Are you ready if SHTF?.......

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There is an interesting book called One Second After by William Forstchen. Reasonably well written novel with a fairly thoughtful portrayal of what the world would look like without power (EMP attack). Bottom line is about 1/3 die in 2-3 months from medical complications and 1/3 die in a year from starvation.

I think that pretty early on every fury critter in the woods is going to get shot by hungry hunters. Rinella I think is the one that points out that in places with no functional game regulation and scarce food, there is usually no game due to poaching.

as for me, I don’t plan to let things slowly fall apart. I will be a early mover at the first sign of the apocalypse. I will quickly reorganize my moral positions and plan to go mad max on day one. Looting, pillaging, hockey masks, S&m gear. I basically want to beat the rush and set myself up as a warlord early on.

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That’s the outfit I’m going to wear while I drink all the white claw I took from all the weak people.

I was in Meal Team Six as well.

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Take a look at what happened in Bosnia. Not gonna look like what most people think. Just a gradual decline in decent behavior.

Pray to God it never happens.
I worked in a refugee camp in Bosnia in 96. Funny when Americans freak out when they lose cell service or are informed there is no wifi or have to wait in line for food at the market for food for 5 min.

I lived off the grid for 14 years. wind, solar, 1000 gal propane tank, gas gen for well and a 1500 gal gravity fed cistern. It wasn't easy especially in winter. The vast majority of people could not live off grid if shtf

I met a cute Hutterite gal bird hunting up on the highline in MT. Might go back and visit her.
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I worked in a refugee camp in Bosnia in 96. Funny when Americans freak out when they lose cell service or are informed there is no wifi or have to wait in line for food at the market for food for 5 min.

I lived off the grid for 14 years. wind, solar, 1000 gal propane tank, gas gen for well and a 1500 gal gravity fed cistern. It wasn't easy especially in winter. The vast majority of people could not live off grid if shtf

I met a cute Hutterite gal bird hunting up on the highline in MT. Might go back and visit her.

You’ll always have liquor and chickens to live off with a Hutterite gal. Good choice!

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I worked in a refugee camp in Bosnia in 96. Funny when Americans freak out when they lose cell service or are informed there is no wifi or have to wait in line for food at the market for food for 5 min.

I lived off the grid for 14 years. wind, solar, 1000 gal propane tank, gas gen for well and a 1500 gal gravity fed cistern. It wasn't easy especially in winter. The vast majority of people could not live off grid if shtf

I met a cute Hutterite gal bird hunting up on the highline in MT. Might go back and visit her.
I can't imagine the stories you have from your time in that camp. What is your number 1 take away?
.... The USA is too large and diverse to follow the path of the little counties you listed. What democratic country near the size of the USA has overthrown their government?
Who said anything about 'overthrowing the government'?

Many of us are worried that our Government is overthrowing us! ...with the help of a censoring, biased media and others that hate our way of life.
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Who said anything about 'overthrowing the government'?

Many of us are worried that our Government is overthrowing us! ...with the help of a censoring, biased media and others that hate our way of life.
I'm much more worried China has convinced you that's true. While true communism takes over.
Just crank the Hank Jr. on the 8 Track and keep on truckin! A country boy can survive. We probably would Bug in for about two to three weeks here after falling 10 trees on the road to our place near Fairbanks. I have a trauma surgeon, a mechanical engineer and two very cro-mag looking MFers in my adventure team. I would get the message to them to hang tight without raising flags and just chill during the first stage. Then I would prep the old 4 barrel non-computer 1984 F250 that is EMP proof to go with livestock and bees to the half-way house that is also stocked for about 2 months. Stay there for about a month and then go to my wilderness retreat. It is in a National Park but I have deeded land for it. With lifestock and bees transported out there and a salmon stream that isn't fished we probably could make due for the next 35-40 years. Lots of good sheep and goat hunting up there. I am still trying to figure out the burst radio stuff so I could be on the Internet in the middle of nowhere. Nearest living people would be about 50 miles away as the crow flies and I could seriously defend that hanging valley from everything up to cruise missiles with the Barrett. I never really let it bother me. It might be an interest to you folks that it is the most active sub group of my college class with many extremely lefty folks constanting commenting on how they will forage and hide when the great cull as they call it comes. Many have multimillion dollar retreats in foreign nations with enough political and financial connections that they will just go on vacation while the rest of the nation burns. No patriotism there. Many have kids that want to get out now.
I worked in a refugee camp in Bosnia in 96. Funny when Americans freak out when they lose cell service or are informed there is no wifi or have to wait in line for food at the market for food for 5 min.

I lived off the grid for 14 years. wind, solar, 1000 gal propane tank, gas gen for well and a 1500 gal gravity fed cistern. It wasn't easy especially in winter. The vast majority of people could not live off grid if shtf

I met a cute Hutterite gal bird hunting up on the highline in MT. Might go back and visit her.

BS. I’m calling total BS. I’m supposed to sit here and believe that?! I work with 7 Hutterite colonies and I’ve NEVER seen a cute gal at any of them.

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BS. I’m calling total BS. I’m supposed to sit here and believe that?! I work with 7 Hutterite colonies and I’ve NEVER seen a cute gal at any of them.

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yeah I’m going to have to agree with this

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