Are you ready? got all the knowledge you need when all hell breaks loose.

I like all the "bug out" talk. "I have 3 years worth of food at my house and 50,000rds of 223 and 20,000 rds of pistol ammunition"...

First, Where are you going to bug out to? I bet this eliminates 70% of guys/families. Second you going to carry all that in your "bug out bag"? 99% of guys wouldn't make it through 1 mag of ammo before the get smoked, leaving your killer 49,991 rounds of .223 and your AR. Having a book with edible plants does ZERO good unless you have actually made regular use of educating yourself on it. (not saying a few guys on here don't)

Also, by any practical standard and basing it off all the backcountry back pack threads on forums...most guys would be scared of the dark, chaffe themselves to death, or get an upset tummy eating bug out food for more than a week, and die of loneliness

Have a generator, some fuel, and a good stock of food and stay home...unless you live in an urban area which you should have left a LONG time ago.
“They die of shame”
To be honest, part of what makes life nice is modern conveniences. If shit hits the fan to the extreme and I cant make it to our family cabin, I am pretty much ok going out with the first wave or the second. Just call it quits and be done. The afterlife is supposed to be pretty nice.
Dude think of all the fun you could have in the apocalypse though….. you remember that neighbor down the street who swerved at you last year?…..….
Everyone in our neighborhood has already discussed apocalypse plans. Plenty of AR,s, ammo, water, wood and food to last awhile.

Next Summer I"ll be putting in a root cellar for jarred meat, which we raise.
Although I wouldn't expect my cows to last without a fire fight.
If any of this happens, dotgov will be the ones to come after us, believe that.

Interesting…..almost sounds like we got a spy on our hands boys
I love these threads. They remind me of my idiot BIL. He's half prepper/half Mormon. A decade ago he asked me if he could store some stuff in the basement of the family cabin. His rational was if the SHTF we could all meet there. I laughed at him but the wife cut me off so eventually I said OK. Anyway, his Idea of "some stuff" filled an enclosed car carrier trailer. I wasn't there when he brought it all up because I refused to get stuck hauling it into the basement, but here's a short list of what made his EOTW necessity list.

250 #10 cans of assorted MH (that's not an exaggeration. I counted)
2 cases of civilian MREs
2 cases of Sterno cans
about 100 of every common size battery
5 lbs of salt
20 lbs of dog food and treats for the mutts
5 bars of soap
2 tubes of tooth paste
and -
1-12 pack of TP
There's more but you get the idea.

I was so pissed when I saw all that crap I told the wife if the S were really to HTF, he was the first one I'm shooting before he gets in the door.

(BTW - I've been eating his MH and using up his batteries for 10 years and he has no idea) :p
No bro, we have a name for those folks…. We call them ‘Mup Ears’

Haven’t truly seen it myself as I don’t drink but apparently people around the ANF where I’m from, have witnessed the Pittsburgh/Philly folk come around hunting season to their camps. Well the bar scene gets dumb around that time and the outside dudes I guess, like to try and take people’s girl friends and wives when they come up. Think of it as a hunting/Vegas scenario.

A local will approach said visitor and ask “hey buddy where are you from”. To which visiting hunter likes to say “Oh, I’m up here from so and so”. Sounds like they say “Mup Ear”….. The End

And thus ensues the battle of Tionesta in Civil War 2.0. A country boy can survive individualism is a cute jam but being outnumbered about 10:1 would really put that to the test.

My point, in these highly imaginative scenarios, you better have strong community or blend in well. Society wouldn't collapse to some neanderthalian reset, it would quickly re-establish along new lines. Does that entice our enemies to destroy our electrical grid, you betcha. That's why it is pretty well defended.
On our way to the apocalypse and here you are chatting it up on a backcountry hunting forum knitting circle. It’s almost as if you aren’t actually worried about it
You joke, if they can topple a sitting president cut off his communication along with of half the countries we won’t even be a speed bump in the globalist march. They deemed political opposition as threat to nation security and maga as a racist code word.

Start watching/reading how they are dismantling Australia as we speak.
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What's amaizng to me is that a mere 16 months ago in parts of the U.S. we had 5-10 mile long lines of people waiting for Uncle Sugar to load thier cars full of food--well, some semblance of 'food.'
Fast forward to this thread and here we are with mockery of guys who choose to err on the side of preparedness.

Clown world.
You joke, if they can topple a sitting president cut off his communication along with of half the countries we won’t even be a speed bump in the globalist march. They deemed political opposition as threat to nation security and maga as a racist code word.

Start watching/reading how they are dismantling Australia as we speak.

Australia is gone, sad reality.
I find this bug out concept endlessly entertaining. I especially love the whole bug out bag thing. It’s absolutely hilarious to think of a guy frantically abandoning his house full of food, water, ammo and general security to run into the woods with some sort of magical backpack. It’s like guys who feel like they need to have a handgun in the shower. It never gets old. Keep me coming...