Anxious & lost


Jan 30, 2017
California, Inland Empire
Well just to throw this in:
All life has value no matter what some fools say.
You had your faith up to a point, mentally get back to that point. find someone or so thing that needs help and help. The more you help and assist the more you will feel the value of your life return


Oct 22, 2019
Every single day has the slight chance to become the best day of your life, and the sun is going to come up tomorrow with or without you. I’ll take my chance and watch the sunrise and see what the new day brings.


Feb 25, 2012
To the OP and anyone else who needs it 1-800-273-8255. I hope no one ever is to the point where they dial that number but it’s good to know and share. And I’m pretty thankful today that I’m a member of a community like this where we can talk about issues like this. As this is mostly a male demographic and these issues are ones we as males typically don’t talk about.

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Sep 28, 2017
I don't know what you are going through, but I will give you the same brutal honesty I give my patients. It is not uplifting, but it is lessons I have earned the hard way. Hopefully it is overkill, I appreciate what I learned, but I would not wish the process on anyone.

I should also add, there are times when what follows is not appropriate (though it remains true). If you feel in danger of hurting yourself right now:
-Make a solemn oath to yourself that 'no one takes my life without one hell of a fight, and that includes myself.'
-Call someone you trust and if you don't have someone to call, dial 911.
-Stop reading and come back to this when you are in a better place.

You can make it through this, but there is no guarantee that you will. I will not lie and say otherwise.
You must be willing to seek help, both professional and personal.
You must dig deep and find what matters too you.
You have to find what you can draw strength from and people that can give you support.
You have to cut ties with those who drag you down.
You have to recognize that many times the road is long, there will be set backs and you will be knocked down.
You have to find the grit to face your own failures and drag yourself on no matter how bad it gets.
You have to be aware of the long road, but not fixate on it.
You have to know what the destination is, or at least have an idea of what it is.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

How do you start a journey of 1000 miles? With a single step. You can always take one more step, focus on that and worry about the step that comes after that one when it comes time to take it.

Break the rock.
This term refers to the cumulative stress in a large rock as you hit it with a sledge hammer. Rarely do you see it develop, but when the rock breaks after hundreds of blows it is not the final blow that broke it, but rather the sum of them all.

Invictus by William Earnest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Henley was paralyzed from polio at the time he wrote that, seeing as he lived from 1849 to 1903 it is safe to say being a paraplegic was probably rougher then than it is now.

The Night
The world is cold and black and dark to those who always chase the sun, their days spent in fear of coming night, their nights filled with fearful shivers as they hide from shadows. We cannot change the world, but we can bring light to the fearful; but thus must we remember, we do not survive the night to live another day, rather we are given the days that we may have the strength to enter the darkness and lift the fallen. And perhaps they will lift us when we stumble or we may be left to our own fortitude to drag our broken souls to shelter; but even then we shall take heart in the ghosts of others who have marked the trail with sweat and blood and tears and we too shall leave the path more worn for those who follow, or serve as warnings not to falter.
nice one that is indeed interesting!


May 8, 2020
Good to see you posting BiggMc! Just remember you can keep posting and stay in touch with those of us on here. Sounds like a lot of good advice from all. Like some said whatever is going on find something that brings light to you and DO it. It may be going for a walk or anything. Shoot a PM if you need anything. Heck, jump that border and come to NC. I'm getting ready to be off work for 10 days. Plan on doing some grouse hunting, walleye fishing, or could use a hand wiring and plumbing my basement? You're welcome to go.


Dec 12, 2015
Good to see you posting BiggMc! Just remember you can keep posting and stay in touch with those of us on here. Sounds like a lot of good advice from all. Like some said whatever is going on find something that brings light to you and DO it. It may be going for a walk or anything. Shoot a PM if you need anything. Heck, jump that border and come to NC. I'm getting ready to be off work for 10 days. Plan on doing some grouse hunting, walleye fishing, or could use a hand wiring and plumbing my basement? You're welcome to go.
^^^^^^^^ .......its people like this that make the world a better place.


Oct 18, 2019
I don't get down often but when I have it's all the way down to where I felt absolutely nothing was going to get better and it would be a lot easier to just not bother going on. Keep moving, alone time is not your friend, start finding one positive in your day and then another, get good and pissed at yourself for wanting to give up and start fighting. Talking to someone isn't being weak its being smart. Even if you don't like what they have to say at least you're still there talking to someone. I'll sum this up with all mental health issues are different. What worked for me might not work for you. Only you know your mental state of mind and talking to a professional is going to be the best advice you can take.
Feb 7, 2017
I've been having some rough periods on & off for the past few years. Listening to the Jocko podcast has helped me a lot. He talks of the darkness and how life is a constant battle. It's really helped me when I'm struggling & I recommend listening to it to everyone

hang in there
Jan 25, 2013
Utah Transplant (after ~20 years in Colorado)
I've found that when life becomes a bit grey / dark, it is often soothing to the soul to go out and serve another.... Clean somebodies barn, mow somebodies lawn, shovel snow from a neighbors driveway. Simple acts of kindness can go a long way, in helping a person forget about their own individual problems. Serving in a homeless shelter, also helps a person realize that his/her problems may not be all that bad. Jesus once said: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me", and I strongly believe that the Redeemer of the World recognizes when a person has served their fellow man, which means that they've subsequently served him!


Apr 8, 2018
Hi all, I hate to say it, and if I am wrong I apologize to the OP but I would say 90% chance this is a bot. If you take a moment to read the replies to past posts, it’s pretty clear.

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Sorry if this makes me a jerk, and like the above, I apologize to the OP if I'm wrong, but I'm even more with @Pro953, and I'm now thinking 99%. Not just the replies, but the timing and absence of any follow-up. Maybe one of you guys who have reached out via PM have heard back?


Aug 27, 2013
I'm with the people above. Don't want to be wrong, but I don't think this account is a real human being. Look at his past posts... All random , slightly off posts since the account was created.

Any mods have a better way to look into it?


Sep 27, 2016
Just to chime in again. Whether the original post was genuine, the responses here have been really cool. For all of the threads that fall off the rails with bickering, the genuine outreach of support and understanding is really cool.

This will be a very rough holiday season for many, so it’s still uplifting to hear support from the community. For everyone that speaks up, many folks suffer in silence.

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Feb 20, 2017
Didn’t read all the reply’s. I’ve lost someone dear to me due to this. I also have a child who struggles with it. There are pharmacological solutions that work. Don’t be too proud to seek them out. There is so much social stigma about mental health issues. It’s bullshit. Would we not seek professional help for a broken leg? It’s the same thing. Please don’t seek medical help on the Internet. Go see someone who specializes in mental health with a “MD” at the end.