Why? the vast majority of the shootings that are being used as a reason for these laws were committed by someone that had legally passed a background check. The shooter of the Stoneman shooting specifically referenced by Biden yesterday bought his rifle legally from a store with a background check. As for gangsters and criminal getting guns, they are getting them via the black market ala stolen guns, no background check law is going to fix that.. Universal background checks is one of those "slam dunk" "common sense" laws that does nothing to address the issue at hand and is the gateway to further restrictions. Once UBCs are implemented then when shootings continue it will be waiting periods, then it will be limits on the number of guns per month or year, then it will be background checks on ammo, then it will be restrictions on the amount of ammo you can buy, then restrictions on the amount of ammo you can posses. Just look at California, each year for the past decade they have passed a dozen laws like these every legislative session yet California continues to have one of the highest firearm murder rates.
You made my point. Why? Who cares, it won’t affect you or any other law abiding citizen, but it will make the left happy and possibly keep a gun or two out of the wrong person’s hands. Right? The only disadvantage is you have an extra couple minutes of paper work for every gun you buy.
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