Are you ready if SHTF?.......

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National Guard requested at Capital Bldg.

They declined!!!!! LOL!!!!!
All summer cities were rioting, burning buildings, causing chaos...and now, that it's on THEIR front steps, they want to bring in the National Guard? What a joke.

Btw, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the idiots creating the problems at the capitol are not Trump supporters.

Someone, somewhere, is smiling as their seeds to bring down democracy are starting to sprout
People forget that the idea of retirement was invented within the last 100 years. Not an absolute AT ALL.


In college I made friends with another student. He was 78 and a part-time-practicing doctor. I asked him why he was taking a Romantic Poetry class. He said over the last 15 years he had watched too many colleagues “retire” go play golf, decline and die. He said he would never stop learning and doing new things because his life hung in the balance. I admired him greatly for his honesty and resilience. Great guy.
All summer cities were rioting, burning buildings, causing chaos...and now, that it's on THEIR front steps, they want to bring in the National Guard? What a joke.

Btw, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the idiots creating the problems at the capitol are not Trump supporters.

Someone, somewhere, is smiling as their seeds to bring down democracy are starting to sprout

His name is George Soros. Follow the money. Can we say that on here? I know the mere mention of his name isn’t allowed on other media platforms....
Is anybody watching Biden talk right now? I throw up a little in my mouth each time I hear him talk.

What a hypocrite? Calling for Trump to end this siege, to uphold the constitution, yada yada.

Where were all these blue state officials calling for the same thing all summer?

If people can't or don't believe the bias in the media and our officials, wait to see how they portray what is happening today.
Those "peaceful protests" were met with tear gas and police in riot gear, as they should have been. Now turn about is fair play.
I don't think you're quite understanding. The media and officials of those cities this summer didn't do jack squat to end the protests. How many buildings and businesses were burned up today? They ask for national guard today for what is going on but don't ask for that during 100+ days of protest?
This forum should be for hunting and outdoorsman. Not conspiracy theory peddling and political name calling. What’s happening right now is despicable no matter your politics. I’m hoping this thread gets shut down. Let’s keep rockslide for hunting and save this toxic bullsht for Facebook.

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All summer the violent BLM and Antifa protestors were praised as patriots . Video of BLM dragging and trying to kill a female police officer and police could respond. Now protests are suddenly bad?

This forum should be for hunting and outdoorsman. Not conspiracy theory peddling and political name calling. What’s happening right now is despicable no matter your politics. I’m hoping this thread gets shut down. Let’s keep rockslide for hunting and save this toxic bullsht for Facebook.

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Don't have facebook and this is a General Discussion forum. Pretty simple really, if you don't want to discuss it, don't click on it.
This forum should be for hunting and outdoorsman. Not conspiracy theory peddling and political name calling. What’s happening right now is despicable no matter your politics. I’m hoping this thread gets shut down. Let’s keep rockslide for hunting and save this toxic bullsht for Facebook.

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If nobody steps up to say anything, nothing will change. Besides, Facebook will probably just censor it anyway.

If you don't think what is going won't affect us as outdoorsman, I believe you're mistaken.

I stand by my comments but understand where you're coming from 🍻

Apparently the Vikings are ready for SHTF

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