And so it begins....

As things deteriorate further your geographic location within the country will be key to having a longer period of time to enjoy freedoms but that is really true already.....I have seen some folks post on here how cali is 'the' place to live because of all it thanks.

Maybe some folks will say enough is enough.
The way the liberal mind functions I may need to start looking for a lower capacity quiver for my high powered bow!

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That is funny and all, but a few years ago I would never have imagined states requiring background checks to purchase ammo. Now that that is a reality- all things are on the table.
Anti’s have been trying to ban archery for a long time. New ideas and new tactics are coming forward. Worth a chuckle now- but I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if there are some states banning bow hunting in the near future. Not one bit surprised.
Seems to be plenty saying 'enough is enough'. The real estate market in rural, non-commie states is unreal. No signs of slowing, either. I can't blame anyone for leaving those places but it makes foran interesting dynamic when "locals" or native Montanans feel like the minority.
Common sense isn’t common anymore! Know one should be shocked, unfortunately we all knew this was in the foreseeable future! Sad sad world we live in right now and only gonna get worse. So get prepared!
Seems to be plenty saying 'enough is enough'. The real estate market in rural, non-commie states is unreal. No signs of slowing, either. I can't blame anyone for leaving those places but it makes foran interesting dynamic when "locals" or native Montanans feel like the minority.
Unfortunately they are not saying "enough is enough" they bring their stupidity with them. MT is going down the shitter quicker than anyone would believe...Texas will be next.
Hopefully the sane states have the stones to resist if/when the feds make their gun grab. TJ knew the answer way back in 1798: "the several states who formed [the Constitution], being sovereign and independent, have the unquestionable right to judge of its infraction; and. . . a nullification, by those sovereignties, of all unauthorized acts done under colour of [the Constitution], is the rightful remedy"
That is funny and all, but a few years ago I would never have imagined states requiring background checks to purchase ammo. Now that that is a reality- all things are on the table.
Anti’s have been trying to ban archery for a long time. New ideas and new tactics are coming forward. Worth a chuckle now- but I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if there are some states banning bow hunting in the near future. Not one bit surprised.
Unfortunately I wasn't trying to be funny. This insanity blows my mind.....for the past year!.... Or 4!

Sent from my LM-G820 using Tapatalk
To all the "they don't have the votes guys" or noting the PLCAA. Tell it to Remington that manufacturers can't be brought to court....or to the gun owners in CA. How about the states that you need stupid card to buy ammo? Magazine restrictions what are there around 10 states with them?

They will try to piece and parcel away and get everything they can....Don't have the votes? There are beginning to be less and less Republicans I would count on...democrats at this point hahaha
You seem to be mixing State law with Federal??

On a straight-up bill, they won't have the votes. I didn't say they won't try to piecemeal it. It's not the HB 127 we have to be afraid of it's the addons. Then it also has to stand up in court. I would hope everyone on here is giving some money to the cause they proclaim is so near and dear to them. The GOA, FPC, and the Second Ammemdemt Foundation will do more with your hard-earned money than the NRA IMO.
You seem to be mixing State law with Federal??

On a straight-up bill, they won't have the votes. I didn't say they won't try to piecemeal it. It's not the HB 127 we have to be afraid of it's the addons. Then it also has to stand up in court. I would hope everyone on here is giving some money to the cause they proclaim is so near and dear to them. The GOA, FPC, and the Second Ammemdemt Foundation will do more with your hard-earned money than the NRA IMO.
Not confusing them but I bet at one time guys thought their state laws would never happen either. I know the difference and I am also not saying they will get 100% what they want. As I stated similar to you they will chip away at it and if chipping away includes those that some places have as "state laws" that is bad enough.
IF it passes...big if....its a surefire way to win back the whitehouse and congress (if they don't take it back in 2022). Presidential election was roughly 50/ throw in the millions and millions of law abiding, gun owning democrats and I smell a landslide.

Hope it doesn't happen, but if it does, the pain is surely temporary. Hell, at the pace the go'vt runs, they won't even have a program in place to effect this change by 2024.