Are you ready if SHTF?.......

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Wife shared this with me from one of her Facebook groups- I don’t and have never done Facebook. I share this because I think there is real truth to this thing called the “great reset”. The underlying thing that most pisses me off is that there are actual people on earth (huge egos, leaders, Uber wealthy) that actually think they can pull something like this off. I don’t believe they can or will, but the attempt(s) could be incredibly ugly.
Some of the major underlying issues that must be achieved in this plan are highlighted in this letter - loss of freedoms, loss of property. Before this can be achieved a society would need to be weakened. The weakening would likely be the sort of stuff discussed here on this thread (loss of normal services, lack of electricity, food, etc). But after that - for those that make it - this letter I believe lays out the “long game.”
I know we compare the current state of affairs to earlier history and that makes sense. But as we move forward, I believe the likelihood of the SHTF events increases. More wealth and power more highly concentrated in the hands of few vs recent history, new technologies that are largely depended on can be controlled by a small few, radical beliefs becoming more radical, etc. I hope any worries are unfounded; either way Pray & Prepare.

"The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups."

GTFO with this BS
Something I haven’t seen posted here: build a longer table, not a taller wall. I invest my time in being a part of my community. We mutually benefit from the relationships built here. In times of trouble and times of peace, our skill sets are complementary. The more we know and rely on each other, the less it is “us vs them” and people hiding behind doors with their pile of ARs.

Now, I’m not saying your AR isn’t necessary...but I’d argue community building will reap greater rewards should your situation deteriorate.
I'm happy to say that I have at least what I would need for a little while, but if it were to ever truly happen and everyone was against everyone. I dont know. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad and maybe some normalcy can come in the upcoming year. I have my doubts.
Here's a couple simple things to help prepare for SHTF , storms, etc. that some people can do but don't think about:

If you have a well, make arrangements to be able to operate the pump in case of a power outage. Wire up a plug to run the pump from a generator or have a manual "tube" collection device like a previous post mentioned. Check the pump specs & depth to make sure the generator is powerful enough to run it.

If you have a large LP tank (underground or above) have an auxiliary line and fitting installed to a convenient location (outside of course) that you can hook up a grill or camp stove, etc. instead of having to rely on 20# cylinders. Although it never hurts to have a couple extra cylinders on hand too.

Having clean water & the ability to cook food solves a lot of potential drama.
Prolonged power outage would be a problem for me. All my meat is frozen.

Need to make learning to can a priority.

That and if I needed to evacuate my place in a hurry I don't have things consolidated.
Wife shared this with me from one of her Facebook groups- I don’t and have never done Facebook. I share this because I think there is real truth to this thing called the “great reset”. The underlying thing that most pisses me off is that there are actual people on earth (huge egos, leaders, Uber wealthy) that actually think they can pull something like this off. I don’t believe they can or will, but the attempt(s) could be incredibly ugly.
Some of the major underlying issues that must be achieved in this plan are highlighted in this letter - loss of freedoms, loss of property. Before this can be achieved a society would need to be weakened. The weakening would likely be the sort of stuff discussed here on this thread (loss of normal services, lack of electricity, food, etc). But after that - for those that make it - this letter I believe lays out the “long game.”
I know we compare the current state of affairs to earlier history and that makes sense. But as we move forward, I believe the likelihood of the SHTF events increases. More wealth and power more highly concentrated in the hands of few vs recent history, new technologies that are largely depended on can be controlled by a small few, radical beliefs becoming more radical, etc. I hope any worries are unfounded; either way Pray & Prepare.

They just did pull it off! Have you followed the 2020 stolen elections, Covid 19 reports, mask mandates, attempted economic shut down? News agencies controlled by communists?
I work for an electric company in a hurricane state. 7-8 years ago our storm recovery plan was wait till storm passes. Go to affected area and restore power over 3-4 weeks If possible. Today? Send people and supplies to the potentially affected area and then wait to see if storm hits our area. Then start restoration, Just to reduced the amount of time by a few days/weeks. Because politicians don’t want people with out power at all. we’re not doing people any favors by doing this.

next disaster will be electrical grid or financial market with a cyber attack, its not really a secret. We know this but do nothing.
Something I haven’t seen posted here: build a longer table, not a taller wall. I invest my time in being a part of my community. We mutually benefit from the relationships built here. In times of trouble and times of peace, our skill sets are complementary. The more we know and rely on each other, the less it is “us vs them” and people hiding behind doors with their pile of ARs.

Now, I’m not saying your AR isn’t necessary...but I’d argue community building will reap greater rewards should your situation deteriorate.

I think what stuck with me most about the Bosnian conflict was hearing people talk about how their neighbors, people they considered friends, raped their daughters and murdered their sons. I do get your point, better to be an asset than a weird loner, but that was always terrifying to me.
I guess that glib comment is supposed to mean that because we are remote and largely unaffected by much of the national chaos that we should bury our heads in the sand.

Not advocating for paranoia, just preparedness.
5 pages later, and it looks like the lines between preparedness and paranoia are pretty blurred for a lot of Roksliders.

Not so dissimilar from the guys who were discussing missing their fall hunts because of the riots they believed would ensue around the presidential election.
"cataclysmic times" ... "end of times" ... many people these days are too afraid to go to the grocery store and have to have the meals pre-boxed and delivered to them.

How many of you could survive without the internet or your cell phone for 3 days?
5 pages later, and it looks like the lines between preparedness and paranoia are pretty blurred for a lot of Roksliders.

Not so dissimilar from the guys who were discussing missing their fall hunts because of the riots they believed would ensue around the presidential election.
Not blurred for me.
And I know nothing of 'riots precluding hunts.' I suppose that some may have said that.

Hey, I get it; this topic amounts to a punchline for some, and they are in for a very rule awakening.
Cuba, Venezuela, Bosnia, Macedonia...lots of countries never believed that the S would HTF.
People that think that others are gonna play nice going forward are sorely misguided.
The old saying is that 'stupid should hurt.' And it will!

Interesting thread,... glad to read from others regardless of take.
Not blurred for me.
And I know nothing of 'riots precluding hunts.' I suppose that some may have said that.

Hey, I get it; this topic amounts to a punchline for some, and they are in for a very rule awakening.
Cuba, Venezuela, Bosnia, Macedonia...lots of countries never believed that the S would HTF.
People that think that others are gonna play nice going forward are sorely misguided.
The old saying is that 'stupid should hurt.' And it will!

Interesting thread,... glad to read from others regardless of take.
If there is to be an uprising the exact groups that would need to come together are at odds. When you have a wealth gap and you are able to divide all those on the low side of the gap people on top are sitting pretty. The USA is too large and diverse to follow the path of the little counties you listed. What democratic country near the size of the USA has overthrown their government?
5 pages later, and it looks like the lines between preparedness and paranoia are pretty blurred for a lot of Roksliders.

Not so dissimilar from the guys who were discussing missing their fall hunts because of the riots they believed would ensue around the presidential election.

Glad you can see things so crystal clear. I also wouldn’t consider the election completely over - so the jury on that is out.
If there is to be an uprising the exact groups that would need to come together are at odds. When you have a wealth gap and you are able to divide all those on the low side of the gap people on top are sitting pretty. The USA is too large and diverse to follow the path of the little counties you listed. What democratic country near the size of the USA has overthrown their government?

I’m admittedly slow, I don’t follow your logic or the point your making here? No record of a country our size overthrowing their Govt - which is the point. Those at the top, pulling strings, are likely in a good spot. It’s 99.9% of the rest that are not - which is why it could get ugly if things go in a direction that large numbers don’t want.
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