Well, maybe I've just had a bad day at work, but I'm pretty disgusted at this whole debacle. I am starting to agree with others, this seems like a scam to me, or if nothing else, a way to raise capital. Putting the timeline at December 15th is now putting in Jeopardy almost all chance at a refund through Paypal or Credit Cards as it would now be past the 180 day mark, and what if we still don't have coolers, not much of a chance of getting our money back then. Hey, maybe it's just an honest mistake, but if what they're saying is true, they lied to GotDraw straight out.
So, here's what I found out with some digging. The president of Atlas Coolers is Ben Jones, you can verify it here on Facebook:
Ben Jones | Facebook
He is also co owner of The Coop, who just so happens to be having a grand opening of Red Rooster BBQ this coming week. Again, you can verify that here:
Grand Opening: Red Rooster BBQ
Seems to me like we financed either a) his "big company" order of coolers or b) his new restaurant.
Maybe it's all an honest mistake, maybe he just bit off more than he can chew and he is trying to fulfill the orders. Maybe he is going to work on fulfilling our orders...but then why did he lie to GotDraw last week? That makes me think he's not going to...