Wife shared this with me from one of her Facebook groups- I don’t and have never done Facebook. I share this because I think there is real truth to this thing called the “great reset”. The underlying thing that most pisses me off is that there are actual people on earth (huge egos, leaders, Uber wealthy) that actually think they can pull something like this off. I don’t believe they can or will, but the attempt(s) could be incredibly ugly.
Some of the major underlying issues that must be achieved in this plan are highlighted in this letter - loss of freedoms, loss of property. Before this can be achieved a society would need to be weakened. The weakening would likely be the sort of stuff discussed here on this thread (loss of normal services, lack of electricity, food, etc). But after that - for those that make it - this letter I believe lays out the “long game.”
I know we compare the current state of affairs to earlier history and that makes sense. But as we move forward, I believe the likelihood of the SHTF events increases. More wealth and power more highly concentrated in the hands of few vs recent history, new technologies that are largely depended on can be controlled by a small few, radical beliefs becoming more radical, etc. I hope any worries are unfounded; either way Pray & Prepare.
Some of the major underlying issues that must be achieved in this plan are highlighted in this letter - loss of freedoms, loss of property. Before this can be achieved a society would need to be weakened. The weakening would likely be the sort of stuff discussed here on this thread (loss of normal services, lack of electricity, food, etc). But after that - for those that make it - this letter I believe lays out the “long game.”
I know we compare the current state of affairs to earlier history and that makes sense. But as we move forward, I believe the likelihood of the SHTF events increases. More wealth and power more highly concentrated in the hands of few vs recent history, new technologies that are largely depended on can be controlled by a small few, radical beliefs becoming more radical, etc. I hope any worries are unfounded; either way Pray & Prepare.

full text: Archbishop Viganò's Open Letter to President Trump: GREAT RESET - Taylor Marshall
Here is the official English version of Archbishop Viganò’s open letter to President Trump warning him of Deep State/Deep Church and the Great Reset of 2021: Official Vigano OPEN LETTER TO THE POTUS download. Full text here: DONALD J. TRUMP Sunday, October 25, 2020 Solemnity of Christ the King...