For you guys that live in CO, are you disappointed in your Gov for signing these bills into law?
Does it feel like a knee jerk reaction to any of you that live there? I'm currently looking into moving to the boulder area (GF is looking at Colorado as a potential law school)
I feel somewhat disgusted with what I've read so far. Kind of a slap in the face. Making magazines have less than 15 rounds won't really do anything in the grand scheme of things for stopping mass shootings or any violence for that matter, but grabbing at rights; especially gun rights pisses me off. And this is coming from a guy who has no desire to own an AR15 or any high capacity mag for that matter. But I'd still like to know I CAN own one, even though I don't want to.
Does it feel like a knee jerk reaction to any of you that live there? I'm currently looking into moving to the boulder area (GF is looking at Colorado as a potential law school)
I feel somewhat disgusted with what I've read so far. Kind of a slap in the face. Making magazines have less than 15 rounds won't really do anything in the grand scheme of things for stopping mass shootings or any violence for that matter, but grabbing at rights; especially gun rights pisses me off. And this is coming from a guy who has no desire to own an AR15 or any high capacity mag for that matter. But I'd still like to know I CAN own one, even though I don't want to.