Are you ready? got all the knowledge you need when all hell breaks loose.

If this country really went SHTF - Russia, China, and maybe UN armies would sweep in to take over. Would likely be the best thing too as it would bring us back together again with a foreign enemy as opposed to each other.

We were in a bad part of the country last year for that mess. My wife went it the store, said there’s nothing, shelves are empty, no meat, flour, salt, nothing. She’s a city girl, wasnt raised by grandparents of the depression.

I was taught to always have 100lb beans, rice, flour, plenty of salt in storage. My adult life every January I buy another 100 lbs of each, donate the last round to a soup kitchen. Needless to say, she was happy to be married to a redneck!

We didn’t end up using any of it, but it was a nice peace of mind to have around just in case. Rice/beans/flour in 25lb bags Is cheap ins. You aren’t going to survive forever, but it’s a good buffer for any emergent, past 90 days and it’s gonna get real rough anyway.

After 30-60-90 days of just surviving, the world is gonna be real diff for those who go on.

The supply chain is real fragile and still isn't fully functional - currently looking for one of them larger, long black funnels right now (got one but need another). Amazing what is and is not available - probably should just break down and order it on line.

The hurricanes are a good example of needing preparedness. Look at who leaves, who stays and survives, and who need govt assistance. Look at how the govt assists them - Katrina was a catastrophic disaster on many fronts from the cops taking the old lady's gun to the folks living in the football stadium with gangs of men doing what gangs of men do in times like that. Not sure how Ida is gonna pan out but that area got slapped pretty good, then the flooding about everywhere it went.
Two things can be true at once.

1) Many "preppers" are fetishists and would likely all be dead in the first 30 days. I don't understand the people who fantasize about it and hope it happens. I'm not saying it is impossible or even unlikely, I just don't understand the poorly masked glee some seem to have about it.

2)After the happenings of the past few years if you aren't prepared to take care of yourself, you haven't been paying attention.

In a true EOTWAWKI you could expect the following.

People who are are 80 lbs overweight and on blood pressure meds thinking they will survive on canned foods which would eventually kill a healthy person.

People thinking they will survive on the eggs from 3 chickens in their backyard being fed from cheap high protein feed from the tractor supply. Without that feed the chickens would need to find feed for themselves and would quickly be picked off by anyone who wanted to eat chicken that day.

People think they will garden their way to abundance but most rely on tractors and irrigation which would be a thing of the past if fuel lines are disrupted.

Dead bodies and human waste would be everywhere, polluting most ground level water supplies. The diseases that would spread as a result would be hard to overcome. Strict quarantining would be necessary to not spread. Like every thing in life, without good access to clean water you will not survive.

Wild animals would be wiped out immediately.

I would think surviving for a year would greatly improve your chances as most of the death would happen in the first few months.
Two things can be true at once.

1) Many "preppers" are fetishists and would likely all be dead in the first 30 days. I don't understand the people who fantasize about it and hope it happens. I'm not saying it is impossible or even unlikely, I just don't understand the poorly masked glee some seem to have about it.

2)After the happenings of the past few years if you aren't prepared to take care of yourself, you haven't been paying attention.

In a true EOTWAWKI you could expect the following.

People who are are 80 lbs overweight and on blood pressure meds thinking they will survive on canned foods which would eventually kill a healthy person.

People thinking they will survive on the eggs from 3 chickens in their backyard being fed from cheap high protein feed from the tractor supply. Without that feed the chickens would need to find feed for themselves and would quickly be picked off by anyone who wanted to eat chicken that day.

People think they will garden their way to abundance but most rely on tractors and irrigation which would be a thing of the past if fuel lines are disrupted.

Dead bodies and human waste would be everywhere, polluting most ground level water supplies. The diseases that would spread as a result would be hard to overcome. Strict quarantining would be necessary to not spread. Like every thing in life, without good access to clean water you will not survive.

Wild animals would be wiped out immediately.

I would think surviving for a year would greatly improve your chances as most of the death would happen in the first few months.

They other things about gardening is you must have a bank of heirloom seeds otherwise you’ll have no way to generate your crops, assuming you have the actual gardening experience to garden for survival with no failsafes.
I love these threads. They remind me of my idiot BIL. He's half prepper/half Mormon. A decade ago he asked me if he could store some stuff in the basement of the family cabin. His rational was if the SHTF we could all meet there. I laughed at him but the wife cut me off so eventually I said OK. Anyway, his Idea of "some stuff" filled an enclosed car carrier trailer. I wasn't there when he brought it all up because I refused to get stuck hauling it into the basement, but here's a short list of what made his EOTW necessity list.

250 #10 cans of assorted MH (that's not an exaggeration. I counted)
2 cases of civilian MREs
2 cases of Sterno cans
about 100 of every common size battery
5 lbs of salt
20 lbs of dog food and treats for the mutts
5 bars of soap
2 tubes of tooth paste
and -
1-12 pack of TP
There's more but you get the idea.

I was so pissed when I saw all that crap I told the wife if the S were really to HTF, he was the first one I'm shooting before he gets in the door.

(BTW - I've been eating his MH and using up his batteries for 10 years and he has no idea) :p
Part of me hopes the world ends now. Just so I can die laughing to myself at the hilarious situation that would ensue when your BIL finds out he's out of chili Mac and double a batteries.

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What I find amazing is that so many here believe a total break down of law and order is impossible ?
Having lived thru the L.A. riots and seeing the Police response was to have 90% of them Guarding City hall. They left the citizens to fend for them self, It was Chaos, it was Dangerous, Lucky it was localized to L.A. and didn't go widespread.
Even then The neighbors I had were a bunch of anti gun that cant happen to us idiots. So staying in a neighborhood that will be a target is not where I will be.
Having thousands of rounds is good But one or two people are not going to out shot 20 or 30. so the reality to me is get the freck out of dodge let the sheep be sheep let the wolves be wolves.
I will plan the best possible defense I can, where I can, with the resources I have.
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Having thousands of rounds is good But one or two people are not going to out shot 20 or 30. so the reality to me is get the freck out of dodge let the sheep be sheep let the wolves be wolves.
I will plan the best possible defense I can, where I can, with the resources I have.
solid plan, if your alive anything is possible but the dead are finished.
Ahhh, the internet. Where everyone thinks they'll be the last man standing.

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These threads can definitely go down an infinite number of Rabbit Holes that's for sure.

That said, if you aren't at least buying a little extra of the necessities here and there right now, then in my opinion you aren't paying attention......
What's amaizng to me is that a mere 16 months ago in parts of the U.S. we had 5-10 mile long lines of people waiting for Uncle Sugar to load thier cars full of food--well, some semblance of 'food.'
Fast forward to this thread and here we are with mockery of guys who choose to err on the side of preparedness.

Clown world.
Difference between making preparations and digging a bunker and spider holes. Also. believing guys can support a family with a bug out bag after leaving there homes. Most guys trucks are probably sitting on 1/4 tank of gas anyways.
If ‘it’ does happen, I feel sorry for anyone living in the lower 48. Most of you are doomed. Virtually every one of you, even survivors and those well prepared will definitively be subject to much brutality around you.
I suspect remote areas with some natural resources including fish and game could get a fella by for a few months till the chaos died down a bit.
The most important prep is for the absolute worst case scenario which in my opinion is having to go away from your residence with very short notice. I see many people have posted that they will 'never; have to leave.....that is just not true since if you want to live there may be a situation that requires quick bug out. If your in a very strong position if you stay what will it hurt to have some stuff ready to load up and go? Just in case....
If ‘it’ does happen, I feel sorry for anyone living in the lower 48. Most of you are doomed. Virtually every one of you, even survivors and those well prepared will definitively be subject to much brutality around you.
I suspect remote areas with some natural resources including fish and game could get a fella by for a few months till the chaos died down a bit.
I tend to agree, probably everyone would be screwed eventually.

I'm thinking more along the lines of being prepared for 'tough times' rather than 'end times'. With the state of things I don't think it is far fetched at all to have some form of food shortages in our future. How long that may last is anyones guess.
The number of variables looks like a College Algebra final exam.
Everybody has to critique their own situation and just do the best
you can.
Knowledge is critical.
It's generally accepted you need a 72 hour emergency kit. Basically it's the time frame the State, Fed and Red Cross think they can get you some assistance. So why is the 72 hour chosen. I'll tell ya why. Little known fact. After 72 hours straight, hearing a infant, or child cry from hunger in a modern city, there is nothing a man or woman won't do to feed it. Apparently this is the breaking point for folks in a urban setting's. Sure you can have neighbors helping neighbors and good stuff like that, but once that's used up, and you hear your kid cry for 72 hours you will decide to feed it anyway possible.-WW
I've alway's planned for the worst...grid down in the heart of winter. No electrictiy til late spring. I figure society will pull itself back together once the weather has improved. You just have to survive til then. I'm sure the cities will fall apart but living in the sticks, winter could be a friend. The refugee's would freeze to death before they could wander in.-WW