dissappointment

Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
For you guys that live in CO, are you disappointed in your Gov for signing these bills into law?

Does it feel like a knee jerk reaction to any of you that live there? I'm currently looking into moving to the boulder area (GF is looking at Colorado as a potential law school)

I feel somewhat disgusted with what I've read so far. Kind of a slap in the face. Making magazines have less than 15 rounds won't really do anything in the grand scheme of things for stopping mass shootings or any violence for that matter, but grabbing at rights; especially gun rights pisses me off. And this is coming from a guy who has no desire to own an AR15 or any high capacity mag for that matter. But I'd still like to know I CAN own one, even though I don't want to.


Jan 2, 2013
I'm curious about others perspective too. I've been fortunate to have been working in Denver since January, and a permanent move is a possibility. What's the true implications/affect of the new laws? What does it mean long term for the state?

For folks like us what's the impact?


Feb 24, 2012
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
No guns, but you can now smoke pot ,2-men can get married, illegals welcome as well. Just does not make sense how law abiding residents will be punnished and criminals empowered! Hopefully the sensible will vote the idiots out.


Jul 29, 2012
Ohio/PA state line
No guns, but you can now smoke pot ,2-men can get married, illegals welcome as well. Just does not make sense how law abiding residents will be punnished and criminals empowered! Hopefully the sensible will vote the idiots out.

well said hunting1!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Lowman, Idaho
Well, I don't live in "commierado or coloradostan" but I am disappointed in their lawmakers. I actually spend a lot of time writing all the legislators that I can but if you don't live in their district, they won't even look at what you wrote. For instance, Diane Feinstein is proposing national legislation that affects everyone and I can't get through to her because I don't live there. Thank god for that anyway. And thank god for Idaho.
In any case support the lawmakers who believe and fight for our rights especially our constitution. And I will do what I can to let Colorado know that what they have done is not right. Period.

Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
No guns, but you can now smoke pot ,2-men can get married, illegals welcome as well. Just does not make sense how law abiding residents will be punnished and criminals empowered! Hopefully the sensible will vote the idiots out.

Colorado has amnesty for illegals? What the hell?

Curtis C

Mar 1, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
The laws that were signed last week have some of the poorest language of any in the state. Since someone else started the thread I will rant a little:)

HB 1224 (mag ban) with its title "high capacity magazine ban" was cleverly crafted to get the average citizen to agree. With the phrase "readily converted" will make it illegal for COLORADO CITIZENS to buy sell or transfer most handgun magazines. Even those that hold 10 rounds will fall into the "readily converted" category. This will prevent the sale of these HANDGUNS(which is the primary goal of this law) here since the magazines are banned. The retailer will have no choice but to remove them from the shelf. HB 1224 with the word "transfer" will also prevent my wife or kids from keeping my magazines when I die. Most of my handguns will be rendered inoperable when they are required to turn the magazines(even the 10 rounders) over to the government. A couple of my shotguns do have readily converted magazines so they will have to surrender the entire gun to keep from getting caught up in a confusing law. They were generous enough to give them a few days to turn them in:rolleyes:. I think they knew this would ban most handgun sales or transfers. Now they will hide behind the "unintended consequence" argument but wont move to correct it. Mayor Bloomberg would not have spent this kinda money on a mag ban punishable with a misdemeanor, he wanted much more like this gun ban. google the bloomberg interview on Lettermans show.

It is however perfectly legal for a non resident to come to Colorado and buy whatever magazines you want from any retail store. NON residents are exempt from this law, but our LEO's are confused so you should still be careful if you visit.

The background check also sounds like a reasonable requirement to purchase a gun, but it makes me and mt family criminals if we leave for more than 72 hours and leave my in-laws or friends with access to our house. We will only be able to loan a firearm to a friend for 72 hours even if they plan to use it on a week long hunting trip. Very poorly written.

We even have several sheriffs that are unsure how to enforce these laws.

It has been said Colorado will be a model for the nation, so your state may be next. We have another model we plan to show the nations leaders that attack the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, yes the fight now is for the 2nd but they are all worth protecting when needed. We are working to recall 3 legislators(1 in my area) at the moment.

Mods if this last part is unacceptable for Rokslide you may delete it or I will if you let me know.

Not every American can help with the footwork but everyone can help protect ALL of our Rights by visiting

Trout bum

Feb 27, 2012
These laws have created a lot of discussion in Colorado most of which has not been civil. There is no real middle ground in most people's minds. I think increased background checks are a good thing. Magazine limits are more palliative and a result of the emotional backlash from recent events. Historically, legislation based on emotional reaction and not on reasoned response can be a danger to individual rights. I have a 25 round magazine for my full size glock. The normal magazine holds 13. Is a 15 round limit going to make a real difference? I don't think so. A magazine can be changed in under a second. I do think all weapons should be kept out of the hands of the mentally ill and those with a history of violence through more stringent background checks. Gun show loop holes also defy common sense IMO. At the end of the day, I think the violence will likely continue until the "better angels of our nature" prevail and the media focuses less attention on those who seek it. If people want to boycott Colorado as a direct result of the new gun laws they have a right to do so and that does not bother me a bit. Regardless, I am confident Roksliders can have a civil discussion on this charged up topic. Cheers!
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Curtis C

Mar 1, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
Trout Bum I just want to make sure I read your comment correctly so don't take this wrong. Colorado does not have a gun show loophole! that was closed shortly after Columbine.

Trout bum

Feb 27, 2012
No worries Curtis. That part of my comment was a general statement directed at those states that still do or don't enforce it.


Dec 6, 2012
Hickenlooper was pretty good Mayor and Governor till the theater shooting then he change. As Mayor of Denver he dealt with gang killings etc he sure didn't adopt any of Bloomberger policy for Denver. He held that local new conference trying to patch things up with rural Co over those bills it was pretty lame and not sure how his latest deal over being friends with father of that parolee killed in Texas and maybe 3 killing here is going to play out. Kind of funny he let's that father(his friend) speak at hearing about prison reform and his son was in prison and son is paroled this Jan maybe one killing in Jan then 2 this March maybe. I don't think I'd bet on Hickenlooper chances of getting re-elected. If Mag-Pul leaves that's going to hurt him also.

As to the background check they've kind of dodge main question and that is what FFL dealer is going to handle those background checks if all he can charge buy law for his time is $10. Best answer I heard so far is that there be some who do.

Now that (Co) going to charge for back ground checks and that money going into general fund Dem figure they got extra 4million to spend we'll see were that goes.

I was here during the first shooting at Columbine and I learned one thing grieving is short for some that they find time to file lawsuits within few days of that shooting and same with theater shooting. It didn't matter background check or not everyone that handle those guns from the Columbine shooting was suited.

Since the background and others are state laws well see what happens next election and who takes control of Co.

I should mention Tanner gun show was sued over Columbine as his show sold some of those weapons and that's one reason he required Background check on private sells at his show and others followed suit at least some of them did.
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Jun 1, 2012
I wrote my Governor regarding this and this is the response I got:

Dear Darin:

Like all Americans, I was horrified as the tragedies of Friday, December 14th unfolded in Newtown, Connecticut. The deplorable act of violence that took the lives of innocent children and adults is beyond reason, and I pray that, in time, the families of the victims and the people of that community are able to find peace.

As you no doubt recall, we were all reminded of the evil that exists in our world when six students were shot, three fatally, at Chardon High School in Geauga County on February 27th, 2012. In the aftermath, the heroic stories of the first responders, teachers and staff who acted swiftly and selflessly to protect others showed true courage.

Since that tragic event, and in the wake of the recent tragedy in Newtown, the absolute necessity for school officials, parents, students and first responders to be trained and practiced in responding to these unthinkable crimes is of utmost importance. Various state and local agencies, including the Ohio Office of Homeland Security and the Ohio Department of Education, have worked collaboratively to implement, review and drill response plans. Moreover, these occasions of violence and heartache should give us all pause to think about how we treat each other, and the value we as a society place upon every life.

With regard to calls for legislation in response to these events, it is my belief that we will be best served by enforcing those laws that currently exist. And, in the weeks and months that follow, we should learn as much as possible about how this happened, and what steps we can take, including mental health awareness and school safety protocols, to guard against the senseless loss of innocent life ever again.

I appreciate your taking the time to write. Please join me and my family in continuing to keep the communities of Chardon and Newtown, and all innocent victims of violence, in our prayers. Thank you.
Jun 1, 2012
And my Ohio Senator:

Dear Darin,

Thank you for taking the time to write to me, I appreciated learning about your opinion on this very important issue. Like you, I believe the 2nd Amendment needs to be preserved because it is one of the fundamental rights of our nation. In Ohio, the current gun laws are adequate and I do not see a reason for the Ohio legislature to pass more stringent gun laws because that will only lead to an infringement of law abiding citizen's 2nd Amendment rights. For that reason, I will not support any proposed legislation that will negatively impact a law abiding citizen's ability to own a gun. However, currently most efforts to create stricter gun regulations are coming from the federal government, so if you have not already written to your US Representative or US Senator, I would suggest doing it because they are the people who represent you in our national government.

Please feel free to contact me another time if you ever want to voice your opinion on other state issues that are important to you because as a Senator it is my job to listen to and represent the people who elect me.

Attached to this email is an article that I believe does a great job of describing the purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

Best Regards,
William J. Seitz


Feb 24, 2012
ive only lived in colorado bout 3 mos. but im shocked and disappointed in the laws that were just passed, and almost all of the people i work withs attitudes toward them. they are pro gun, but when i try to have a discussion with them about whats going on they just say they dont agree with it but they dont seem upset or even inclined to stand up against it. its the most sheeples ive seen ever. i love colorado as a state, but i doubt i live here long. and i would not have come here except we had jobs lined up for a few mos before all this crap happened. and i never dreamed colorado would go this far. mo would not have, and the people there would have stood up against it. just my opinion, but there is a difference out here and thats the reason co is what it is.


Jun 1, 2012
On one of the 7 continents….
Its good to see a bunch of like minded folks on this.

I would suggest that everyone join the Second Amendment Foundation at : Any donation is a tax deduction as its a non-profit organization.

This is the group that actually goes after these types of laws in the courts. The NRA is great, and I'm a life member of this organization as well, but they are only lobbyists.

We can hope the liberal politicians can be voted out, but I'm not so sure now....The republican party has little to offer and the tea party is a thing of yesterday. November 2012 proved that. I think the only way to make a difference now is to support groups that challenge these laws in the courts.

And for those who live in could be worse, look at some of the California propositions on the table!

Curtis C

Mar 1, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
I have been looking at the SAF group some. Another group has already started to file suit against CO for these new laws so I plan to support them best I can now while also trying to help with the recall efforts that are happening. Heres the group that is filing in Colorado

I do think you are right about supporting those that sue the states. Our legislators completely ignored us during this whole process. Some Dem's where balancing their checkbooks or doing crossword puzzles during testimony. The only way to defeat that is in court or at the polls(SP).

I do believe most of these new laws will hit significant roadblocks in the court system, but its sad we have to spend more tax dollars to defeat them after tax dollars paid the salaries of those that crafted and passed these laws.
Feb 24, 2012
Rochester Hills, MI
Whats even worse is that the Dem's promise a bunch of govt freebies and people actually believe them. Then they vote because they think they are getting free things and getting taken care of. And since the dems destroy business with taxes, they keep more people unemployed and on the govt suckle. So the process continues and it compounds. Of course they want to give amnesty to illegals. Majority of latin folks vote liberal as they want the handouts. Look at Mexico and the other south american countries. Its a damn shame.

I'm almost ashamed at what our country has become. And a lot in my generation are pushing it. They care more about reality TV than what's going on in politics. They think carrying a pistol is "trashy". They think its cool to boycott companies because the owners of the companies hunt. They think eating meat is cruel because "Animals have feelings." I love having a minor in philosophy so I have taken many a logic course and I love to debate the fallacy of veganism/vegetarian mindset on the basis that meat eaters kill sentient beings. I could give many a point to use in an argument or an assault by a vegan on your choice of feeding.

How many of you have been attacked by a vegan verbally for your choice to hunt? And then had them spew you're killing sentient beings its not moral!? You can counter with this very point that will shut them up, or have them insult you, which means you win the argument anyway. They deem deer/elk/whatever to be sentient because it can have the concept of feelings. Ask them how they feel about dividing life worth into different categories. Ask them why they feel carrots are not sentient? Do they not grow, use minerals, need sunlight, water, and other food to grow? A deer requires the same things a carrot does for life. Just because they aren't a mammal or reproduce similar to what we do does not mean they are not alive and sentient. Everything eats sentient beings. Even deer eat grass, which is alive as much so as a cabbage head, human, bear, or tomato. Sorry for going on a rant. Just had to release some.

You could also go off onto a tangent about how they burn dead animals to propel their cars around. Or charge their Ipad. I'm ashamed of most of my generation. We're a bunch of sissy sheeple who won't stand up for our rights and would rather be taken care of by our government and the rich.