I like all the "bug out" talk. "I have 3 years worth of food at my house and 50,000rds of 223 and 20,000 rds of pistol ammunition"...
First, Where are you going to bug out to? I bet this eliminates 70% of guys/families. Second you going to carry all that in your "bug out bag"? 99% of guys wouldn't make it through 1 mag of ammo before the get smoked, leaving your killer 49,991 rounds of .223 and your AR. Having a book with edible plants does ZERO good unless you have actually made regular use of educating yourself on it. (not saying a few guys on here don't)
Also, by any practical standard and basing it off all the backcountry back pack threads on forums...most guys would be scared of the dark, chaffe themselves to death, or get an upset tummy eating bug out food for more than a week, and die of loneliness
Have a generator, some fuel, and a good stock of food and stay home...unless you live in an urban area which you should have left a LONG time ago.