Washington Hunters Need your Help

I hope that non-residents of Washington, who never plan to hunt here, are considering the implications of Washington's woke activist wildlife mgmt. Hunters per huntable acre is a growing concern in the west. Matt Rinella and Randy Newberg had a great discussion about this issue on the Hunt Quietly podcast. What the discussion lacked was a temporal element. Something like hunter-hours per huntable acre-hour. For every acre-hour taken from Washington in the season setting process, a hunter-hour is potentially added to a huntable acre-hour in another western state. If you live in Idaho, Montana, etc. a subtraction from our denominator could mean an addition to your numerator. Some of us might even move to your state. In a landscape already saturated with Seattleites, don't sit idly by while the commission opens the flood gates to I-90 East. Something to consider.
100%... If you live in another western state and you think that non-resident Washington hunters are bad now... just wait....