“Alaska is Ours”

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"Trump said Putin's smart.' I mean, he's taking over a country for two dollars' worth of sanctions," Trump told a crowd at a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago, according to a recording of the event. "I'd say that's pretty smart. He's taking over a country -- really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in."

Putin aggressive actions towards the Ukraine and other to follow was encouraged at the top level.
I have been following Putin and Russia since Russia's invasion of Georgia. I also do not own a TV. Putin has openly stated he wants to restore the Russian Empire going back to 2001 or so. I do not think he will achieve it, but history has shown there is great peril in not taking such men seriously.

My positions have changed little in that time.
Can you post a link to him saying it???
Can you post a link to him saying it???
In exactly those words, no. But, it does not really matter unless you speak Russian because you would have to trust the translation.

His actions (withdrawing from treaties, denying access that was granted by the USSR, and military expansion) combined with the words of Putin controled individuals and Putin's own lamentations about the USSR define what he was thinking when he said greatness. In the style of one who learned well from his years in the KGB, he leaves room for doubt.

The billboard shows that the Russian people (at least some) agree. Vyacheslav Volodin's statement that likely inspired the billboards on the other hand shows that Putin, at very best has no opposition to the idea, and at worst actively pushes it in private.
In exactly those words, no. But, it does not really matter unless you speak Russian because you would have to trust the translation.

His actions (withdrawing from treaties, denying access that was granted by the USSR, and military expansion) combined with the words of Putin controled individuals and Putin's own lamentations about the USSR define what he was thinking when he said greatness. In the style of one who learned well from his years in the KGB, he leaves room for doubt.

The billboard shows that the Russian people (at least some) agree. Vyacheslav Volodin's statement that likely inspired the billboards on the other hand shows that Putin, at very best has no opposition to the idea, and at worst actively pushes it in private.
So, in 2 post you went from

"Putin has openly stated he wants to restore the Russian Empire going back to 2001 or so" to

"In exactly those words, no. But...."

:) I rest my case.

p.s. and I do happen to know Russian well enough. ;)
I'm biased as a GWOT brat but to be fair both the Afghanistan and Iraq war were over in months. We failed at the nation building aspect.

Saddams army had many similarities to russias army- equipment, conscription, et el.

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^well the ukes are actually fighting back and have had about 100 billion of arms\aid which would be the second largest defense budget in the world. No comparison to USA vs Iraq or afgan.
^well the ukes are actually fighting back and have had about 100 billion of arms\aid which would be the second largest defense budget in the world. No comparison to USA vs Iraq or afgan.
Iraq had like the 3rd largest military when we overthrew it. There's no reason the Russians shouldn't have steam rolled the Ukraine long before those aid packages arrived.
Also 100 billion is the 4th largest defense budget no where near 2nd. China is 275b reported but is actually much higher.
2- China
3- American Police (108 billion per year)
4- aid to Ukraine

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Police is a defense budget?

So, 3rd not 2nd, my bad.

I was not in Iraqi but I do not remember any significant resistance. My opinion is the two things are not comparable.
Police is a defense budget?

So, 3rd not 2nd, my bad.

I was not in Iraqi but I do not remember any significant resistance. My opinion is the two things are not comparable.
Yes it is a defense budget- most of that funding goes into buying "surplus" military equipment under the 1033 program creating the standing army we were all warned about, but I digress.

Before their (iraqi) armor was destroyed they did. Once they had no more armor, vehicles or artillery they deserted en masse.
Russia supposedly had this same capability but their assets turned out to be much less effective than had been believed.

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk
So, in 2 post you went from

"Putin has openly stated he wants to restore the Russian Empire going back to 2001 or so" to

"In exactly those words, no. But...."

:) I rest my case.

p.s. and I do happen to know Russian well enough. ;)
Good, you can tell me what Putin said in his August 16th, 1999 speech.DDid he state that he intended to regain Russia's place in world affairs? As a Russian speaker, what exact place was he talking about? The Russia of 1995 perhaps? I'm sure that was the glorious place in the world Putin was referencing.

Where did you learn Russian?
Police is a defense budget?

So, 3rd not 2nd, my bad.

I was not in Iraqi but I do not remember any significant resistance. My opinion is the two things are not comparable.
Ukraine did not have that aid when Russia invaded. In 2021 it spent 4.2 billion on defense. In 2021 Russia spent 65.1 billion. Russia also put about 70% of its military on the Ukrainian boarder leading up to the invasion using roughly 150,000 troops.

The US invaded Iraq using fewer that 100,000 troops (though for most of the Iraq War there were 100,000 to 150,000 on the ground). In 2003 Iraq had almost half a million men under arms, in 2021 Ukraine had fewer than 200,000.

In 2003 the US spent 53 billion in Iraq. Russia is spending north of 0.5 billion per day on Ukraine (estimated at 0.9 billion/day). Granted, these numbers are generated using different methodology and are not 1:1 comparable, but is is safe to say Russia is spending significantly more than the US spent in Iraq.

Ukraine has fought better than expected, but Russian incompetence was an important contributor to their survival.
For the love of all that is holy, if we have to fight the Russians, can we pick a better name for ourselves than Wolverines?
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That's an accurate comparison because Russia and Afghanistan are exactly alike. ( Sarcasm font) "Ignorance is an enemy even to its owner."
I guess you missed where I quoted and the technologically superior forces comment. Did us no good in the end because the illiterate farmers still got what they wanted, US out and all of our equipment, while welcoming China as we flew out. Now if we go back there won’t be anything easy about it because of what we left behind.

What will the world remember? Afghanis hanging onto airplanes as they took off and falling from the skies. Really kicked their ass didn’t we?

I’m out.
Before a fight some say the "gloves"are coming off , with Putin the "shirt" comes off. Alaska you better watch it ! ( you can tell he just packed out a quarter of a bull elk from those mountains behind the lake after killing a bear with a can opener. He doesn't even look tired )
I guess you missed where I quoted and the technologically superior forces comment. Did us no good in the end because the illiterate farmers still got what they wanted, US out and all of our equipment, while welcoming China as we flew out. Now if we go back there won’t be anything easy about it because of what we left behind.

What will the world remember? Afghanis hanging onto airplanes as they took off and falling from the skies. Really kicked their ass didn’t we?

I’m out.
Why the contempt for Afghanis? They’re not the ones who decided to do the illegal invasion and occupation, man.
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