ATLAS Cooler & Tumbler June 2016 Group Buy-- Customer Feedback

Let me start by saying, I don't have a dog in this fight. It struck me as weird that in both email responses from the company listed above was quick to point out that you could cancel your order. Almost like that's what they're hoping that you do. Am I the only one that read it that way?

I read it more like "We really don't care about you guys at all so we gave your coolers away to another company. Not sorry about it either"
I'll wait til the 15th then cancel if it's actually delayed again. Not too concerned. Unfortunately I've been on a lot of group buys where things have been delayed so nothing new for me.
I read it more like "We really don't care about you guys at all so we gave your coolers away to another company. Not sorry about it either"

Unfortunately, that seems to be the case too. Looks like they used the money from this group buy to get their business started and now folks are starting to buy them at full price. So, now they're trying to dump the folks that helped payroll the whole start up. Pretty slick. It's shitty, but slick.
But then, on the other hand, a person "might" end up glad they were patient and gave them the benefit of the doubt, maybe not - Attempting to ruin another's attempts at a start up business ? I personally would put a lot of contemplation into that one ....

MRC come to anyone's mind ?
My order as been cancelled. For me it's more about the principle of the matter. At this point I would much rather pay triple the money and give it to a respectable company that I know can deliver a product.
:eek: RTIC was the original brand that screwed everybody the same way lol.

Although, I think they finally screwed enough people and got their shit together because I've been seeing the coolers in stores locally..

I bought an RTIC only had to wait a month so not too bad of a lead time and worth the wait!
But then, on the other hand, a person "might" end up glad they were patient and gave them the benefit of the doubt, maybe not - Attempting to ruin another's attempts at a start up business ? I personally would put a lot of contemplation into that one ....

MRC come to anyone's mind ?
What's mrc? Merchant risk council?

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It feels like fraud to me. I'll be canceling my order as well as filing a complaint with the BBB and attorney general. I placed an order, I did not give an interest free loan.
I am disgusted that what I thought was happening, really is happening. I am glad we could help fund their orders interest free. Sounds like a legitimate scam to me. now that they have some income coming in from "Big Box Stores" they no longer need our money to get their company started. I will send an email to walmart and the BBB describing how we were wronged. The change of dates is one thing, the lies and deception are an absolute other thing. I have a feeling Atlas will fold up and re open under a new name in the next short while.....
Yep. Some dude in his moms basement is running this company.

Paging Clarktar... We cancelling our order?

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It feels like fraud to me. I'll be canceling my order as well as filing a complaint with the BBB and attorney general. I placed an order, I did not give an interest free loan.

We gave the guy his start up money and the only interest that was Paid was by US on our Credit cards that have been charged for over two months.

I just created an account and Cancelled both my orders which totaled close to $1000. I got an instant confirmation of cancellation email and will update once the money is back on my card.

Karma will catch up with these Con Artists.
Yea..but they probably had 100 "hate" emails they had to go through and got tired of it..warranted of course

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I am very disappointed after reading the emails that were shared. I am definitely more of an optimist than others, and optimism has clearly kicked me in the rear on this one. I have sent a subsequent email to them today and asked if they will offering additional discounts for waiting on our interest free loans, or refunding money until they are actually ready to deliver. I expect no answer, and if none given, I will likely be cancelling the order.
Well, maybe I've just had a bad day at work, but I'm pretty disgusted at this whole debacle. I am starting to agree with others, this seems like a scam to me, or if nothing else, a way to raise capital. Putting the timeline at December 15th is now putting in Jeopardy almost all chance at a refund through Paypal or Credit Cards as it would now be past the 180 day mark, and what if we still don't have coolers, not much of a chance of getting our money back then. Hey, maybe it's just an honest mistake, but if what they're saying is true, they lied to GotDraw straight out.
So, here's what I found out with some digging. The president of Atlas Coolers is Ben Jones, you can verify it here on Facebook:
Ben Jones | Facebook

He is also co owner of The Coop, who just so happens to be having a grand opening of Red Rooster BBQ this coming week. Again, you can verify that here:
Grand Opening: Red Rooster BBQ

Seems to me like we financed either a) his "big company" order of coolers or b) his new restaurant.

Maybe it's all an honest mistake, maybe he just bit off more than he can chew and he is trying to fulfill the orders. Maybe he is going to work on fulfilling our orders...but then why did he lie to GotDraw last week? That makes me think he's not going to...

I called my friend at Walmart and told him the whole situation with us and he's pretty disgusted. He said he's going to forward everything I told him on to the right people there and see what he can do. They might have alot of coolers for sale soon ;)
Well, maybe I've just had a bad day at work, but I'm pretty disgusted at this whole debacle. I am starting to agree with others, this seems like a scam to me, or if nothing else, a way to raise capital. Putting the timeline at December 15th is now putting in Jeopardy almost all chance at a refund through Paypal or Credit Cards as it would now be past the 180 day mark, and what if we still don't have coolers, not much of a chance of getting our money back then. Hey, maybe it's just an honest mistake, but if what they're saying is true, they lied to GotDraw straight out.
So, here's what I found out with some digging. The president of Atlas Coolers is Ben Jones, you can verify it here on Facebook:
Ben Jones | Facebook

He is also co owner of The Coop, who just so happens to be having a grand opening of Red Rooster BBQ this coming week. Again, you can verify that here:
Grand Opening: Red Rooster BBQ

Seems to me like we financed either a) his "big company" order of coolers or b) his new restaurant.

Maybe it's all an honest mistake, maybe he just bit off more than he can chew and he is trying to fulfill the orders. Maybe he is going to work on fulfilling our orders...but then why did he lie to GotDraw last week? That makes me think he's not going to...

:) I found this too and sent him a friend request yesterday.

I also found this which I thought was strange, LLC for autoparts? *shrugs*

ATLAS COOLERS LLC Fredericksburg TX, 78624 - Cortera Company Profile