CO Ballot Initiative to ban Mtn Lion hunt

I know there are some Colorado residents on here, does this stand a chance of being passed, or just another bunch of hot air? I have lion hunt planned in 2025, just wondering if I should be worried
I know there are some Colorado residents on here, does this stand a chance of being passed, or just another bunch of hot air? I have lion hunt planned in 2025, just wondering if I should be worried
I believe it will pass if it makes the ballot. Too many uninformed idiots in this state
Son of a gun, that was quick! Would love to see a dissenting opinion piece put in the post
Wishful thinking, I could see a dissenting opinion in the GJ Senteniel or Craig Daily Press, but good luck seeing that in the Denver Post.
I think there is an actual chance of defeating this. When it was proposed in the legislature it was soundly defeated in committee. Overwhelming opposition from hunters, bill lost most of its sponsors. That and considering how close the wolf ballot initiative was. Hunters need to get active though. It will take a major fundraising and information campaign to beat it. Recommend concerned resident and nonresident hunters donate to the cause. Link below:
who is it specifically that keeps trying to put management decisions on ballots? We need to cut off the source. I've asked this question to multiple sources and still haven't gotten an answer?
I believe it is animal rights activist groups, but good question, deal is you get an idea and you can get it on the ballot with 125k signatures, I would imagine the backing to pay losers to stand outside king Soopers in Denver or boulder, 20 bucks an hour to comes from some of the giant groups like peta or hsusa. Most likely lots and lots of out of state money just like the wolf groups
Yes. They get support from national groups like peta, Hsusa, Center for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, WildEarth Guardians, etc. I believe there also a national “mountain lion protection” organization, can’t remember the exact name. Then they form a more specific organization to focus on the actual proposal and centered in that state. With Prop 91 I believe it is “Cats Aren’t Trophies”. The actual people that filed it are on the proposal, can’t recall the names. Rough order of magnitude is about $1 million or more to get something on the ballot, that gets you all the paid petition gatherers. Costs even more to fund an information (or misinformation) campaign to actually win.
I believe it is animal rights activist groups, but good question, deal is you get an idea and you can get it on the ballot with 125k signatures, I would imagine the backing to pay losers to stand outside king Soopers in Denver or boulder, 20 bucks an hour to comes from some of the giant groups like peta or hsusa. Most likely lots and lots of out of state money just like the wolf groups
Why can't we get 125K signatures to ban the wolf reintroduction then? Serious question.
From what my understanding is, CO. is becoming more liberal every day. That does not bode well for hunters/gun owners at all.