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What are you gonna do if there is fallout, toxic fumes from a train derailment, a totally unchecked wildfire? A wildfire would be the most likely scenario in a collapse as there would most certainly be lots of fires and no containment.
You aren't outrunning fallout, I don't live close enough to the railroad for that to be an issue, much less I don't think AKRR has that hazardous of shipments. Almost all of our fires in Alaska are unchecked, they protect what they can but some years like 2019 we had 2.59m acres burn. If the fires are completely unchecked no one would be able to "bugout" on the very few roads we have and it's hard to drive when your tires melt from the heat and hard to run when you are choking with smoke.
You can certainly outrun fallout if the wind is bringing it your way plus you can move and limit your exposure to it by going somewhere there is none...